Is this the best hack and slash game ever made?

Is this the best hack and slash game ever made?

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Sigma is better

Nice meme

I wouldn't know.
I've never played a Ninja Gaiden.
Played all the Devil may crys though.

Sigma is better than Vanilla, but it's not better than Black.

Considering it's not a hack and slash I'm going to say no.

Muramasa for me. But NG 1 is probably the best 3D one.

>shitty tacked on gimmick weapons
>shoehorned in rachel missions
Nah, you think it's better because that's the only one you played.

My face when I realized that you can actually die in a video game, thanks Ninja Gaiden.


Those shoehorned in rachel missions was my first fap.

Your argument is invalid.

Is Devil May Cry 3 good?

>mfw I played all of Nina Gaiden without even discovering how to use secondary skills
>hard as hell but still liked it

>played the game again years later, learned how to use Ninpo and it felt too easy
>wondered why I ever found it hard to begin with

>hack n slash

It's character action retard

>green blood

why is europe such a bunch of pussies?

sounds like a way of the dog player you fucking turbo pleb

Ninja Gaiden 2

Ryu is fighting a fiend.

There's loads of red blood if you fight humans or fiends that used to be human.

Ninja Gaiden black is the only black I'd ever want in my house

You probably played the volleyball games and love marie rose and Honkers. Team Ninja was always fan service shit, but recently it lured out shitters like you

It's the greatest game ever made

yes, only ninja gaiden 2 even came close to NGB's splendor.

That's ichor, not blood.

best combo of all time

Diablo 2

Izuna drop?.

hell yeah

For you man

Love NGB to death, but DMC3:SE is probably the best 3D action game ever made.

Honestly, Bayonetta and the Wonderful 101 are around NGB's level as well. NGB is less flawed but frankly I kind of like the gameplay of the other games more.

Ah to be 12.

dont answer if your reply is bait

>Using the Izuna drop of cliffs/ledges for added hype in NG and DOA4

Please tell me I wasnt the only one

The last boss kicked my ass. I got to him with no potions or w/e. Even with no potions i always held the though that bosses are possible to be beaten without potions. Fought him for hours. Couldnt even come close. Had to reload a save 2 hours back, stock up on potions like a bitch and brute force my way through. I even used all those extra potions to do it. What the fuck was i doing wrong?

Reminder that this cunt doesn't even count as a boss fight and he drops essence like any regular enemy when he dies.

I might be in the minority but I like Bayo 2 more than DMC3 SE. Better music, enemy types, and DMC3s combat only has a slight edge over Bayo 2s. To me Bayo 2 is still more enjoyable.

What is there to learn about ninpo? You just press a button. I think you only played ninja gaiden on youtube.

Are the Vita versions of NG1 and 2 any good?

Except DMC4 has better gameplay than DMC3 itself, since you can switch styles on the go for maximum crazy. Too bad the rest of the game feels incomplete as fuck.

Bayonetta 2 isn't even as good as the first one.

mfw i never mastered that move in the game
it was like two half circles and a full cirle or something, too hard for me

>muh style switching
Yeah, no. DMC3 is still better. Not that DMC4 is a bad game in the least, it's just not quite as good as 3.

DMC3 still had much better weapons for Dante overall and Styles that weren't gimped. And still had the best rival fight in Vergil.

That's not what hack and slash means

Off* not of

shit, sorry guys. I just love NG and NG2.

Absolutely fuck the Prototype Goddess Lovelace fight in NG3 RE. Couldnt beat it to save my life and I beat the first two games again leading up to playing 3 RE but that boss was so bullshit it made me drop the game.

Brawler you mean.

Can you not read you fucking tripfag? I'm talking in terms of GAMEPLAY you dickhead. Of course DMC3:SE is the overall better game, but DMC4:SE shits on it when it comes to combat, you know, the very thing these games are meant to be played for. How is having more options to play around bad in any way?

Kids don't always pay attention. I also played all of Muramasa without recognizing that each blade had a secondary skill. And that also only needed one button press (Y on the GameCube controller).

>Your argument is invalid.

No it actually makes it more valid because she isn't some horny 14 year old twat who praises anything with boobies.

I didn't like how they removed the exploration and puzzle solving almost completely. They were kind of weak in NG1 but they should have worked on them, not removed them completely.
Still, the two best games of that genre.

if youre talking about DOA4 then no there was a way to do like light punch into heavy punch (air launcher)into like 3 buttons and 360 grab. I remember it being easy cause you can start the 360 while youre doing the 3 button combo in the air before the grab.

Its been a while though.

>Can you not read you fucking tripfag? I'm talking in terms of GAMEPLAY you dickhead.
And I still said that DMC3 had better weapons in Dante's case and one of the best boss fights in any game, ever.

And frankly, while DMC4 had great boss fights generally, DMC3:SE probably had more.

Horrible frame drops, stay away from them.

you're a fucking idiot

Both Bayo games are a better experience than DMC3 or DMC4 anyway

t. virgin waifufag

Star Wars The force unleashed

that game makes me cum

First two were amazing. NG3 was so gimped. The just fucked the system that worked and killed the ultimates. Never played razor's edge desu. Looks okay, but NG3 just left bad memories.

Alright that's it, I'm done with your bullshit. Go play with your trinunchaku and guitar tripfag piece of shit, let's rockolate chococrazy amirite.

Yes, and there are few others worth playing

no, someone who can recognize a game that has amazing gameplay, music, presentation, bosses, character design, and weapon variety.


Not him but you're right. I spent a whole day practicing that shit and now I can do it with ease. The chain grab Izuna version and counter version is even easier. I drop like one out of nine attempts.

Hey now, the first Xtreme Beach Volleyball was decent.

Don't you mean "3d beat-em-up"?

I want to tap that sign if you know what I mean.

Something about that game's physics bothered me. You'd use force push and there'd be like a half second delay before everyone went flying

Totally ruined the experience for me

DMC3 is mediocre. 4 and especially 1 were both better games.

The 3D part is optional. Either way, its still a brawler/beatem up.


>Using the Izuna drops on cliff edges
Hypest shit. Did it all the time in DOA2U.
dat scream

Nope, this one is

2 was great (well, the 360 version at least) but it wasn't quite as good as Black. Pacing kind of sucked in 2. Same problem DMC3 and 4 had.

Black > 2 > Sigma > Sigma 2 >>>>>>> Razor's Edge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

>all these scrubs mixing vanilla NG with NGB

Expected from the scrubmasters on Sup Forums that never made beyond Normal I guess


No matter how many memes you heard about Sigma, is a factual improvement over the vanilla game, although its own fuck ups make it not better than NGB, which is the 2nd best NG just a bit behind vanilla NG2.

You're missing the Vita games and Vanilla.

>Black > 2 > Sigma > Vanilla > Sigma Plus > Sigma 2 > Razor's Edge > Sigma 2 Plus > 3

>sigma 2 plus is literally impossible on co-op

Didn't include what I didn't play.

That's disappointing.

>thinks NG2 is better than NGB
>call other people scrubs


Never played
But I spent an entire night at a friends watching him beat the final boss
Looked amazing
So yes

NG2 is way harder than NGB, not that your sorry scrub ass knows what's like playing on MN anyway


>Did Izuna Drop off cliff edges
>Told myself it did more damage even when it didnt
>tfw it did enough damage to kill
>Dat head explosion in NG

>NG2 is way harder than NGB


>Sigma 2 Plus over 3
Get the fuck outta here. 3 was terrible but it didn't look like a gif being viewed loaded on a dial-up connection.

Well in DOA3 I know Ryu would play a different scream sound if you Izuna'd someone off a cliff, so maybe it did a bit more of damage.

I don't know man, they're both so bad I wouldn't want to go into too much detail about it, the less I think of their existence, the better.

Are there any games other than DMC and Bayonetta that are comparable to NGB and NG2?

>Couldnt beat it to save my life
prototype goddess is one of the most easiest mini boss type enemy in the game
git gud

For the Ryufags

At :15 mark, that's the higher pitched scream he does when doing a cliff Izuna Drop. At :27 that's the default scream.

Revengeance can mostly scratch that itch

Ninja Gaiden kicks ass but I really dig some of dat Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. You gotta respect NGB though. Hard as fuck but it still lives up to decent quality today.


WOW thanks man, I never knew that.
It mustve done at least alittle extra damage then

>not mentioning Yaiba
As it should be. Fuck that game.


NGB for life, man. No game has ever made me rage before or after that game. Just... My god, all those retries, having to polish my skills to near perfection and even then I sometimes skated past by the skin of my teeth.
>tmw you defeated Alma with less than a centimeter of health left
I just had to pause and enjoy the moment.


Yeah, those are exactly the sounds he did in DOA3, good to see they were still present in DOA 2.

Prince of Persia was more about platforming than combat though, but it exceed beautifully at that.

>tfw you sucked at this game and had to spam flying swallow to kill everything

Also fuck putting the hardest boss in the game like 15 minutes away from a save point and no way to restock potions

>fuck putting the hardest boss in the game like 15 minutes away from a save point and no way to restock potions

i hope youre talking about Alma

I managed to get my old xbox hueg up and running again recently. Really need to get back to playing NGB and try and get to MN. I still have my fucking VH savefile where I am stuck on Alma 1 with 0 health pots, 1/4th of my life gone and only 2 ninpo. Fucking 500+ attempts and never managed to kill her.