Persona thread

Persona thread

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shitty game, just play VNs


acorn head

this, I have no idea how people are able to stand something with gameplay that's awful even for a JRPG

Rise pleasure media moguls for money.


Explain why it is bad and stop throwing out generalities and hyperbole.

Been itching to play these games on hard

Do you need to max out S links or is it about getting the right skills?


> very basic ATTACKx3+group heal (with the occasional buffs and debuggs thrown into the rotation on bosses) combat
> atrocious dungeons

It funny because Teddie is a eunuch.

Nuh huh, persona series are so complex that a Baka like you wouldn't understand, stick to your CoDs kiddo

in persona 3 FES, how does party tiredness work?

I just started a day ago, and have not made it past three floors of tartarus since i keep getting tired after clearing the first two floors. Still haven;t made it to the first boss.

Also annoyed I can't increase more than a stat per day given that each activity takes up so much time.


Fucking slut.

Don't worry, you get tired less frequently as you make more visits.
As for stats, that's just how it is.
Although you can get free courage if you visit the nurse when you're tired/sick without wasting time.

thanks for the tip user. was using the arcade for courage every now and again.

I love P3 for the story and characters, but both games have awful dungeons, an overworld that takes 5 minutes to explore but is supposed to hold up for an 80 hour game, and awful enemy design.

P5 looks to improve on all those though so I'm excited.

Persona Q is the best Persona 3/4 related game.
Persona 3, 4 and their respective upgraded editions included.

>so boring I couldn't even finish it
Yeah whatever

You should keep an eye on your money so you don't blow it all on the arcade.
Check the TV in your room every sunday for good deals on armor, weapons and other items.

>so boring I couldn't even finish it
That's Persona 4 and 3.

Nah but really, it has better gameplay than them both, actual dungeons, the best girl and god tier music.
What's not to love?

Rise is a pure

>Nah but really, it has better gameplay than them both
stopped reading right there.

Which randomly generated empty hallway dungeon was your favorite?

They're basically the same, except Persona Q has thought put into it's dungeons and you don't spend 40 hours of the game going to school.

I'm not sure what you're complaining about.

If you see social links as gameplay, then you can argue the focus on characters was far superior to PQ.

I loved Persona 3 Portable, played it for a hundred hours and eventually finished with pimped out personas, shitloads of money, wet social link ladies, etc. Then I immediately bought P4, played it, and hated the fuck out of it so much that I had to drop it right before the Adachi boss fight.

Now I want you fucking pieces of shit to explain to me why I found P4 so disappointing. Go.

Figure it out for yourself dumbfuck

No, fuck you.

>right before the Adachi boss fight.
dude spoilers

Because you mistook getting assfucked by the shitty team AI as challenge and didn't realize P3 was just as rock simple.

I don't know, I'd say they're about even in that regard. There is legitimately good character development in Persona Q, even if it technically doesn't happen.

I'd have to say they're all about equal and which game is better is up to the player.

Koromaru is a strega double agent
Nanako is the killer

P3P allows you to control your party members, so no more Marin Karin from Mitsuru.

No, I think I hated P4 because it's badly designed when it comes to its dungeons, the yellow tint isn't as soothing as the cool blue tones of P3, the music is annoying compared to the pure goodness that P3's soundtrack was, and Tartarus can be managed infinitely more comfortably than whatever P4 throws at you.

>b-but Tartarus is repetitive

No fucking shit, so are P4's dungeons, except the typical Tartarus floor can be traversed easily in around thirty seconds, and the enemies are not only more avoidable but also better segregated in terms of levels, which means you won't be getting buttfucked out of health and money because healing costs like 30,000 yen per one shot due to a jewish fox. The teleports are also cool and better placed than they were in P4. What the fuck were they thinking, seriously.

You don't legitimately think that right?

Aigis is cute.

If you scanned every enemy and/or changed her from attack freely or support she wouldn't be doing marin karin or tentatafoo often, if at all. The ai gets better once they know the weaknesses.

Not really, she's just the cutest.

Also If you didn't feel at least a little sad for her, you're a heartless monster.

Nah, fuck her and her voice.

Who cares, I didn't have this problem in Persona 3 Portable since it allows you to fucking control your party members, get it already user.

To each his own, Aigis.

They also didn't balance the difficulty around being able to control party members so you played a shitty joke difficulty game. Congrats!

Ai is best Persona 4 girl and if you say otherwise you either got friendzoned or didn't even do her S.Link

Yes, they didn't balance anything and just let you control the party members in a handheld remake of the original. Get the fuck outta here. Besides, I'll take P3P's combat over terrible fucking bosses and grinds of the original Persona 4.

>grinds of the original Persona 4.
I can see why you liked that butchered port so much.

The best girl in the series is Elly.
Also I always let my party members do whatever they want. Did this for P3P and 4. I honestly prefer it and hope they keep the option in P5.

Grinds as in "it was a grind to get through this". Did you seriously have fun with Mitsuo's dungeon and the boss at the end, for example? It was a fucking horrifying slog.

I wish you could play with no romance in the S-Links. I like the games a lot, but all the 'uguu sempai I love you' scenes are total cringefests.

This part was pretty hot


He has the best boipussy
Source:i spent the night as Yosukes house once

I wish NG+ at least had an option to skip the school days and events.

It's fine the first time, but playing through again is so painful.

Romances weren't required in persona 4, you could friendzone all of them. 3 Forced romance for some reason.

Probably because 3 put more emphasis on actually managing S. Links, and part of that was having to deal with them potentially reversing if you ignored them or if a girl got jealous.

Don't want any kind of conflict like that in P4, it detracts from the wish fulfillment fantasy of being the guy everybody loves and who swoops in to solve everyone's problems.

I was actually okay with the forced romances in 3 because it meant they could build the with that more in mind. In 4 it feels like the romance just comes in at the last second.

Shit guys, what do I do?

Kek who cares worst girl and shitty party partner

Continue fucking Rise.

Was Yosuke gay?

he still is

No hes just beta because he had all these hot girls in his town and never approached a single one of them

Is the P4 anime worth watching?

First anime is pretty funny. It's not good but it's entertaining.
Stay away from P4GA though, it's utter garbage.

>Persona Q is the best Persona 3/4 related game.

>shitty plot
>shitty original characters
>shitty treatment of P3 and P4 characters who are all reduced to one joke each
>shitty gameplay where every fight is either an HP sponge slog or you spamming instant death
>shitty handholding throughout the dungeons every time you walk near anything
>shitty dungeon gimmicks like "THE FIRE HAS GONE OUT"

Yeah, no.

I guess I'm a heartless monster, then, because I don't find

>my entire character is food
>food food food food
>Zen, I love you almost as much as I love food
>Suddenly I'm over my lifelong dilemma. Also, food.

to be good character writing.

P4GA has the only good episode of the whole anime though.

The only good episodes of P4GA are the ones where Marie fucks off.

P4 anime is okay. If you absolutely want to watch P4GA, though, I'd recommend just watching the two Adachi episodes and the Christmas episode.

And the Adachi focus episode is better than any of the shit in the first anime, which people vastly overrated because of all the "lol Brotag XD" shit in it.

>consequences for dating multiple bitches in P5 confirmed
>P4fags faces when they get blown the fuck out after expecting a harem

That's one of the episodes where Marie (mostly) fucks off, so I can't argue with that.


god that game is shit

everything other than P4 is a great game, other than 1.

I agr
>other than 1
fuck off

P1's writing was horrible. The encounter rate was shit. The first four dungeons were horribly designed messes.

The only thing good about it was the godlike battle system and character design

>tfw can't get into Persona 2

I really have to give Innocent Sin on the PSP a shot and just stick with it for an hour.

the only ever SMT game i've played is Persona 4. I was considering buying Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2. How are they? better, just the same or worst?

It's a shame it may never get a remake/update to help it not feel so archaic in the gameplay and menus.

play p3, then do 1 and 2. If you can't stand 1 or 2 then don't even bother with SMT.

>Persona 4
>SMT game

How about you start with the fucking Shin Megami Tensei on the SNES and move up from there?

I played it for 3 hours and got just so bored of it. I agree with the general consensus that the characters are great, but the gameplay makes me want to kill myself.

I just want this

I only ever played P3.
For P4, I watched the Endurance Run.

>The encounter rate was shit
>likes P2

lolwut, P2IS's encounter rate was almost ever other step are you shitting me?

What I really want to play is Soul Hackers, but kek tip top - no Vita. And I don't know moon well enough to emulate the PS1 version.

P2's encounter rate was horrible too, but at least its dungeons weren't as fucking retarded

The fucking one in the mall in the beginning is god awful

Only millenials dislike the gameplay, give it a shot.

What mall?

The harem queen or whatever her name is

I got through it but it was so stupid and boring that I almost quit

>Only millenials dislike the gameplay, give it a shot.
Literally. LITERALLY everyone in this fucking thread is a millenial you fucking mouthbreathing retard.

P1 gameplay > P3 > P2. They're all great, but P1 is king of persona. Nocturne has the best combat system of any rpg ever made though

I remember, she sends your ass back to the beginning for no reason so you have to go through it all over again.
Yeah that part sucked nuts.

Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation[1] or Generation Y, abbreviated to Gen Y) are the demographic cohort between Generation X and Generation Z. There are no precise dates for when the generation starts and ends. Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and use the mid-1990s to the early 2000s as final birth years for the Millennial Generation.

No, literally everybody is not a millenial here, you fucking retard

Good, the Valentine's day guilt trip wasn't nearly enough. Fuck harem faggots. pick a waifu and stick with it.


>Persona is the franchise that gets popular, home console releases
>typical SMT relegated to handhelds
>4 came out of a fucking 3DS

must be a real shitty time for a hardcore Shin Megami Tensei fan, especially considering how cool of an aesthetic the original trilogy managed to have and how pants on head retarded SMT4 looks

Frame her for the murders and let Ai be the 8th party member

Are you trying to say that there are people over 35 in this thread? Are you saying you're over 35? If so, then I stand corrected.

Wait it's seriously back?

Fucking good

Yeah I'm sure the "hardcore Shin Megami Tensei fans" are all crying about how they got a good game. Because all they care about is graphics, which is why their favorite series includes two SNES games with very minimal graphics.

Theres a 3ds version

Don't be a fucking asshole. If I was a fan I'd prefer to get something like SMT3 over a handheld release.