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This needs a clever file name badly but I can't think of one


Black Desert Online, Combat was great. But that's all it had going for it.

if hitman was sheldon
and he just shows up
and hits him with hammer


>Combat was great. But that's all it had going for it.

What more do you need? A """""story"""""?

is it fun


>Good game play is all it has going for it.
This is bad?

Ok, that was funny.

I sank about 200 hours into it before I dropped it.

i understand
but is it fun...solo?

It's fun with friends

I played solo. And enjoyed the 200 hours. I quit because the community would keep secrets and not share certain information. And the devs refused to answer the questions involved with them.



wut gam


what class is the most funnest
is there...katana fighter...???


>pawns doing nothing
business as usual, then.

That fucking pawn.







Impressively bad shooting user

What are some games with combat like Dragon's Dogma? Doesn't necessarily have to be the exact same style; just quality combat mechanics.





>girls und panzer.webm

It's an MMO dumb fucks, it's not going to be nearly as fun combat as a single player game. So of course it has to have more going on, such as the mechanics that people actually play MMOs for

Something I made a while ago.

fuckin kek

Christ you fucking faggot, dont mix star trek with your gay weeb shit.

>Muh cute girls driving tanks

Just go outside with friends or some shit, fucking hell user

trust nobody, not even yourself.webm

If you ventured outside of Sup Forums you would know this is an /o/ meme.

The Codex Astartes does not support this action. You madmen.


Amazing ending.

I'll bite. Game?

DMC3 and 4 and Ninja Gaiden/NG Sigma have deep and involved combat.
I'm hoping that For Honor will live up to expectations too.


>le fedora man meme xDD
Combat doesn't matter jack shit if you're just doing the same shit over and over for 50 hours.



Then why is monster hunter so good?


holy shit lol
Does hitman really not detect you if youre hiding in a pile of bodies? Or is the webm just constructed to look that way

God damn, I am hyped for that game.

Im a Space Wolf kinda guy.

Wait what, is this really from total war?

>metal shoes without socks

That can't be fun at all.

How the hell are you playing Halo 3 on PC?

Is Dragon's Dogma good on PC? I never finished it on the console.

thanks bruv

No. It's from reddit.


El Dorito

here's another one for you senpai

Change that name to "When Faridah dies"

>early access

The bodies don't break line of sight. The stealth mechanics are just that weak.

That was awful actually.



May contain spook





This game always looks so slow and wonky.

>But that's all it had going for it.
It had a top notch waifu creator if all the threads up to its release were accurate.

Does BDO still have a population?

Playing the World Tournament on Budokai 3 always scared me that I was gonna get knocked out of the ring, so I always put my back to the wall and played carefully and slow.

This game is a lot of fun. It's such a shame that I did like everything it had to offer a month ago. I wonder if they added anything new.

I can't tell from this webms -- is there like, limb damage that causes the characters to limp, or is that just the goat simulator physics shit at play?

The rest of the people in my Xbox Party just asked what the fuck i was laughing so hard about... This was difficult to describe to them

That poor evo


Was a nice system, but could have been better.

Couldn't say, I only played for the first two months.

He said combat was great.

Not gameplay - which consists of far more than combat if you didn't know you troglodyte.



Not him but the combat is NOT good. It's so generic it hurts to play.

It looks cool though.

No, no it did not.

Oh that looks pretty decent.

the combat isn't really clunky once you get the hang of it.