Is there a single American military shooter out there that isn't loaded with desperate attempts of patriotism?

Is there a single American military shooter out there that isn't loaded with desperate attempts of patriotism?

Spec Ops the Line

How can an American military shooter be desperate in its patriotism when we're the most fucking awesome country on the planet?

Go ahead shitlord. I know this is why you started this thread.

CoD: MW 2 was good.

Just end yourself.

Don't worry little boy, the US will protect you

You can't even protect yourselves from obesity and niggers

Sure we can. :)
Don't be upset, you'll be safe.

Black Ops III didn't have any patriotism in it at all.

Any media material that uses official us army equipment is going to have to pose the us army in an extremely positive light. The army refuses to allow the use of their models or to lend any assistance otherwise. This immediately leaves out most any 'realistic' shooter. The closest you're going to get is Spec OPs, which is fairly subversive

protect us from that? the military LITERALLY protects our freedoms, and choosing to be fat and let niggers roam free is literally: a freedom

what the fuck do you want the military to do, hold you at fucking gunpoint if you decide to eat a cheeseburger? drink a beer? spend all day on the couch? you fucking first, the military is gonna hold you at gunpoint and make you get OFF Sup Forums.

isn't the rest of the world getting overrun by sand niggers and disease right now?

spic ops

what no. you can litearlly wholesale rip the models and games have. the military dosent give a shit

Its mainly concerning movies like the transformers films that needed to borrow some military stuff for the deceptions and the military basically forced then to make it a big Advertisement in exchange. Also I wouldn't be surprised at this coming from EA & Activision

if you needed to borrow actual gear, sure, but if you dont, fuck em

>Also I wouldn't be surprised at this coming from EA & Activision

Dunno about Activision but EA makes a point to never use official licensing on guns, ammunition, or military gear after Sandy Hook, so I doubt they'd be forced to do that.

Your attempt at a fish thread failed, stupid

>johnny crazyfucker who needs therapy wont shoot up a school as long as he dosent see the brand on the side

American here. I am personally fed up with the ultra patriotism shoved down my throat through Hollywood movies and commercials. The more that shit stays out of video games the better.

is this a real fish?

are you real? am i real?


>XM8 overheats underwater.webm

It's not actually breathing fire. There's these species of shrimp in the deep sea which let out bio-illuminant flares to communicate with other shrimps and to scare off predators.

That fishy tried to swallow one of them and that's what happened.