What's your favorite operator?
How new players enjoying the free weekend?
I'm surprised that Ubisoft given their recent fucks up managed to release a pretty decent game.
What's your favorite operator?
How new players enjoying the free weekend?
I'm surprised that Ubisoft given their recent fucks up managed to release a pretty decent game.
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>How new players enjoying the free weekend?
It's fun, but they should have nerfed Blackbeard before launching into free weekend. Most of the things I had issues with in CB/OB aren't fixed, and the balance and netcode are still a hot mess.
It's only $20 now, so I'll probably end up picking it up for a side game.
Tachanka is garbage don't buy him new players. Get someone who isn't useless, like Twitch.
Blitz for offense and pulse for defense.
Been playing since beta and I think it's the most enjoyable game I've played in a couple years
Its not the best multiplayer fps ive ever played, but Ive clocked 120 hours in and going strong.
I dont have a favorite operator
Thermite's one ive played a lot and I got his rifle down pat
Iq's one ive recently been playing for counter-pulsing, and i love the sig 552
Buck to me is a better thermite, since he doesnt have to put himself in the fatal funnel or line of fire to open doors and holes. So those are my most played attackers
Defenders valkyrie is my favorite, rook my most played, jaeger my most fun
Dont let anyone tell you that your fav operators are bad
who /jager/ here?
i've been told by some people that i'm not playing him correctly, although i barricade the room with his little anti-grenade devices. i've looked up videos and apparently he's a roamer, although that seems like suicide for a defender.
My favourite operator right now is IQ because there is nothing funnier than seeing Pulse memers cry hax.
Blackbeard nerf when? I feel terrible when people empty an entire magazine into my shield while I line up a headshot.
I've never seen you play, but most jagers I see put the ADS too close together. Two ADSs will shoot at the same grenade if their AoEs overlap, which wastes ammo.
>still has shitty netcode
>still has rampant hacking
I just put them next to every door or window
>still has rampant hacking
Update your memes
They put in client-side
And it doesnt work at fucking all
Rook atm. Here for the free weekend though so I'm not particularly familiar with most of them.
>tfw you love Blitz but can never really get into a good position to flash fools
On rare occasions I do get some amazing plays with him but I need to improve my game with him. Is it worth slapping a suppressor onto his pistol?
Fuze with LMG is my favorite
it is easily one of the worst things ubisoft has ever shat out shut the fuck up
Thatcher and Buck for Offence
Kapkan and Pulse for Defense
I haven't played in a few months, decided to come back. Maybe it's my imagination but have they downgraded the graphics since release? I don't remember it looking so washed out and having so many low res textures before.
Do you have temporal filtering turned on in graphics?
Wish I took a better screenshot of this 1.
Im gonna take a moment to say this is my favorite RB6 multiplayer and Ive played them all except lockdown, though i did play the multiplayer beta for it. This game is the tits.
Is this worth $25 lads?
is the season pass relevant?
I have everything maxed out. Just don't remember it looking like this.
My settings. Maybe
Try turning down some of the antialiasing, TAA in every game makes it look like everything is smeared with vaseline.
Forgot the rest of my sentence. Maybe I'm just missing a setting that I screwed up.
I'll give it a shot, thanks.
its free weekend, play it and find out. You gotta put a lot of hours into it to unlock the DLC guys for free. So thats up to you, id say dont buy season pass
if I buy the season pass, does that give me the new operators for free?
You get them for free whether you have the season pass or not. If you do have the season pass though, you can use them immediately instead of having to grind for them.
Just watched the Skull Rain live demo, and it's safe to say that Capitão will be the best operator to come out of it. I don't see how interrogating opponents with Caviera will ever happen often in rounds since people usually stack up behind eachother.
Turning off T-AA seemed to help. Still more low res textures than I would like though.
I got it yesterday for the 50% off, it's so fucking fun. Glaz and sledge are my favorite operators.
I main Sledge. I like his hammer.
this feels like a shill thread.
>How new players enjoying the free weekend?
Well I'm really not gitting gud at this game, I only have like 6 kills.
Probably because the game looks like a murky mess with its lowest quality and optimization is terrible, I should be able to run this at medium but no, have to play it at the lowest. I cant make out anyone before they shoot me. I dont know, I feel its too chaotic to be considered a proper tactical shooter.
Also I unlocked IQ because she looked waifu material but she's actually terrible, the fact that her skill requires her to use a pistol only (and the shittiest pistol in the game with no alt option) and she has the lowest armor makes her fucking terrible.
Also hate her clothes and realized her figure is not waifumaterial at all.
>wants tactical gameplay
>Pics operator based on waifu material
This game is fun as fuck. Like getting autistically tactiCOOL and saying shit like "enemy six o clock" while still taking it seriously as a game and helping my teammates
Blitz 2 gud
>only using operators that have a P90
Really to expand my weapon skill to shotguns, they rek. ARs aren't terrible but haven't really found a use for LMGs.
Nothing wrong in wanting qt german waifus m8.
But my honest criticism is that the game feels too chaotic and that there doesnt seem to be much skill involved, its really just "hope the enemy doesnt see you first".
I want to play ranked to see if people take it seriously or at least try to cooperate
>see friend with shield
>go up to hall way, tag with him
>we start going through the halls turning around 360 degrees as we walk down
Well that's a good way to win to. Have as many areas of the map covered as possible. More people=more eyes to scan.
Shilling so fucking hard in here
Played two rounds of this shit, #1 fuck ubi for their shit steam clone distro platform, #2 for KC ubi because the game sucks
I'm having a weird thing where it's telling me my NAT type is strict
It wasn't doing it earlier today, it just started around an hour ago
Tactical shooters tend to be chaotic. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
>apparently he's a roamer, although that seems like suicide for a defender
Roamers are pretty much required to beat good teams for a few reasons:
a) You force the enemy team to clear the building from top to bottom.
b) You force them to always watch their flanks.
c) Competent attacking teams will turn the objective room into a killzone. There are only so many places you can hide inside and they can blow off all the walls and nail you with crossfire.
Jager is a good roamer because he only requires a few seconds to set up his gadgets at the start of the round and he's lightly armoured - which means that he's both quick and quiet.
exactly, but in any other game it's not necessary
That's why it's great. There's a much larger punishment for failure so it tends to keep away COD kiddies away.
It's got issues. But it's probably one of my favorite FPS's in a long time.
>cash shop in a full price game
When did this become ok
But it feels chaotic to the point where none of the tactics matter
Turn off texture filtering to linear I was having the same issue since I haven't played in months
Ubisoft has been doing it for years, where have you been?
>two rounds
I bet u got ur shit pushed in
It's not that "chaotic" both sides are at an equal advantage. It's not regen health so every hit counts. Which makes firefights more about taking cover, popping out to shoot, ect, ect,
These servers are fucking terrible. 10 hours and 1/10th of the time I spent waiting for the fuckers
Thatcher Buck Ash Pulse Rook and Kapkan.
Shotgun Pulse is god
Jager is the only defender with a Carbine and ACOG, also he's a light
That's why he can roam, and suprisingly, snipe from windows to the outside
There's a super HD textures official mod you can get through the website
8gb or so
>servers are fucking terrible
Yes they are. Although the servers for most of their games that I've played, excluding Brotherhood, where shit.
Already have that installed.
It's an error of the client
Restart it
Nitro Cells are a lot of fun.
>Ubisoft nerfed them so they disappear if you toss them at a window
It's like they are trying to find ways to make the game less fun.
Ive never seen that happen.
Happens in TH. Throw one out a window on the ground floor to take out a shield guy, nitro vanishes as soon as it passes the window sill.
I see, never play TH. Thats lame then.
I haven't played in a couple of months but every match went like this :
>Playing defender
>Pick bandit
>Deploy eletric shit
>Open windows and gun down 90% of the enemy team before they enter the building
>Feel like a faggot
Have they done anything to adress this yet? I suppose it doesn't work against better players but still
I feel like a fag for this, but Blackbeard is unironically one of my favorites, if not the operator I like the most.
>great weapons
> great appearance
>flashbang and breach charge are always good
Even of his ability wasn't OP and was just average he'd be top tier for me.
Him and Fuse are my go to characters for attack.
>Ubisoft finally made a decent game
>Almost no hype or marketing around it
>Meanwhile that piece of shit of a game The Division gets over hyped like crazy and still has less players than Siege