Gamerfuel thread
Gamerfuel thread
You really eat melting chocolate as a snack?
I'm guessing you also probably eat giant block of velveeta before its melted too
Pretty sure eating that would give you the shits
Get your grandma Mexican drink out of here
eating healthy actually gives me the shits, i've pooped 5 times today and everytime I had to shit it was an emergency.
What makes it Mexican?
The fact that it's a mexican product from Mexico.
So it doesn't have a sombrero mixed in or something.
Yeah, that's cause you're eating fiber. I assume they were easy and not giant dry logs of pain. If they were bloody messes, you're shitting up backed up shit.
god tier soda coming through
found the faggot
its hot chocolate, you put in a pot of hot milk, and its great
it has spices and shit in it, like cinnamon
I don't understand the question.
Ya es hora?
>100% pussy repel
best whiskey mixer hands down
root beer is number 2
cocktails are better sure but mixers are easy
Is this still banned on /mlp/?
I only drink water so i got that going for me
I also only eat quesadillas and snack off a giant loaf of gyro meat. my poop is a clayish white and really soft. it also hurts alot. i think i might be dying
Go to a doctor
Why is Mexico's hot chocolate so much better than America's hot chocolate? That shit is so good.
it helps me get in the mood for Men of War 2 and War Thunder
3/4 ratio blend of cran Apple juice and root beer
And some water - not too cold.
I'd guess it either doesn't have as large a profit margin or contains some kind of harmful bullshit that isn't allowed in the U.S. Maybe both.
But you can buy that brand in any american store.
Fucking delish.
That grandma don't look mexcian...
Says you.
>get this grandma shit because it's supposed to be good
>even if I get the milk steaming it never actually melts and I get a pot full of milk with chocolate specs in it
this is why we need the wall
>weenies are so dumb they can't even make hot chocolate
This explains a lot actually.
For what reason
Water you fat fucks
brought one of these home for lunch the other day
I bet you still have minerals in your water, enjoy your heart attack fatty.
Black coffee of Tea
De donde son?
Que juegan?
Que esperan?
Como estan esta noche de sabado?
sun - thurs water
fri and sat hard whiskey
The hell is that, raw gingerbread cookie dough?
Good taste, I like my water with a side of these
inb4 triggered autists
Esta es la peor pendejada que vere en mi vida
a deep fried burger
Why are these so god damned big? They are about the whole radius of a regular mug. How come other chocolate powders yield more for way less?
Just because she's lightskinned doesn't mean she's white. There's lightskinned people, and then there's gringos.
>Encuesta mamaverguera de facebook
No es hora de que vayas por el pan mijo?
>De donde son?
>Que juegan?
>Que esperan?
Persona 5
>Como estan esta noche de sabado?
Fuuka es la luz de mi vida.
>Shitting white poop as a kid
>Doc says its a common early warning symptom of diabeetus.
>Says to watch out for blackened pee as well
>Luckily dont form diabeetus
>want to eat chocolate
>its summer
>don't have a wine cellar
Do you not have air conditioning?
Pero que mierda
Ibarra has more real chocolate
I like Abuelita but I think I'll just buy Ibarra from now on
Marijuana. It's actually pretty damn good if you are a gamer.
Humans usually only use 8% of their brain in their lifetime, because it's locked. Marijuana unlocks the 150% mode according to many scientists
I want to try one of these
Does anyone know if they're tasty?
How the hell do you look Mexican?
You realize people don't look as your stereotypes would like to think?
>Salt on top of salt on top of salt on top of salt
No wonder mexicans only live to 50
She's lightskinned you dumbass
delish? You god damn faggot.
You're supposed to chop off a piece, not put the whole goddamned thing you fatass
hmm juicy
>Being an Amerifat
My grandma is 100% mexican, was born and raised there, but is super white. She even has light brown hair and blue eyes.
Are you trying to commit suicide?
arr mexicans rook same
Are these supposed to trigger /ck/?
I came here to post this.
>being a steak faggot
Hot drinks are not that bad in summer, and if you mean it'll melt, then just buy what you're gonna eat/drink right away.
Blade arcus from shinning battle arena
Kanoe Yuuko
70 average but ya, that shits gross
Hello Wildcats.
it tastes like shaq's nutsack
> giant dry logs of pain
Kekd for a good minute. Thanks user
Why do you only drink water if you neglect your health in every other aspect
It's American hot chocolate that tricks wetbacks into thinking its hispanic because of the name.
Not really. I had most of the flavors.
It's exactly the same cheap soda you normally find in those giant $1 cans but with Shaq's face on it. The Shaq fu purple flavor is probably the worst sadly.
Those shaq drinks are horrible
>Mexico's hot chocolate
>it's made in fucking Switzerland
Cigarettes and coffee.
Not him but
I've got the opposite problem. I can't stop shitting nothing but ass frosting. I have to either wipe for half a goddamn hour or rinse off in the shower.
What do?
It's actually mexican hot chocolate owned by a swiss company. It's made in mexico.
Because when America does any sort of chocolate, it comes down to 50% sugar, 49% milk (suplement) and 1% cacao.
german > french > swiss > spaniard >>> mexican > the rest
Metamucil. Consume it regularly and your shit will be great, although it can only do so much to counter unhealthy food.
Nestle have factories literally in every country, you don't think all their chocolate comes from Switzerland, right?