>the allied AI is better than you
The allied AI is better than you
>allied AI is no help at all
>have to kill each and every single enemy individually
>more AI shows up
>"We sure showed them"
>the allied AI is scripted to die but you try and save them anyways
>You have no allied AI
What game does this. RTS and/or games with cheating AI does not count.
Halo 2's marines actually have higher health than you, especially on legendary, they're just handicapped by the mental retardation present on all difficulties
MGS2, the rta strat is even let Snake handle everything while you try to not die
Was this movie good?
>tfw I'll quit and reload to save a generic unnamed ally
The story is halfway decent, gets stupid sometimes but nothing unwatchable. and there's some nice action scenes, worth a pirate.
Thanks nonny.
>watching all the EDF soldiers take on Hectors, Transports, and other Ravager shit on foot
>see mighty Balams eventually crumple from attrition
EDF on the surface comes off as cheesy, but it's so fucking bleak when you look into it. Really reminds me of settings like 40k and WHB where you just have regular fucking dudes going up against shit like Chosen, daemons, and shit.
Fucking Boone
>The AI is actually really shit and they just have unfair bonuses and cheats to give them the facade of being really good at the game
Every single RTS/Grand strat ever made.
Every. Single. One.
> the AI gets weapons and armor that you cant get even with commands
>give your ally a weapon
>he gets surrounded
>doesn't use his weapon
> gets the shit beaten out of him while he grasps his weapon
>lays there and screams your name over and over again
Fuck this game m8
>AI can help secure data posts faster
>waits until last second to assist
>enemy has god-tier armor
>can't loot it
>and I just sit in the back nuking everything as a fencer with dual mortars
that's right, keep the ants off me so I can blow them up; it's all you're good for
>enemy AI is godly
>allied AI is utter shit