Is this game worth the $18.99 price tag?

Is this game worth the $18.99 price tag?

My laptop is junk, but I'm bored of pretty much everything and need something super immersive that'll suck me in.

How about this one? I LOVE Mother/Earthbound, and if it's not absolutely terrible and sort of reminiscent of those, I'd like to give it a shot.

> 20bux for a tedious as fuck barkleylike

nigga no

I'd say read a written LP but I don't think there is one

the music is headed to vinyl tomorrow

Absolutely, it's one of the few RPGs that I've played that struck a balance between funny and absolutely skin crawling-ly unsettling

What are some other low tier graphic games that I could get in to?

Don't care which genre, but mainly RPGs are what I dig.

Really good shit, easily worth the 10bux I paid for it on steam.

I'd recommend not doing your first run in Pain/Hard mode, but also that you don't savescum like a bitch when hard choices hit.

Pretty good with a couple issues

Most fights are easy as shit except for a couple notable ones. The story is okayish for the most part depending on how much you like it beating you over the head with meta shit

risk of rain, space station 13, rimworld

At the very least, try Undertale. Cheaper, infinitely more polished, has a battle system that isn't just barebones RPG-maker's default combat system (ala LISA), rewards experimentation and multiple playthroughs better than most games I've seen, and easily one of the best soundtracks of last year.

Its ten bucks on steam, where are you buying this from?

Torrent this shit.

Play em both, honestly I got some keks out of undertale but didn't enjoy it enough for multiple playthroughs.
I REALLY enjoyed lisa but knew the playthrough differences were minute sk there's not much reason to replay it, you can just watch the cinematic differences on youtube.
Both have great soundtracks.
All in all both games are great and personal taste is what makes one better than the other.

It's the Complete Collection.

The base game is $10.99, and The Joyful is $5. May as well pay the $3 difference for ost and art.

Complete edition on Steam is $16.99 which is fucking ridiculous for a short-ass RPG maker game.

It's not worth 18.99, I would just wait for the sale. I mean, it's A GREAT game by a lot of standards. Definitely one of my favorite RPGS.

Wait till a sale unless you want to support the dev like I did. Also never use garth if you respect yourself.

OP here.

Maybe I'll grab Undertale first for $10, and wait for a sale for Lisa.

If LISA had Undertale's price point I'd recommend it unconditionally, but it has too many snags for a $20 price tag.

It's really good if you're into weird JRPG-likes with lots of dark humour.

Undertale's good but for different reasons. Honestly the two aren't that comparable tonally, plot-wise or gameplay aside from the Earthbound inspiration.

>pirated lisa because no drm-free version
>bought undertale exe with bitcoin
still enjoyed them both

OFF, Space Funeral

Finished this yesterday infact!
i recommend buying it on sale though. also game becomes easy when Fly joins the team.
im not condoning this at all but MAYBE if you buy the game and MAYBE download it and MAYBE refund it and MAYBE go into steam folder and PERHAPS play it from there since its still on your computer

i second both of those especially OFF.
really fucking cool games, better than Lisa imo


Bwahaha. Avoid these like the plague.

Not even Nichegamer likes you

Joyful is terrible and not worth buying at all, though.

Both are good

Undertale has superior music from a compositional point of view, but LISA's music is super unique

LISA's got a stronger story and has a lot more dark humor that made me feel bad for laughing, but Undertale's humor made me feel bad BECAUSE I found it funny, it's childish and pretty pure, honestly.

LISA's got the gameplay more reminicent of Mother, but Undertale's is pretty unique too.

tl;dr Play both, they're both worth the cash

don't buy joyful user.