I never noticed how sad Altaïr's story is

I never noticed how sad Altaïr's story is.
>mother dies at birth
>had to see his father's execution
>everyone constantly shits on him and his friends
>gets stabbed by his own mentor
>gets betrayed by his own mentor
>childhood friend kills his wife and his son
>still manages to forgive everyone
I thought he was edgy as fucking hell until AC:R.

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He really is underrated

Still my favorite assassin

Also as much as people give 1 shit for being repetitive it had a certain charm that i liked

how was he born if his mother died at birth?

Altair was great for forgiving everyone and becomming less edgy and more wise with time, he was a great character.
Besides him the only really great character was Edward beacuse he was the only one besides Altair who knew both assassins and templars were fools and both were equally bad.
I wish there were more games about Altair but at least Ubisoft finished his story through other games instead of ignoring him.

Too bad he was boring and every game he was in was shit

Can anyone give me a summery of the story ao far. After the disappointment that was 3 i stopped playing them.

Old Altair > Old Ezio > Young Ezio > Young Altair > Edward >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Connor

All assassins had tragic stories except for fucking Arno, who was just a pussy whip idiot. He really was a piss pot.
Still Liked Unity tho.

>Besides him the only really great character was Edward beacuse he was the only one besides Altair who knew both assassins and templars were fools and both were equally bad.
Connor knew this as well. Connor spent most of the game pointing out how flawed both the Templars and the assassin were.
Connor is not that bad. He's still better than Arno, Aveline and the protags of Syndicate and Freedom Cry.

If you think Altair's story is sad, Connor's will straight up depress you

>finally gets a wife and two kids
>wife leaves him and takes the kids
>dies alone in a shack

Still wish I got some closure on Arno.

>bothering with the AC series at all past 4


Literally nothing has happened since Desmond died. The Templars basically won and outside the surviving Assassin's are playing college pranks on them to pass the time.

Juno is free but hasn't been able to manifest in the material world, so very likely in the next game she'll acquire some kind of synthetic body and then the real plot's going to start. Or more likely, more artifact hunting.

People think that might be Abstergo propaganda.
But yeah Conner's Life was pretty sad. The whole game is depressing, But I still liked it. I love the bitterness to the ending. Connor seeing that after everything he did for freedom, they were still doing things like bringing slaves to the colonies. It very sad.
I still like ACs even if they are not very good.

He's still a dirty Muslim

Ofc he lost everything, he was a rage filled, simple minded fool with the naivete of a child. There was no way he could just suddenly go 180

Ubisoft won't continue on with the story because they want to milk the franchise to death.

AC1 was the best part of the series, everything then was just fucking casual shit

It is also the only part of the series where you can kill as much civilians as you want, if you finished the main story.

>I thought he was edgy as fucking hell until AC:R.
Did you just not pay attention during the game? The whole plot is about Altair learning to not be edgy and grow up.

Connor is hot
>tfw no native bf

>AC1 was the best part of the series, everything then was just fucking casual shit
Finally someone gets it holy shit
>But muh revenge story and tacked on RPGS mechanics

He wasn't edgy, he was just an asshole.

How do people ITT rate Jacob and Evie Frye? I think they're fucking horrible cliches. Evie in particular was a fucking pain to listen too since was the "straight-lace" of the pair. So boring