Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul...

Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on.

metal gear thread

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How do you No Damage this faggot?

>metal gear thread

What? I thought this was the fallout thread. Holy shit, thanks for the tip. Peace.

MGR 2 when?


you fucking don't
perfect parrys don't work on him, it's a long fight
he attacks from all directions all speeds and all ranges, you just don't do it
you're better off no damaging armstrong as sam

Never. ;_; We'll never get to play as Raiden going Batman on people.

spam parry during his combos

in his last phase where he sends his arms and legs out a mile to attack you they hit sooner than you'd think so you need to parry early to stop them. Perfect parry breaks them which is much easier than memorizing their attacks and blocking them all.

Not much else to it, just git gud


Definitely one of the hardest to No Damage but it's been a while since I've played.
I vaguely remember a specific sequence of attacks when his arm goes behind you to attack you with his sai but also goes to kick you infront. Honestly that was the bit I always fucked up on because I forgot he would switch which side to attack from but it's still only 2 sides to keep in mind so not that hard.

Still kinda pissed that Quiet only has 3 outfits, with the rest being body paint of the original.

Is it too much to not have Koji's trauma waifu not be so balant?

Seriously, fuck those stockings.

You don't, his unavoidable smoke grenade has a little damage.

No they don't?

I don't really understand why everyone has to say some anti religious statements to be considered smart, bright and cool.
Meh whatever

he's not smart, bright, or cool. he's completely fucking insane.

They do. The guy in the video used Offensive-Defense to avoid them

Monsoon isn't smart user, he's bat shit insane

Because it's hard for us to not associate those types of comments with "in this moment I am europhic" kinda guy.
These guys are grown men who know nothing except war which can often be attributed to religion.
He's not saying it to be part of the reddit circlejerk, he's just being all deep on the state of the world in general. It's probably pretty hard to write for characters like these whose actions really are supposed to affect the world without sounding like pretentious assholes that you'd find on reddit or Sup Forums (or anywhere for that matter)

The whole point of the game is that you fight edgelords until you become one yourself and kill a few more.

People have made fun of Monsoon for being both euphoric and a literal memelord since day one. Stop looking to be a victim, Christfag.

He yells Left Hand Rule at you.

It's only a cool line because of how bad it is.

You joostfags are pathetic, if you had any understanding of underlying narrative you would notice that Venom Snake has nothing but disdain for Quiet, she loves him but he doesn't love her back, her dying alone and heart broken was always part of his revenge plan.

Snake slowly manipulated Quiet's feelings of hate for what happened to her into feelings of guilt for doing he stuff she did to him, and then those feelings become love to which he rejects her, just as he planned, making her lonely and depressed and suicidal, when she finally tries to kill herself she fails, and when Snake goes to """save""" Quiet, she is misled to believe that Snake wanted to bring her back, when the only thing he was really there to do was stab her in the back.

She was less than nothing. She wasn't even a diamond dog. She didn't belong anywhere.

Venom didn't even feel bad for her.