Are you hyped for trainer-pokemon synchro in the sun/moon?
Will it be better than mega evolution?
Are you hyped for trainer-pokemon synchro in the sun/moon?
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>still believing the synchro meme
Can't wait for this nonsense to get BTFO in 2 days.
New transformation more powerful than mega evolution
They already confirmed it in a jap trailer though?
In the anime ash and greninja fuse or some shit to battle.
Still in denial i see. GET FUCKED
I liked it better in BN
They did this in season 3 of Digimon...
Oh god, No.
Are you hyped to play as this qt?
What's the problem?
Wait, are you fucking serious?
Are they just going to resort to new gimmicky evolutions every gen now?
They should have just left it at level, stone, trade, and friendship/time/location.
Mega evos were already pushing it. It's going to be like yugioh where there's a shitton of new summoning methods that are pointlessly complicated and unnecessary.
To be fair it was the best season.
quick question
how old are you niggers
Are you one of those people that cant understand how Synchro, XYZ and Pendulum works?
Don't ever fucking reply to me again.
I hate gimmicks in Pokemon.
It's just a fancy special move. The Pokemon won't change appearance.
There isn't a single moment that goes by that I'm not happy as fuck I got out of Pokemon around Gen 3.
And your husband's daughter.
That is fucking retarded.
I understand how they work, but they're still retarded and only functioned to keep the game fresh. Synchro was okay, but xyz and pendelum are just stupid.
Synchro single-handedly made most fusions and rituals useless though.
the fag dors not care.
Fusions and rituals were already useless for some time.
They should try coming up with a gimmick that digimon didn't do fucking years ago.
Pendulum makes decks that usually suck more viable imo, I combined pendulum magicians and toons together to make a really mean deck. My only problem with XYZ's is that it's too much of a toolbox "get out of jail free" card in most cases.
Is this real? What the fuck. Digimon already did this years ago and it sucked ass.
No it didn't, that was more akin to tokusatsu.
i think its good pokemon is trying to evolve
By trying new things it makes there so many things they can keep adding because fuck it why not.
Its not the original pokemon but at least they're trying new things
Pokemon Special anime when?
That 3 or 4 episode OVA about Red to build hype for X/Y release is probably the closest we'll get.
That's not close at all
They don't actually fuse. Greninja just gets an ash design and any damage done to Greninja also happens to ash.
No, but it's the farthest diversion from Ash's happy adventures I can think of in terms of anime.
Holy shit, this franchise couldn't go any lower at this point.
XYZ is the only cancerous one though, rank 4 spam was a mistake
As long as it's not broken like fucking megas, it okay.
ive wanted a aaa 3d open world console pokemon for 20 years now. faggots buying derivative shit are the reason it doesn't exist. kill yourselves.
Fusions were great until synchro though.
Eh, sometimes your jake suit isn't really jake when you aren't wearing it.
I heard ash will win the league with this and most likely get laid. Is it true? That's all I care about
Guys Synchro is just another mega evolution.
The only time fusions were even half viable previously were extremely gimmicky E-Hero shit
>will win the league
>and most likely get laid
Hell no. he will leave the girl and get a new one next season like always
Did gen 6 start a trend of introducing a mechanic each gen that ruins the series? First megas and now this?
>win the league
LOL no
>get the girl
Romance is an official subplot with moments happening still as of last episode, so yes
How many broken hearts can Ash leave behind before this catches up to him?
Is Ash still 10 or does he age at all? I haven't watched the show since the Orange League days or whatever that filler arc between Red/Blue and Gold/Silver was called
Guys what if
>synchro is an anime-only gimmick
>the super mega water shuriken is a synchro move and that will be introduced in Gen 7
Doesn't matter. They have a photo showing all of his Pokémon, even 30 tauros. The show still keeps track of his progress
Nah the only time Fusions were worth using were for Cyber Stein, Magical Scientist, or Metamorphosis plays. Cyber Dragon fusions were also okay. Ehero fusions were trash.
Rituals were also only relevant for Demise OTK.
I can imagine it won't look nearly as cool as in the Anime. It will probably add a particle effect like Full Synchro added those retarded rings in Battle Netowrk.
Undoubtedly they would do this to cheap out on any more Mega Evolutions hence why Zygarde has forms instead of a Mega.
>Ehero fusions were trash.
Some were okay
>mfw Rituals and Fusions are infinitely more relevant in the game than Synchros have been in years
>Tfw Absoulte Madman + Mask Change into M Hero Acid
He actually did it, the Absolute Zero.
I actually enjoyed season 4 more than 1 and 2. Still nothing beats season 3.
>tfw liked a lot of synchros
>tfw they will probably never be relevant again
Is Trishula still banned?
Yea its amazing how the game has changed in recent years. Nekroz and Shaddolls were great.
He was Cyber Stein fodder.
1>3>5>first part of 6>4>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>last part of 6(young hunters)
>mfw KoA completely fucked up Burgesstomas
Fucking Jewart
Nah, Trishula is back. Speedroids can summon it pretty damn easily.
Fuck the haters, Duelist Alliance was a great set, and the Arc-V era has been AMAZING for making almost every summoning type relevant and useful.
Synchros might be the least useful one right now, but there's still plenty of fun casual ways to run Synchros, and Speedroid/Burning Abyss/Phantom Knight mashup decks can still drop Synchros fairly easily. Blue-Eyes too.
>Modern Pokemon
What happened?
I wish Pokemon was that well animated when I was a kid.
>Synchro Fusion
>pokemon fusing with yugioh
Pikachu must be like lvl 200 at this point.
Anime happened
muli billion dollar franchise has money to blow on animation budget
the rest of the anime is typical shit but everything gets kicked up hard during a battle. it's worth watching battle episodes if it's got a pokemon you like in it.
>how old are you niggers
28 going 29
Now they're worded so you have to summon them. Originally it was optional, but now your opponent can fuck you over
Yea DUEA and Arc-V era so far have been great. The recent nostalgia heavy trend is also pretty cool. We will FINALLY get to play Cyber Angels soon.
>Its ok when Nintendo does it
Nah man even the "important" battles in BW had shit animation.
the xy anime was pretty good. xy&z is mostly grenigger fanservice though.
Literally digimon
Can you post the Pikachu webm with sound again anime user
Implying they didn't run out of ideas since the first game.
The only original shit they had was stone evolutions and trade evolutions outside of that it was all the same shit digimon already shit out.
form change and mega volution are just more blatant.
Though there's no reason to blame caters to my gotta catch em all side.
If I just wanted good battles with minimal plot armor bullshit, which region or arc should I check out?
Grew some balls
DP and XY seasons are pretty much agreed to be the highs in that regard. I've really enjoyed the XY gym battles in particular. If you're looking to avoid filler XY has the least.
>muli billion dollar franchise has money to blow on animation budget
This was literally never the case until recently except the movies. The only reason they upped the anime budget was because their position as top kid's anime was being threatened.
This is impossible to beat.
So they are just ripping out Digimon completely now, I defend megas but this is what Digmon did.
>synchronize with my pokemon
>it becomes obese and socially awkward
Shining dragon was better.
Considering you would have three blue eyes and blue eyes ultimate in the graveyard it would mean Shining dragon would be summoned with 4200 attack points with the added benefits of not being effected by magic, trap or effects.
I ran a Dragon styled deck when I played in school , it was a cunt to summon but my shining dragon would usually have over 6k attack points.
If only shit like future fusion and dragons mirror was around that day.
I miss my cards, shame they are all gone expect my five headed dragon.
Megas were gay
synchro is gay
Why jam all this gay shit in? All they need is 150 new pokemon, none of the old pokes in the new region, lots of crazy evolution methods (like shedinja), and it's great
>Sceptile losing against a water nigger.
If I was 8 again I would be pissed.
>Synchronize with my Pokémon
>It becomes broken hearted, unemployed and depressed
>broken hearted, unemployed and depressed
what a queer
Greninja is using Aerial Ace for all its close combat attacks, which is Flying type and super-effective on Sceptile.
And what's even more embarrassing, that's MEGA Sceptile, it's Grass AND Dragon-type, meaning it's 1/4x resistant to water and it still got BTFO
Ash literally does not care about type advantages or disadvantages, it means nothing to him as long as he can still make the battle work, that's his style