Get zotac 730gt 128bit 2gb ddr3

>get zotac 730gt 128bit 2gb ddr3
>barely runs nfsmw (2005) at 60fps maxed out if AA is disabled, otherwise fps DROP
>res is 1280x1024, not even that high

Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal? Why do I get the impression my Radeon 4670 performed as well or even better? Maybe its just this game, didnt try other games yet.

I saw videos on YT running fucking GTA V decently.

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Is not the one in the pic, its actually 2gb, and has a fan cooler.

what is the rest of your system like?

>>get the impression my Radeon 4670

Because it was you doodoo brain. Stop buying turbo junk cards.

730 is almost laptop tier, but it should definitely run a 10 years old game without problems.

>70 dollar graphics card

should have bought a used card my friend

Not everybody have their moms to buy GPUs for them user.

If you are on a budget then there's no reason why you aren't using a 750 Ti or something.

Does this even beat on-chip graphic?

I'll just go with A10 than to get any dedicated graphic below Nvidia x60

Nfsmw is weird, I got random fps drops as well for no reason on a 980. Alt tabbing usually fixes it, but you should try other games, see what they're like before jumping to conclusions.


Op clearly did considering he purchased that garbage at best buy instead of doing any research. May as well have been a woman.

Why did you go for a literally who tier card, pc components are one thing you probably shouldn't cheap out on

I used a Radeon 4850 for six years.

I was really only forced to upgrade to a whole new PC and video card because shit like Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 wouldn't even allow me to boot the games to the title screen. Had they let me, I'm sure I could've played those games on the lowest settings.

I'm a frugal poorfag who is now rocking a GTX950 and see no reason to upgrade from it for the foreseeable future. I can play everything on medium/high settings just fine.


No it really doesn't. These cards are designed for monitor outs in workplaces.

And they're still overpriced.

cost me $135 (after tax and shipping) when I got it last November. It was either that or pay basically the same price for a 750ti.

Dumb question. Can my rig handle a custom 1070 card?
Its my first PC I have built. Be gentle.

>buying an Nvidia graphics card that ends in something less than 60

You fucked up. You NEVER buy xx50 or less. ALWAYS get a xx60 or higher.


Get it? If you're bumfuck poor, save up for another month or two and get the 60. It's ALWAYS night and day difference between anything below it. You basically threw money out the window and gained nothing.

>Saving money on a VIDEO card, the most important thing that works out the video in videogames

If money is an issue you should either wait until you save enough or get another job

>*30 Nvidia card

You bought a low-end piece of shit. Good job.

>buying a lolrandom card for dirt cheap and expecting good results

jesus fuck user get with the times my man
don't be a cheap bastard, get something relevant to today's standards

run 3dmark and check out system requirement lab, you silly baka

Yes, but it might get bottlenecked by your CPU. I don't know for sure, someone else might.

This question can only be answered by knowing your power supply (it probably has the right connectors if its not a piece of shit 30 dollar fire hazard) and knowing the physical dimensions of your case because if it it can't fit youre fucked (which you're not cus theyre normal sized and even have miniature itx versions)

Answer is most likely yes

This, try other games

Looking at the specs yes. But what is the watts of your power supply?

And how many expansion slots do you have in your case?

>cheap the fuck out on a graphics card when you want to play video games


yeah they become wagecucks instead

what's your excuse user?

A grown, poor adult who throws away 70 bucks for pure garbage is actually worse. Stupid fuck.

Yes, even the newer i3-6100 Skylake can handle a 1070 for the most part with minimal bottleneck in certain games. Although if you want to max games like Witcher 3 at 1440p you want at least an i5 like you have instead of a dual core. CPU becomes more important when you are playing at higher resolutions, though obviously not as important as GPU but still.


There's the issue. There's a huge difference between GT models and GTX models.

GT models are like office computer cards, if the office uses a software that requires a higher shader version or whatever.

GTX models are for games and 3d modeling.

OK OP your thread hurt my brains. And I can see someone else pissed of by your purchase. But we want to help you. Listen to these guys

I do NOT recommend buying low tier graphic from Nvidia too, because they make almost no different to on-board graphic. It's cheap but it's a waste of your hard-earned shekels.

Go for AMD A10, it's for people on the budget like you. And unlike the meme AMD actually works and you can start your PC and runs shit, albeit a little hot but you got what you pay for.

A-7860 should be the sweet spot, guaranteed to run mass market game like DotA at 1080 so it should be NO problem for your ancient games at 1024

The game had a fucking MOD with highres shadows in 4k, removed that shit and reduced the res of the ws hack that overrides the one in the game that was also pretty high.

Runs smoothly now.

But I would like to try stuff like Dead Rising 3 that I could not play before.

Literally twice the money here, could not afford it.

Nah, in all benchmarks on internet its about 80% faster.

No, I work and buy my own stuff, but I have too many bills to pay, my previous hard died (R4670) and got this one as a replacement, there wasn't anything better for the same price, i got it for 55 bucks actually.

>tfw when I built my PC years ago didnt know about wattage and eneded up getting cucked with 95w motherboard

>730 gt
>has about the same power as an 8800gt which came out 10 years ago

>it feels like my 4670 was better than this card!
>"it was"
>lol no it wasn't, everyone else said so

The problem with buying APU's is if you really want to get good performance you need to make sure you get higher frequency ram which most dumb fucks like op don't even pay attention to.

>ALWAYS get a xx60 or higher.

Return it and get one off Craigslist you motherfucker

Don't ever buy those bargain bin sub-$90 GPUs.
Even a fucking $99 750 Ti is 3 times as good as that 730 you have.
Probably even better than that.

Op those synthetic benchmarks you googled like gpuboss and shit are all wrong and mostly irrelevant.

Your old card was better, lmao.

Because everything else is so weak, you might as well stay on onboard graphics anyway

What a bunch of pretentious morons.

I don't want to play in 1080p or anything like that, I just wanted something better than the Intel HD2000 as my previous card stopped working.

I'm not a "hardcore gamer", I just wanted something better than the IGP of my old Sandy Bridge, and no, its NOT barely better, if I had a HD4600 it would have been a waste of money, but from the IGP I had, it was more than ok.

I don't fucking want a high-end video card, that would be a waste of money as I'm not obssesed with specs, I was just asking myself why it didnt perform as it SHOULD, kindly fuck off retards :]

-best 70 dollars I've ever spent in my life ever. Ever.- OP

EVGA Supernova 650 GS. Will it be enough?
I have 10 expansion slots.
>Answer is most likely yes
Oh thank you.
I have a full tower so I believe I can fit in there. I just Hope everything will work out. I really need more Vram.
I didn't go all out on the GPU cause im not 100% certain what I would go for. I noticed that custom cards of the 1070 are out and I would like to get one. It doesn't matter about the Company behind the custom gpu does it?

Because all of the lower tier cards cost a fuckload new and are worse than previous generations mid tier by a significant amount.

When you are debating to pay sub 100 dollars for a gpu you are always better off buying a used one from a previous generation.

Most of them are so fucking bad they are actually inferior to modern onboard graphics, especially in the case with amd apu if you have one.

It shouldn't perform better because it is technically weaker than your previous card.

Yes its enough. You just want to google the card length before you buy it and make sure it will physically fit your case.

The whole >CPU BOTTLENECKING MY gpu is a fucking meme from ages past. Almost all game performance outside of some very specific cases is crippled by the gpu and never the cpu.

Similar to this user, I want to upgrade to GTX 1070.

Can it run with this?

Nice so you just threw your money away since that shit doesn't run anything.

You are the worst kind of hardware jockey.

>I don't fucking want a high-end video card

That's fine, the problem is you didn't even buy something in the mid-range. You bought a low-end garbage card. Being condescending isn't going to change that.

Well 4670s are no longer sold, even if it performed the same i would not care.

If it hadn't break, I would still just use it, there were literally only 3 games that were unplayable.

Why in the fuck would you buy a 730gt when the GTX 950 is next to nothing and even the GTX 750 Ti is a much better option for that price range?

>The whole >CPU BOTTLENECKING MY gpu is a fucking meme from ages past. Almost all game performance outside of some very specific cases is crippled by the gpu and never the cpu.
Tell that to my 20fps drops in Novigrad on a 1070, fuckface.

Sandy Bridge is finally getting too old. I have a confirmed bottleneck (AKA 100% all core usage with sub 100% GPU usage) in some areas, even at 4.6 with 2144 RAM.

Also sorry the main difference between custom providers is the warrantee they provide and other services. Like EVGA will let you trade in the card and pay the differenc e for the next tier if for some crazy reason you really wanted a 1080 in the immediate future.

Just get the best warranty if they're all the same price. Performance differences are usually miniscule between aftermarket cards so it all comes down to warranty + noise factor from the cooling.

Unless you want to overclock then you get other factors but thats for literal fags.

>buy htpc card
>wonder why games run like shit

Like I said here , you fucked up, you should have saved up an extra $40 and gotten a 750 Ti, even that would have been much better than your 730.

>You bought a low-end garbage card
It's not even low end.
It's like bottom end. It's barely better than Intel HD.

>people on Sup Forums are so poor they can barely even afford one GPU, let alone two.

Shit, I would have sold him my old 570 2.5gb for 50 bucks, and that is about 750ti levels.

The performance difference between sandy bridge and the latest iteration is literally 20% at best.

Assuming you're talking about the witcher I can't honestly tell you what the issue is because I've never played it, read up on its performance and have no idea what settings you have.
But your CPU is a non fucking factor as long as its a quad core from the last 6 years.

Excluding some really shitty games that rely on single thread performance where amd shits the bed because of developer incompetency.

>spending that much on a fuckhuge air cooling setup that turbcharges dust generation and cools worse than a compact AIO that costs like 20 bucks more

>sound card
>any year after 2008
worthington's law is no defense either.

You dont have to be a "hardcore gamer" to do a little research and get something that isnt total dog shit tier

>Talking as if there was only one "Intel HD"

Kill yourself

I will give you my 750ti after I install my 1070, one chan :^)

I know that feel.
I'm basically stuck with FX 6300 4 lyf until I change PC and that ain't happening anytime soon.

pray 4 zen with me senpai.

jk amd is gonna shit the bed again

>being so defensive over your shit purchase

Just to answer for you an anyone reading. Any Intel Skylake processor can handle the new 1060/1070/1080 with minimal to no bottlenecking.

>But your CPU is a non fucking factor as long as its a quad core from the last 6 years.
That's objectively incorrect, especially in regards to stability and frame times.

Stuff like Witcher 3, Tomb Raider, even Far Cry benefit hugely from a faster CPU.

In Witcher 3 and Far Cry, even an overclock is worth nearly 30fps with a Titan X. A heavy overclocked 2500k is roughly on the same level as a 6500, but with much worse frame times.

Compared to a 6600k or a 6700k, the difference can be night and day.

op if it makes you feel any better I once downgraded my fucking GF3 ti-500 to a fucking geforce4 MX card.

that said stop being such a defensive buttbaby

>captcha is select all rivers
>its a bunch of fucking oceans/beaches

it all really depends on the games, MMOs are notoriously CPU heavy while most fps games really arent too taxing on cpus

You should probably stop reading comparisons on 1440p where autismos put aliasing to the max like it makes any fucking difference at that resolution.

Also muh gameworks

Quads of brotherhood

Zotac is a shit brand, and the 730 is garbage.

>geforce4 MX
now thats some nostalgia right there

First build, give a rate? Overkill PSU because I might consider SLI in the future.

It's almost like I have a 2500k, a 1070 and know first fucking hand or something.

Hence why we can spend money on them user, a $60 video card is something your mom would buy for you.

Nigger I run modern games at 1440p with a fucking 8350 and a 1070. I fucking even have a vive.

Unless you're aiming at 144hz gaming your cpu is never realistically the limiting factor.

Just bought this for $585. How'd I do.

>gtx 960m
>8gb ram
>2 year warranty

I want to sell it before the warranty expires, hoping for only $100 net loss.

Solid as fuck m7. I intend to get the same board later next month.

If you've got the extra cash, get faster ram tho
And EVGA>MSI. Dat warranty. All 1070s are the same after overclocking.

You got a card that is intended for people who somehow manage to break their integrated graphics processor.

>have comfy as job for high profile government contracted company
>make more money and work less than I did in military
>no longer struggling to get by and just bought new mouse, keyboard and gpu
>spent all day drinking at the beach and got home to play some games and laugh at faggots like you

Enjoy your cup ramen and rc cola bitch

>a fucking 8350
You say that like it's not a decent improvement over a 2500k.

How much faster would you recommend on the RAM?

>because I might consider SLI
dont bother. A lot of games dont support it and dx12 adoption isnt going to be super fast

At 100 bucks switch to an evga G2 supernova gpu, they're the best at that price point by a fucking mile.

Swap your cpu cooler to a cryorig h7 or whatever. Trust me its a million times easier to install than the evo and shits all over it in performance.

Also swap to some different brand of ram where it doesn't have a fucking gay ass grill on it that blocks your cpu cooler because that shit is guaranteed an issue with the evo.

Gt series are for hd video playback and some small stuff. The gtx series which start at the 50s has a much higher performance in gaming and is made for that.

>gt not gtx, that's the issue

This. I bought a used GTX 460 1GB for $45 off craigslist and it annihilates that 730 GT, mostly due to VRAM speed but also beats it in shader power.

Stuck it in a Dell desktop from 2007 and added a QX6800 core 2 quad 2.9ghz. It runs fallout 4 and GTA 5 easily.

I have a 144hz monitor and the framedrops I get due to CPU bottlenecks in Witcher 3 are annoying as fuck.

You dumb nigger the 8350 was literally inferior to the 2500k at launch lmao. Why do you think amd cpu's have been considered a joke for the last 4 years

That's a shitty card senpai

If this is a GPU thread, how long do ya'll think my 390 is going to be good for?
Is AMD going to do more magic with vulkan/dx12?

I mean, the 3000 is only 5 bucks more on newegg.

Congratulations you literally just discussed the fringe case of when cpu's matter.

No amount of magical overclocking is going to hit you 144hz at certain resolutions without either the developers gitting gud at parallel processing or disabling features.

Ontop of which your in a dumb fuck hairworks game that tanks its own performance due to nvidiots.