Playing some Overwatch on PC

>playing some Overwatch on PC
>"dam this is fun"
>check option at the performance stats
>its 30fps

Why do we hate 30fps again?

We don't hate 30fps, we hate you, OP.

Because framerate can be important in games that are vaguely fast paced and skill based. Obviously it doesn't matter that much with things like Overwatch

30 is fine unless you're playing twitch shooters or fighting games.

Why would you not want more, though?

>i consider video games an actual skill.

More cost money

fps has to be the biggest meme ever on Sup Forums and any video game discussion.

Doesn't overwatch have things tied to the fps?

Like Soldiers reload is dependant on fps.

Or maybe I'm remembering wrong

>shitters pick hanzo and genji

foolish amphibian submitter

kill yourself frogfucker

Why would you want to play in colour when black and white will do?

ITT false equivilency

pigs have fun rolling around in their shit

>I know nothing about media

Black and white was traditionally shot in 15fps. With the emergence of colour film it was doubled to 30. So my question, in simple terms, is why remain in the past when 60fps is available?

Remembering wrong.

You're thinking of old Jap games like Dark Souls.

Because it looks and plays objectively worse than 60+

I personally prefer games running at least 90 frames.

When the new titan x releases, I will hopefully be able to pull 140 frames, letting me run my monitor at it's Max refresh rate.

I agree. If given the option, 60 fps is better.

But getting 30 more fps is not the same quality-jump as black and white to color was.

Overwatch is so slowpaced that 30fps is fine.

Depends on the game. However you would be lying if you said going from 60fps to 30fps isn't jarring, which sounds like a big enough leap to me. Not as large as the example I gave sure, but big enough that it makes some uncomfortable.

>60 fps
>not playing in glorious 144 fps

I'm sorry your PC is so shitty it can't pull 60 fps. OP.

It runs on 60 fps even on consoles...

You have to sacrifice colour accuracy for a monitor to do that and as vidya is one step below art as a hobby for me, that shit can't fly.