Who is the edgiest videogame character?

Who is the edgiest videogame character?

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I thought STH was a fun game.




Shadow isn't edgy at all though. He's just emo sonic.

I really like edgy. I love how these ridiculous immature characters who come from the minds of 13 year olds have such a passion for life based on death and hatred.

It's like the Adam West Batman for example. Not an edgy character, but he's utterly ridiculous in his cheap costume and Adam West doesn't look particularly well built at all, but in that fictional universe everybody takes him completely seriously. The same with edgy characters, they're taken seriously within their universe. If you open up your suspension of disbelief, cheesy and edgy are glorious.

I almost forgot how fucking edgelord Vanitas was.
Literally Nega-Sora

>no Haze
what happened?

I want to rail Ryuko.


Iori Yagami

>Miles Edgeworth

>Edge (WWE)


Haze. AKA yeyeye AKA Exoskeleteen

>Not important
I fucking forgot about him

>Edge Maverick
Sure, he turns into a whiny bitch halfway through the game, but he never got "edgy" by means, aside from the stupid name.

>not important

Needs Dark Pit and this guy

Any Evil Doppleganger character who isn't superior to the original like Wario.

Thankfully Miyamoto stopped Intelligent Systems before it could happen.

You're forgetting someone user


I swear you guys.
I hate DmC as a huge DMC fan, but Donte isn't edgy.
He's a normie exploited as "cool."
I will never get you guys.
It's the who premise for normies, something normies can refer to cuz original DMC Dante is too weeb for western audiences.

was just lamenting to a friend how fucking ridiculous it was that they had a man called "Edge" in the edgiest of wrestletimes and he ended up being one of the biggest superstars of the company

Sigmario is the definitive edgiest of edge

and you missed the joke

>but Donte isn't edgy.
he made fun of a murdered unborn child to the face of it's father

>he made fun of a murdered unborn child to the face of it's father

Don't we do that all the time in LOL threads?


At least they are fictional characters, a fictional character doing it with another fictional character is just edgy, its like when /mlp/ makes fun of Lauren Faust's miscarriage

>Don't we do that all the time in LOL threads?

that was laughing at the comic

I could tell that was bait from just one character who is the anti-edge (outsite of that one time where he was planning on killing his lover to save his team)


I never understood why Ryuuko is considered edgy.

Sup Forums's IRC shitposting on Sup Forums to get people to hate KLK

it's a meme because she's black and red

Hey color scheme is typically reserved for edgy characters and her transformation initially consisted of slitting her wrists


Shame he had to retire.

listen man, there's a way to have a quippy modern character who isn't an edgelord faggot

his name is marlow briggs and he's never getting a sequel

I'm pretty sure murdering a pregnant woman and then making jokes about the dead baby sticks you firmly into the 'edgy' camp

don't forget NOTWE Ed, the edgiest Edward that ever lived

>DmC vergil
>not DMC3 Vergil


to be fair it was Vergil that shot the woman (which is why he is on there)


Night of the Were Ed.

the difference is that DMC3 is a good game, while DmC isn't.

>Shadow the Hedgehog posted twice in the same image
wow, nice quality control

Fuck, i meant Bring me to Ed, the fancomic where Ed fucks the ghost of a dead chicken and adquires demonic powers

>search it out of a wicked curiosity
>first result: deviantart


i forgot wrath from the 2003 fma existed hmmmm

pic related

also, nice Brawl mod, OP

>He never read NOTWE
Its up there with Tails Gets Trolled as one of the trashiest fan comics ever made, we even storytime it once in a while because its the kind of shit everybody needs to go through at least once

>>Thankfully Miyamoto stopped Intelligent Systems before it could happen.
i thought it was Tanabe

Asakim did nothing wrong

Pff, what?


Why is Demi-Fiend never included? Demi-Fiend can ally with Lucifer to wage war against the Great Will. How is that not edgy?

>blue hitler apologists

Wow, decent fanart, didn't think it was possible.

Same jokes Southpark makes which they all love.
You guys are really going into "normies are pure normies are love" bullshit.
Only ones who get offended are SJWs and Christians.

because he's cute

I only watched a few episodes. From what I saw she just seemed really upset, not edgy at all.

Memes aside she is a hothead and the show tries to hard to make her seem badass

What did I just read?


Remove Steven Universe thing and put in Donte.

he don't done look it but he do be

What made him so edgy is that he was disproportionally edgy compared to everyone else.

He'd fit right in in final fantasy or the like.

DmC isn't meant to be a comedy. Not intentionally, at least.


>Fuck, i meant Bring me to Ed, the fancomic where Ed fucks the ghost of a dead chicken and adquires demonic powers

no thaks

Also, are we talking about the same Ed who likes Butter Toast and shares an English voice actor with our Lord and Savior (pic related)


he WAS offensively edgy, but I'm not sure he compares to the rest of the brooding cape-wearers in this thread. but most of what made him so awful was the way he was shoehorned in and rammed down your throat by removing player agency
even if he was a laid-back character who cracked jokes and didn't really want to kill you, he would have engendered pretty much the same level of anger just by being bioware's new favourite bullshit pet

in-game joke

No Question

there's tons of good fan art for her though.

>her transformation initially consisted of slitting her wrists
Jezebel pls go.

Where do Akuma and Evil Ryu rank?

It pisses me off that the SJW Universe character is so close to the front and sticks out too much from the others.

I think we have a new #1 edge lord.


>but hates the Mushroom Kingdom because they are the government
Every time.

>Thankfully Miyamoto stopped Intelligent Systems before it could happen.
Galaxy, 3D Land, and Sunshine user.

Only time is when she was a brainwashed cunt

and gone rebellious alone


Nah, that wasn't her at her edgiest, she was just kind of a bitch on account of her mind literally being raped.
She was full edge during her BAKEMONO phase


I could be wrong, but I think this is satire.

>Size of the Universe

What was your first clue?

I've seen some Sonic OCs with absolutely retarded backstories/powers.

I'd compare it more to Crash Retold.
TGT is becoming an unironical masterpiece with every new entry. It's basically the Berserk of webcomics; it even comes with a boat part and a fuckhuge hiatus that keeps blueballing everyone.

>and the award for sterotypical JRPG character design goes to...


>Terry (Batman Beyond)
You kidding me? He was a next gen Dick Grayson, nothing edgy about him at all.

goat meme right there

Why don't you watch the show to see what is it actually about you fucking sheep?

>muh strong powerful genderfluid rocks with terrible personalities!
>muh crybaby main character who is completely useless!

I wouldn't watch it again if you paid me.

because hes cute and allying with demons can be justified if god is a huge cunt

>>muh strong powerful genderfluid rocks with terrible personalities!
What? Aside from maybe Amethyst's transfomation stuff, all the gems are established to be females. And them being a bunch of shits is kind of the point.
>>muh crybaby main character who is completely useless!
Steven's highly emotional, yes, but he's the heart of the team and without him the other gems wouldn't even care about the earth and just fuck off.

that blue girl's color scheme compared to everyone else's red/black is triggering my autism

>them being insufferable is the point

She nearly drowned a bunch of kids.