itt: characters women and nu-males will never understand
Itt: characters women and nu-males will never understand
Other urls found in this thread:
>demons are bad
hello nu-male
Garrosh did nothing wrong.
gotta use old gods to fight demons.
Gotta make daddy proud.
Go back in time and save him.
get cucked by green persuasion.
I wonder how huge his dick is.
He failed two genocide attempts, and got killed.
user doth protest too much, methinks
>Orc with Daddy issues
Bravo Metzen
Admiral Proudmoore did nothing wrong, orcs are savages who deserve death.
how did this dumb shit even get approved
also orcs are literally the most boring race of anything ever
Someone has to get the job done; even if it means getting their own hands dirty.
Then being judged and hated for it.
That's what Taran Zhu was doing.
>Horde wants you to be Warchief
>Tell him no you're a warrior
>He promises the horde leaders will guide you.
>Begrudgingly accept...
>Twilight hammers attack Nelves
>You get blames for it
>Grim Totems posion Cairne
>You get blamed for it
>Literally kill one of your generals for dishonrably winning a conflict
>Somehow everyone thinks you're an asshole
>Nuke a legitimate military target
>People at like you just massacred a nursery
>Your horde turns its back on your despite the fact that you have expanded their borders and strengthened their bid on the world
>Go to trials where Pandaren ancients find you innocent
>Time dragon takes you into an alternate world where he explains you are going to raise an army for him
>Kill him because you don't want your people to be manipulated by outside forces again
>Thrall proceeds to cheat in a duel to kill you
Garrosh had a hard life
Both Garrosh and Taran Zhu are heroes
This badass motherfucker right here.
you forgot the part where he resurrected an old god and tried to use it as a weapon.
That was pretty fuckin' metal
He didn't. He used the corpse of a dead old god as a weapon
Yes because the alliance wouldn't stop murdering innocent orc soldiers
He sacrificed himself to save his people
It talks to you in the raid and if you have the corrupted gorehowl, it's very much alive.
The ends justify the means; no matter what anyone else tells you.
The land of Pandaria is filled with that stuff. The old god is dead and garrosh was no where near corrupted. This is from word of devs.
>No mention of Senator Armstr
Sha are not old gods, they're what Y'Shaarj shat out right before he died as one last fuck you.
Notes on the whole Y'shaarj thing;
>Y'shaarj was the strongest Old God on Azeroth by multiple magnitudes
>Literally took Aman'thul reaching down and ripping him off the planet to kill him
>Was so rooted into the surface that the crater scratched the core of the planet and let loose arcane energy onto the surface (Later became Well of Eternity)
>Fucked up Pandaria as nothing but blood and a heart after death
If Garrosh was actually resurrecting Y'shaarj the entire world would've been thrown back to the Black Empire. He was just trying to weaponize its power.
Only part was rezzed but it was still enough for him to talk directly to you. Legion shadow priest weapon is just an old god claw and it's described as sentient.
It was likely more a mixture of the Sha talking. The SPriest weapon isn't the claw of an Old God but a weapon from the Black Empire. It's probably more related to the C'Thraxi General you find it with than any of the Old Gods.
What is this from?
I wonder who is behind this post.
tfw am a mtf tranny and this is one of my favorite video game characters in recent history
tfw I cry myself to sleep knowing I'll never be even close to as perfect as she is.
Wait a second...where was the soruce for this webm from? The YT version or something from teh blizzard server?
Last time i watched this video on YT it didn't looked anything like this detail wise thanks to the compression.
way to make everything all about you, nobody
nobody gives a fuck, you freak of nature.
Warlords of draenor Cinematic ? it has always looked like this.
I believe i downloaded the cinematic from like gamersyde or something back in the day but this webm i got from Sup Forums.
pic on topic.
I wasn't trying to make it about me, I just wanted to show that some of us actually like characters like that contrary to what a lot of people here seem to think...
> I wasnt trying to make it about me
But you did
Recognise and avoid it
Take your own advice and do a bit less projecting next time.
Y'all can stop now I've gotten all the rage I need for tonight.
Hope you learned your lesson
Looking for fucking gender identity validation on an anonymous videogames image board
Nigga I'm
I don't give a fuck about the tranny. I'm just posting more Y'shaarj.
t. impaled on the spires of Orgrimmar
>I believe i downloaded the cinematic from like gamersyde
This is what i wanted to hear, thanks mate.
Artorias and Gwyn
I think that numales would in fact understand cuckolds quite well.
>One is a knight who got corrupted by the Abyss
>The other is a king who sacced himself to keep a fire lit
M8 wot.
Everyone who doesn't fully pay attention to the lors behind the Emperor won't unrerstand him. This goes beyond women.
Saddest thing is Garrosh was like the perfect leader to add some war and conflict while still being an understandable character.
I would like to see pre-SoO Garrosh in a legion attack
explain that
Women and nu-males don't understand the concept of honor
>Banishes and disowns son because he allies with Gwyn's enemy and hurts his honor
>Sacrifices himself in order to create a world for his kind to live in
>Creates a kingdom for his family and walls it off
>Androgynous son hides himself because he isn't manly enough to be appreciated by his father
That's literally what Shadow Priests do in Legion.
Fucking this. The Holy Emperor is on a whole different level
You don't have to be a male to recognise severe autism.
>muh humanity!!
Faggot deserved worse.
>how did this dumb shit even get approved
Apparently, a majority of the audience disagree with you and movie critics are part of the illuminati which is why they gave bad reviews.
It's literally a fifth Old God that was killed by the others before the Titans rolled in.