Show your love for swing mechanics
What was that indie game made by the guy who made Spider-Man 2 web swinging
>tfw playing spiderman 2
>swinging fast and pulling all kinds of tricks mixing up aerial acrobatics, swings, and wall running
>want to make a webm and show it for all to see that these swinging mechanics are important
>too fucking lazy to learn how
It's piano all over again
>I want to show off my mad skillz by making a webm and telling people something that they've known and have repeatedly heard for over 10 years
Except some people have claimed that the mechanic isn't as important as lots claim since ASM and other games that have "moonswinging", not to mention I'm not that good at the game, but it's still pretty easy to pull off cool things. Also I want to show something else that's important, and that's the absence of "realism" What I mean by this is if you look at this trailer for the new spidey game
the game looks kinda...slow. Sure it might have "realistic" web swinging and that's fantastic, but it seems like it won't be all that fast, whereas in SM2, with enough momentum you could literally zip through new york in about a minute and half, without slowing down at all. And this just seems like you can't really do that without slowing down if you touch a building, or turn a corner. I don't know, I guess part of it is dumb pride equivalent to combo mad videos on youtube, but whatever. I'd still like to make it, especially since it's hard to find high quality videos that show just how fun the game can be, instead of just awkwardly swinging around bumping into everything like this
>ffmpeg download
>r-click, open command window in the ffmpeg folder
ffmpeg -i [video].mp4 -codec:v libvpx -crf 4 -minrate 1.6M -maxrate 1.6M -b:v 1.6M -cpu-used 0 -threads 4 -vf scale=-1:360 -an [output].webm
That rate is about 3MB for a 15s vid.
>Except some people have claimed that the mechanic isn't as important as lots claim
It isn't, or at least not as important as you think it is. These games are marketed towards comic fans, they are the demographic and so an accurate portrayal of the character, location, and everything that keeps them reading is the most important. This is why games like Spider-Man 2000, Web of Shadows, and Shattered Dimensions are all popular despite not having the excellent swinging mechanic from SM2.
Don't get me wrong, an open world Spider-Man game should have SM2 swinging by default, but in the grand spectrum of things I'd be more pissed about any changes to the character or his enemies than the swinging.
Shit was fun besides those Human Torch races.
And I can understand that, but I think that novelty wears off after the first time you play it. Take for example, this sequence
While it's cool seeing The Killing Joke referenced in the game, the whole sequence is just an annoying hassle in subsequent playthroughs. Now I'm not saying the entirety of the games you mentioned are like this on rails 'movie' shown above, but still.
thanks mate
People bitched and moaned for a new game with the mechanics from Spider-Man 2, well here it is.
With these types of games it depends on how much you enjoy the subject material. I've played SM2000 many times since release despite it being short as fuck because it just nails the feel perfectly for a Spider-Man fan and that is the single most important part of any Spider-Man vidya.
A recent example of what I'm talking about is MGSV, mechanically it's got a lot going on for it but it had nothing that long term fans liked and has become one of the worst received MG titles in the franchises history.
jesus christ that pop in
how is this worse than fucking spiderman 2
What game is this? Shattered Dimensions?
ASM2. It's alright if you get it cheap but it has a hero mechanic that punishes you for not saving someone every second you're playing which can get annoying. ASM1 was more solid in my opinion.
I just finished ASM on 360 and was going to get this one, but reviews have been less than stellar. That hero mechanic sounds pretty lame though.
As someone who enjoyed the first one, would you recommend 2?
is that moon swinging or sm2 swinging?
it looks weird
If you need more Spider-Man it can scratch the itch if you're willing to look past the hero mechanic. I stick to my comment saying if you can get it cheap, it should be alright. I certainly enjoyed it enough to unlock all the costumes anyway.
It's physics based moon swing. It mimics it but is still very lacking compared to SM2's mechanics.
>It's physics based moon swing
There's no physics involved. There are set speeds and angles you travel based on where in the arc you release. There's no momentum building or anything fancy.
I loved that sequence. Origins did story the best out of the series.
But I only did one playthrough so I can see how it would get tedious.
>this game will NEVER be good on an emulator
hold me
Alright user I only meant that you shoot a web left, it will pull you left, shoot it right, it pulls you right. Physics is still involved just not the kind SM2fags obsess over.
It doesn't even do that. It's just changes the angle of the model and which direction the webline should be drawn at.
It's just a cosmetic. You swing in the same set arc no matter what.
It still tugs., you still feel the movement of it. Honestly I have no idea why you're persisting in this rant about moon swinging of all things, we know it isn't realistic, we know it isn't like SM2.
I hated that so much. The premise is alright but there's way too many of those popping up when you're just trying to progress. I liked TASM for what it was and got TASM2 even though I knew it wasn't going to be great. But I thought it would at least be an improvement on the first but they managed to fuck it up.
Shattered Dimensions is still my favorite recent Spidey game. Those Noir levels man. I hope this game gets the Noir suit.
"fuck it up" is kinda strong user, the hero mechanic is pretty shit but there's still plenty going on outside of it. I will agree that Shattered Dimensions is the best modern Spidey though, it's such a solid game.
>Explain how the game works in a calm manner
Didn't realize Beenox employees posted on here.
ASM2's problems aren't even with the Web Swinging mechanics. They're serviceable if all you want to do is just swing around an open world.
It's everything else that makes the game fall below mediocrity.
Side missions that you must do otherwise you will be hunted down.
Side missions that interrupt the flow by forcing an intro and outro cutscene every time.
Side missions that lack any real variety. Once you do one type, the rest end up being identical, right down to the level layout.
Combat that steals from Arkham Batman but Beenox had absolutely no idea why Bam Ham combat works in the first place. We end up with a shallow combat system that's not fun to engage at all. The real crime here is that we lost the combat system they developed in their previous non-ASM games.
A complete lack of enemy variety which only makes the issues with combat even worse.
There's far more problems with ASM2, but I'm not going to get into them. The game isn't worht checkign out or defending. It's best left forgotten.
user you started posting at length because I used the word "physics" in a way you didn't like. You were ranting.
Fair enough. I thought the movement towards an Arkham style combat system and the swinging mechanics were both major improvements, but that hero mechanic took the joy out of just swinging around. When you capped out the hero mechanic or finished the campaign, there should've been a option to shut it off or it should've been patched in.
The comic page collecting was fun though. I hope the next game brings it back.
yeah meant ps2. i remember it was quite decent, been a while though
>When you capped out the hero mechanic or finished the campaign, there should've been a option to shut it off or it should've been patched in.
I fully expected this and to this day don't understand why it couldn't at least have been an option. Personally I hope they bring back the Superior Spider-Man costume for the new game, it's just so god damned good I also wouldn't have to stare at that giant white blob of a spider on his costume
They're gonna go completely overboard with the available suits and I'll love every minute of it. I just want my Spider-Man Noir.
Hopefully they'll include both versions, the vest style and Noir with the coat.
What's the best Spider-Man game?
Spider-Man 2 (Xbox/PS2) is generally considered the best
>Web of Shadows
but it had the closest to spiderman 2 webswinging we ever got. the fuck are you on about?
>These games are marketed towards comic fans, they are the demographic and so an accurate portrayal of the character, location, and everything that keeps them reading is the most important.
so why exactly wouldn't they give a fuck about spidey being able to attach web to the fucking moon
>if you're only interested in the swinging
>if you want a Spider-Man game
SM 2000, Enter Electro, Shattered Dimensions
>honourable mentions
Web of Shadows, Shattered Dimensions & Edge of Time for DS (they're metroidvanias) Mysterios Meanace (GBA)
Web of Shadows still wasn't SM2 swinging though so for the people that only give a fuck about that, it was an instant write off, As For the other question, it's the same reason why many think Arkham Asylum is the best Batman game despite it not having gliding, batmobile riding, a batcave, no Bruce Wayne, ect. Because everything else that was important was so good that it didn't matter. SM2 tier swinging is fantastic but it's only a huge deal on Sup Forums.
Remember that Incredible Hulk game? When will we get any more superhero sandbox games?
Next year
will invidia shadow play capture footage from pcsx2? i'd like to think im good enough at swinging to show it off
nevermind i dont have an invidia gpu and i cant use it anyway
Which one? Ultimate destruction?
Try Prototipe, it is literally the same game.