Your thoughts on Leagues of Legends?

Your thoughts on Leagues of Legends?

It's a game that exists. People play it, sometimes getting paid to. It doesn't affect me too much.

I play dota

Ahri is very cute.

didnt have fun when i played it
at least it has some nice porn though

It's the basis for some pretty good r34

The porns good.


The game is dying.

Pretty fun game to learn and play
I imagine it'll get a lot worse whenever I decide to play ranked though

started again after a year without playing
ranked seem to be a bit less cancerous @ top gold, hopefully I can climb up, play more serious games with good players and learn more
I like that

Nothing much,

Isn't it on a serious decline right now?

It's really not, quality porn is surprisingly lacking.

good porn shit game, prefer dota

meh, the game is a 4/10 at best

spawned a lot of doujin though

Can't wait for ININ2.


good porn, awful game ran by one of the most cancerous tumors in video games.

SHIT meta enforced by cancerous fucktard and a fanbase that enable them. Hopefully stagnation will finish the job soon

My life has been better ever since I fucking dropped this shit game.
After three fucking years

...I dropped it but I miss playing sona leona and warwick

Riot games stumbled onto a popular game and they don't know why it's popular. Now in the last year or so they've been making a lot of wrong decisions.

Anyone got the pic of Sona with the condom in her mouth?

It's a game.

Full of ripe husbandos.

It's a game I have a love/hate relationship with. Alot of times I hate it but lately I've been climbing and the shitty tank meta and Azir/Zed meta are over an ADCs have an impact in mid game now so its fun to me. I can really hate it sometimes and not be able to quit, so that fucking sucks. TL; DR: The game is alright right now, shit sometimes and can't quit if I tried.

Only good fkr Sona and Ahri porn, and the fact that its the only game my friend plays.

Aside from thats, I prefer HotS since it has characters I actually give a shit about.

Been going downhill since Seasons 2 & 3, still pretty fun though

Game with alot of good art but the in game model is shit

A game that Sup Forums hates because they are too shit to be competitive and will settle for AI "Difficulty" games like Souls and think they are badass.

I think it's a very cool game but too hard to play.

>League is competitive

the scene is fucking dead you retard it's literally koreans at the top

I actually just started playing it. Picked up a couple of characters, enjoying them all immensely so far, particularly the latest one I bought (in order, Fiora, Tryndamere, and now Darius).

However, all I've been playing with are fucking smurfs. I make mention I was new once to my team, they all decided to come to my lane, steal my CS, and just repeatedly called me fag. This has happened on multiple occasions.

That kind of shit is getting real fucking tiring. It's just tiring playing with smurfs at all.

Only good for the fanart and sexy cosplay girls. It's only better than Dota2 in the sense that it has better visual communication. You know where skillshots are going to go and you know what they do.

>There are still people playing
>They are Korean so they aren't people

The fuck? I'm not korean and im in .6% of NA high diamond.

Heres your (you) , and Git.

>High diamond is COMPETITIVE

lmfao fuck off retard

I got sick of relearning everything every season after s3. Just got burnt out on it. Haven't played in 2 or 3 years.

I mained Teemo

post more lewds


darius is fucking great if you manage to get him in ranked
you never really do or at least I never could get him when I used to play

>Riot creates Jinx just to prove they can make a flat-chested female
Did it work?

Literally either you are a challenger tier player on a smurf in diamond against other challengers or other high diamonds.

Lmao fuck off bronzetard. Come back when you know jack shit and can talk, after you've experience the climb.

What do you think Jinx's feet smell like?

yeah tell me you've been to LCS fuckboy

I'm sure you've at least TRIED right?

lol memes > dota memes

>lol memes
>no melee carries
>no sandbox
>no replays
>no VR

t. diamond who will never be challenger

Post more Sona

>Diamond NA is the same as Diamond KR

you're like bronze to them desu


slowly dying
could have been good

I like Yordles.
No pedo tou

good game
shitty community



Enjoy your ban.

you retarded or something?

seems gay

I like Jinx

Thanks ace. Knew I could count on you

never played it and the porn is mediocre, too much futa not enough yuri

6/10 may check it out someday

Im so glad I fucking quit.

No problem user.

Game's shit but the Jinx doujin is elder god tier

Is Dynamic Queue still a thing?
I laughed my ass off when I found out the implemented that.

I Sona fertile?

Whos best yordle

I hate the design and balancing philosophy. If they feel a champion is underused or too strong, they completely remake the character from the groundup mechanically and then change them visually too, completely isolating the original fanbase.

This hit me not once, but twice. My three favorite champions are Taric, Fiora, and Swain. There was nothing wrong with Taric except that his character model was dated, but instead of just fixing that up they changed his moveset and made him a meme character that is way too self aware. It killed the appeal of him and ruined the whole paladin theme he had to begin with.

Fiora was gutted with all the fun removed from her kit. Her new moveset is not without merit, but it's different and instead of just trying to make League a more interesting or better game they just take out moves they think are too good.

I hate doing the argument, but this is why League is a shitty moba compared to Dota and even Smite. The amount of possible types of disables and abilities is so restricted because of how one dimensional League is. It's so bad even silences are constantly being removed.

Why she wears anal beads on her neck?



I've came the most to Poppy but Lulu is very cute.

I forgot it existed. It can't be pulling the same numbers it used to be, right? Haven't all the casuals moved from LoL to Hearthstone? Same with Dota. I used to play nonstop years ago but now I only tune in for TI and then stop for another year.

>no melee carries

What about Talon?

>posting meglings

No one really picks him or bans him anymore. At least in Plat.

Second place is first loser.

of course

Like, why the fuck did they remake Shen? Shen was so fun and actually solid before. He could go top and jungle easily and if you wanted to be retarded, him supporting wasn't horrible either.


>Gangplank goes from jolly to edgelord

Popular Game run by incompetent monkeys kind of like Jagex after 2007, The game is declining and something will replace it in five years.

Who knows. That sort of thing really killed League for me. Fiora and Taric were my go to heroes every time I played that game. Not only did they change their moves, they fucking changed their designs. What's the point? Why would a fan of that character be excited for the character to completely change?

is a great example of this. Seriously why not just make a new fucking champion? I'm glad I stopped playing. It's only a matter of time before they change Swain too.

Awful, dead game. If you want a better league, play Dota. If you want to have fun, play Smite.

>It's only a matter of time before they change Swain too.

inb4 they remove his cane

The genre as a whole is on decline. I imagine it will be replaced by Team Fortress styled games after Overwatch, but they'll all be failures aside from Overwatch and then that genre will die out eventually too.

>This guy attempted to shit on other people for not liking the game he no-lifes
>Gets shit on
>Keeps defending the game he internally recognizes as shit

The League of Legends Community™

>completely change his kit
>remove his cane
>give him a full head of hair

I can see it now

Taliyah was the last straw.

What the actual fuck were they thinking making an ugly female champion.

Illaoi at least fit the style of the game, being some kind of crazy tentacle cultist but taliyah just looks horrendous.

>all females must be attractive
>it's okay for males to have a ton of variety to their appearance though
>a female not being attractive immediately means SJW pandering

I hate it half the time and enjoy it the other times.
I say I quit some days, then I come crawling back cause a friend wants to play with me.
I am this game's prisoner.

But at least I have Jhin.

I mean, they literally said it was. The guy in charge of that decision got fired and stuff, yeah?

the designer for taliyah fugged up her appearence on purpose because league had too many sexy girls, he tweeted about it

>The guy in charge of that decision got fired and stuff, yeah?

Wait what.

There's nothing wrong with doing that though. Making characters intentionally flawed is basic character design.

Why do people take this game so seriously? I noticed this game has a lot of people sperging out compared to other games.

>make character
>perfect characters aren't interesting
>nah, we can't be fucked making an actual flaw
>oh i know, lets make her have a massive nose!
>good writing guys

>Riot Lyte leaves the team
>Next champion getting released swears more then any new champ before
>Miss Fortune and Fiora get sexy beach skins


>I noticed this game has a lot of people sperging out compared to other games.

It has a larger playerbase, so you naturally see more people talking about it.

Most important.
Why making her jewish?