ITT: We give video games the opposite titles

Yes Less Villains

First Reality

Tiny give semi

Sin's First Punishment

Big take full?

Screwdriver and Clang
Alive Falling
Mega Mash Cousins
Blue Alliance




Fake Devil Death

Full Death



Small Gift Pedestrian

Beginning Myths

Sin's First Condemnation


The Myth of Link: Master Sword of Existence

Dwarven Toldthetruth: Peace Conference

I'd play this

Living Honesty : Reality Mystery

Star Wars battlefront

Descending Zan : Ninja swordsman

Grand Theft Auto.

Moon Attack Weakness.


The Freeing of Abraham:Abortion Again

Earth Defense Force

Mario's House

Bright Bodies.

Violin Harmonicee

Light Bodies.


Earth Sleeper SD

Rememberance: The Bright Ascension

*Plenty of Villains Left

Real Angel Fable.


shredder enzyme : whitecatalog

Land inside four

Wooden Axle Gaseous

Mortal Foot

Rock Shaft Liquid

Im just realizing the VLR cover art looks like nothing else their artists ever do. Did they outsource it or some shit?

Guest Good

The Romance of the Paladins


Ordinary repair sisters Harmony

Epic thread redditbro.
Keep up the good work!



Analog God Parable

Shit thread Sup Forums sis
stop this shit break





Blue Alive Damnation

Wario and Waluigi: Utter Nobody Instant

>being a retard

Angel Won't Laugh

>implying the name is Devil Will Cry
It's can't

Attack of the Youths
Coldcurve Alaska

Freezy Sweat

>Angel Can't Laugh

I'd play it.

Elder of Dark

Jihadi Peasants

Doug Hug'em Microinstant
Joking Joe

Space of Negotiation
Blank of the Tank
Light Body
Do Eat Alone
Healer is Alive

Got all of those except Devilhorns

So instead of some happy go lucky half Devil who MAY cry over familly drama but doesn't, its some super serious Half Angel who refuses to laugh at all the funny shit around her?

Opposite of Halo?
I tried...

>Square Half: After Law-abiding, Before, Nights
>Insignificant Ordinary Car Bore
>Forget 5.5: The Land of Infinitesimal
>Alive or Dead
>Tertiary Public
>North Ocean: The String of Deceit
>Lies of the Heaven
>Close Laugh
>Metals, Thank You
>Doctor 0.14285714285714285714285714285714
>Soft Launch

So it should actually be Angel May Or May Not Cry right?

Social Studies Swallowers Standard

Doctor 0.14285714285714
Mathfags will be triggered, but it would be too easy otherwise

fucking hell

Temporary Brightness: Madness's Minuet

Shadow 2: Guilty Virtue
Shadow 2: Brief Reward

Comfort exterior
Above the spoon

It's Killer 7.
Doctor (1/7).

Kingly Head

Queenly Leg

Earthly Wrist

Elf Dungeon

False God Death: Ordinary Rest

Data Social Security Number: D.I.E.S.E.L.

walk to heaven : condemnation


Batman PS1

got it before me though

Left Vacation

Light of the Dwarfs
Bright Bodies
Death is Normal

Charted 1/4: A Samaritan's Begining.

Awake Cats

Solo Cabin 1

Them Sad Many

I laughed

Answer and surrender: Blue tranquility

Red Dead Redemption

Though desu would blue really be considered reds opposite?


Cowardly Optional: Grounded Goblin

Petty Gift Manual


Retreat Treaties

Oh shit