That guy who says "ouch" when his character gets hit

>that guy who says "ouch" when his character gets hit

Those are some big tiddies

That was how they knew they nailed it when they made the first Mortal Kombat
or Street Fighter or something I don't remember

>that girl who gets spit roasted

>that guy who says "ouch" when I go in without lube


>that one guy who always scream at the top of his lungs when his character gets hit
>[spoiler/]it's you

People sometimes say that when someone else bumps into something. It's super common.

>that girl that moans sexually whenever her character gets hit

>dat girl who shits out all the cum stored inside her ass after a week long rape gang rape

Looks like one of them taimanin movies to me

Hell Knight Ingrid

>that guy who self inserts as the anime slut


>That mom that thinks her son is watching porn whenever female characters get hit by attacks

Whenever I make a really minor mistake in a game with playing friends, I tend to say "Oops" even though they don't care or know what I'm talking about

>that guy who gets triggered to start masturbating to Japanese nasty cartoons


you motherfucker

>that guy who doesn't repond to this post and his mom dies tonight in her sleep

>that autist who doesnt understand empathy

>that tiddie monster that was designed to attract sorry virgins but produces no porn anyway

>mfw for years I've made death sounds when my character dies

Only when I'm playing multiplayer whilst having fun and talking in mid sentence, it's not even forced, it's a force of habit at this point. I blame Counter Strike because I would play with bots all the time and they'd make death sounds when they died mid-sentence.

who make these pictures

there's some truly fucked up people on r9k


never underestimate shut in white boys. Their imagination is in another dimension.

would that go along with Asperger's as well ?

gg everyone itt except for me

I think they're very talented.

>that guy who always played as a girl in video games
>he even acted like a girl too

>That girl who puts up at fight at first but accepts her fate of being a fluid dumpster

/r9k/ is where egos go to rot but not die.

Unlike blacks, who can't imagine anything more complex than "shoot him and take his wallet"

Fuck you

these movies would be so much better if they kept it in focus the whole movie instead of making it fucking blurry every 2 seconds.

stop carrying so much cash, then. It's 2016. All you need is a phone to pay for shit.

is that way sperglord

My ego would rather die than to rot

That guy who clicked the spoiler

>not highlighting

what movies are they?

uh oh, we got a triggered nigger over here

Fuck you

>Implying I'm a nigger
>Being so one tracked to not realize niggers are not the only ones who hate him

>went out to a bar tonight

>could only think about coming home to big anime titties though

good thread

Stop giving him (You)s, the poor nerd got robbed out of his $20 allowance.

>Proper new hentai anime with good animations never


she eats semen


>not masturbating to Murikami only when blind drunk
Sounds like you haven't ascended the 8th level of masturbation

Fuck you

Has Murakami done anything recently?

Hell knight ingrid

>He doesn't choose rogue class(ninja) in his rpg's


>Playing Serious Sam
>Move my head left or right when I avoid a kleer

Is that what happens in this hentai? Because if she gets spit-roasted I pretty much have to watch it. Nothing better than a babe getting DP'd.