Is Life Is Strange in anybody else's top 5 favorites...

Is Life Is Strange in anybody else's top 5 favorites? I cried maybe three times more after the ending of this than any game I've played ever. I don't think I've ever played anything that felt as real as this.

>The characters were developed properly.
>Has a cool aesthetic.
>Has a refreshing and seldom touched concept.
>Choices that actually directly affect gameplay.
>Even though Chloe can be annoying, she is so human that I genuinely care for her.
>Mocap to make movements feel natural and appropriate.
>Anybody can relate to at least one character.
>Almost all cringe is intentional.
>Ready for mosh pit shaka brah.
>Tasty Plasma.
>Ending was the hardest choice I ever had to make in a video game.

19m with no mental issues lost 2 hours of sleep after finishing this game.

It was a good good and I really enjoyed it, but don't over exaggerate it.

The only likable person was the flying nun and a few side characters. Everyone else was the epitome of white trash. Even the ones that weren't even white.

This. It was a really enjoyable game, but not even close to top 5.

My top 5 is something like;

Starcraft: Brood War
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Natural Selection
The Witness

I hear everyone say it was emotional and sad, but I felt absolutely nothing when I played it. Maybe part of it was that I had no idea what the fuck was going on most of the time. I think you either have to be a teenage girl or gay to enjoy the story because it made no sense to me.

I mean, the emotion factor is overexaggerated by the OP but how exactly has the story made no sense to you? It's pretty fucking simple. Genuinely curious here.

It was perfect until episode 5, the ending wasn't really a hard choice for me because choosing chloe would undermine 80% of the decisions I made

>that perfect thumbnail

Why does a tornado threaten to destroy the town just because Max can turn back time? How did Max even get those powers? Why does Chole need to be sacrificed in order to save the town? Why is Rachel an important character?

Episode 4 really got to me, but episode 5 was kind of a joke and the ending was predictable. Still really enjoyed it overall though, especially since I played the first 2 episodes before all the others were out and I had to wait for them each time.

My roommate tells me that it gets better, but goddamn, I couldn't even make it through the first episode. It was cringy as hell. Maybe I'm just to old to identify with the Millennial lingo or something, I don't know.

>episode 5 was kind of a joke

You didn't enjoy Jeff's shenanigans?

>Why does a tornado threaten to destroy the town just because Max can turn back time?
>Why does Chole need to be sacrificed in order to save the town?
Bullshit fate/destiny/mother nature powers because of Chloe's fate. Max keeps "fixing" her death even after the intro. Think Final Destination.

>How did Max even get those powers?
Magic bullshit.

>Why is Rachel an important character?
She's important to the story as there needs to be a victim to investigate for a "whodunit?" to occur and Chloe also explicitly stated that she loved her.

Now it may look like I'm defending the game but I'm not. I don't like the non-explanatory elements either, just explaining that it's pretty simple.

Max fucks off and leaves her bff, said bff goes through some shit, said bff's new bff disappears seemingly looking like she also fucked off and left Chloe, teenage drama that is somewhat justified, Max comes back. Game begins. Now most of the "oh it's so sad and emotional" comments come from Chloe and Max's friendship backstory, Chloe's father and the alternate timeline and the Save Arcadia Bay ending where Chloe dies for good this time without even meeting Max or ever finding out about Rachel, in a bad relationship with her parents, owing money to people and gets killed by the mental case who drugged and tried to pose her like he did to Rachel. All the while Max has to sit there and watch.

Again, not defending the bullshit parts but it's a pretty simple narrative.

i feel like this is a lifetime movie of video games.
or maybe eastern devs' idea of western teenagers and highschool.
>almost all cringe is intentional
still cringe. my impression of this shit is some kind of wacky anime in disguise. everything about it sounds bad other than the fact that apparently the choices actually affect shit.

i really don't think i could care about some stupid highschool girl drama shit

It's a pretty french fried version of american culture, I seen that pestilence webm and it kind of ruined the game for me forever though.

have an upgrade



>top 5 favorites
what the fu...
>19 m

I wrote a random ass fanfiction about the Underrail protagonist suddenly appearing in their school and making ice cream with cryokinesis and teaching the dumb bitches about how to shoot a gun
let me see if I can find it


>Kate reminds me of a girl I know who has emotional issues, and feels awfully like she's on the start of the downward spiral
>I still refuse to be her friend, despite her best efforts to try and talk to me

Man the fuck is wrong with me

Donnie Darko meets tumblr

maybe she's ugl

The whole game is just a rip off of Donnie Darko. I saw it in the spring and i was blown away how similar the overall story structure and plot points for the time travel aspects where. LiS lost a lot of favor with me after that

You don't want to be burdened with her. Selfish but not wrong.

you are 20 different kinds of pathetic

this is relevant to my interests

If you liked that check out this old show. It's pretty great and has a lot of the same characters but goes way more into detail with school and family life issues instead of farting around with time travel stuff that ultimately doesn't matter.

The ride was okay but the ending ruined it. Who thought it was a good idea to make every choice not related to Chloe meaningless in both endings? I wanted an option to go super saiyan to stop time and save everyone (and to die by nosebleeds afterwards).

they changed the ending at the last minute

I thought exactly that until I gave it a chance, and I found it to be so out of the realm of anything I've ever played. I would also say that cringe makes the game feel human. Teenage years are some of the most awkward years of your life. It added depth to the story.

Its probably written in script form without punctuation.

Maybe if the first episode is still free I'll try it out.

It's free forever

>fan fiction
Ho boy.




Why does everyone speak so highly of this game?

Playing the 1 episode I didn't care about any of the characters at all.

Thats because the first episode isn't a good representation of the gane sadly. You should keep playing, it only gets better.