Is there a single video game character that could beat Emrakul, the Aeons Torn?

Is there a single video game character that could beat Emrakul, the Aeons Torn?

jace and lilliana?

15 squirrels



>You win, the card

And people say this shit is better than YGO

A Gmod admin could just ban her.

>no annihilator
>protection from instants only
>gives the opponent an extra turn
Magic really is dying huh?

little jimmy cried to his mother when all his cards got swept from the table
seriously, new players and kids are the reason we don't have annihilator anymore

I played Magic back in 1996, what is annihilatior?


defending player sacrfices x permanents when creatures with annhilator x attacks

I'm glad I stopped playing around the Alara block then. Millennials ruin everything.

Fucking RIP. I don't even understand how people can enjoy a rotating meta. I jumped into Legacy and never looked back.

>kikewater got seriously buttrustled when someone jokingly refered to the neo-walkers as the 'Jacetice League'

Khans was the last good set.


Any spider since they have reach and deathtouch

checkmate fag


>annihilator 6


Don't sac the spider then fag

Losing something else instead is better than taking 15 to the face unless you have a ton of life

This card is literally the easy button from those stupid staples commercials. Can't tell you how many times I have had that asshole cast on me 2nd turn

Alright sac your lands then my man :^)

What exactly are you able to do with your opponent's turn? Sacrifice your whole board? Tap all your lands for fat mana burn penalty? Play a good card poorly?


Losing one land is worth 15 life about 60% of the time
>mana burn

Can anyone show me what the aesthetically best designed card is?

Holy shit what, is this the power of Magic powecreep?

Not today

see their hand, waste spells, make unsafe attacks into your creatures

I'll just tap my aether vial on three and put in a fiend hunter.

Triggers on attack. Defending player sacrifices X permanents.

>in a game where the first set has almost all of the objectively strongest cards in the entire game forever

would shit like this work?

>Summon Shooting Quasar
>Negate effect
>Summon Exodia

Nope, it's a colored spell.

Power creep in creatures is totally a thing.
A 3/3 for 6 was a good deal back then.

Now a 3/3 for 3 is trash unless it also has a great trick.

Why list a Video Game Character to kill her?

Kikewater seems to have done it just fine.

So he has protection from it even though the spell doesn't technically target him?

>negating a static ability

Yes. It targets the player and not the creature, and Indestructible doesn't prevent sacrificing.

However the targeted player chooses which they sacrifice, so if it isn't the only thing attacking or blocking then you are boned.

Stasis Snare would arguably be a better option.

That's because creatures were shit and spells were OP.

Then creatures were OP and spells were shit.

Now both are shit.

Also a 3/3 for 6 was never a good deal you retard, a 4/4 flying vigilance for 5 was in the first set.


Yes it would work.

>Platinum Angel
>Activated effect

Holy shit wizards aren't even trying to make the game accessible anymore. So glad some nignog stile my good cards and convinced me to stop wasting money on worthless paper

The spell targets the player not the creature. She doesn't get protection from it. Only having multiple things to sack would protect her in this instance.

It seems we're going nowhere.
Let's try this out.

>Also a 3/3 for 6 was never a good deal you retard
Depends on the color, you fuckboy.

Serra was an exception and was removed from Core for years because people thought it was broken as a creature.

How long has Emrakul been a she?

Its a stupid meme.
Protection is Target, Block, Damage, Equip.

You have pauper as an option user. Most expensive deck in the format is like a hundred bucks, and its legacy tier power level.

>Protection is Target, Block, Damage, Equip.
And enchant

>its legacy tier power level.
>Things pauper players believe


What does that have to do with Fiber Jar?

I'll stop this madness with my 5

A vanilla 3/3 for 6 was never a good option in any color.

Enchant targets.

Well in the grand scheme it doesn't really matter.

Alpha was really all over the place. Just remember, each color got an instant that cost one mana and had 3 in its effect: Healing Salve, Ancestral Recall, Dark Ritual, Lightning Bolt, and Giant Growth.
Of course, the actual strongest combo from the early game is Bronze Tablet and Time Elemental.

I dunno
Enchantments target when they are cast, but one something is enchanted the enchantment no longer targets. Hexproof/shroud do not make auras fall off; protection does.

>I dunno
Then why did you respond?

You're about ten years late on that mana burn, son.

I'll be frank, they changed a lot of mechanics after I took a 10 year hiatus after...god, end of the rath cycle, I think? I remember my last amazing rare was a Sliver Queen.

I miss combat damage on the stack.

I dunno

wow that sure was hard

All three were female until the last Zendikar set when Wizards said that Ulamog and Kozalak are boys.

Reprints are a good thing asshole. The reserved list is a hunk of garbage nowadays and will probably be the death of paper legacy in 5 years.
Too bad Zions of the Israel doesn't care since standard makes them bank and they want to please neckbeard collectors instead of players.

The shenanigans required to hit that scenario are equally silly, user.

But you do have a point.

>Turn 1: I play a land and an elf
>Turn 2: My cosmic horror destroys your entire board and is invincible to everything and does 3/4th of your life as damage

This boy ain't right.

Not really, blinking auras to enchant shroud/hexproof creatures is pretty common in some decks.

Indestructible. They ignore Destroy effects.

Jokes on them, nearly every one of the 30+ players at my legacy FNMs bought chinese copies. We don't even keep the packs from the winning pool. We just sell em back to the store owner.

>Some rich huge asshole is buying up every card on the reserve list so he can Kaiba them
Serves em right the cunts

Nothing is invincible to everything, especially not Emrakul.

Also getting him off turn two requires you to do more than play one elf

I mean, you have brainstorm/ponder/preordain, bolt,, hymm, sinkhole, delver, counterspell, pyro/hydro, GUSH. You also get almost all of legacy elves, and a really sweet affinity deck. Sure, you lose fast mana, fixing, and most of the unfair cards,but you keep a lot of the utility spells.

>you gain control of target opponent
Is this a joke?

>15 lands

how the fuck could anyone bring that thing into play anyways

It doesn't have indestructable, just prot colored spells.

The Erza Block will always be the worst block.

A block so broken it had 40+ cards banned almost instantly when it came out.

Why in the fuck do eldritch horrors have genders?

If it is, they told it way back in Morrodin. Still, the silliest single card in the entire game will always be Shahrazad, which has everyone play a subgame.

Who here got the fuck out after Alara?

Source/story on this?


Nope, there's another card that let's you gain control of your opponents turn without giving them one but i forget the name

Sorry I was thinking of Ulamog. Sick of that fuckers Indestructible always fucking me.

Still though I think she would ignore the effects of the Destroy since it is a colored card. Even if it doesn't specifically target her.

10 years, fuck it's really been that long. I still follow MTG here and there but I'm kind of dumbfounded that I thought it was still around

I actually love the flavor behind the ommnishow deck.

What did you bring for show and tell, Timmy?
I have become a god, and unleashed an infinite number of ants.

IIRC, the Kor worshiped the eldrazi, and over thousands of years time they became their gods. The horrors themselves are kinda gender irrelevant.

Mindslaver. It's still played in certain decks along with Academy Ruins for infinite turn stealing.

Mindslaver, Worst Fears, and the original Sorin Markov off the top of my head

Because using the incorrect pronouns summons much worse horrors IRL.

>Still though I think she would ignore the effects of the Destroy since it is a colored card. Even if it doesn't specifically target her.
Well, you'd be objectively wrong.

Protection not keeping away wrath effects is what kept Progenitus in absolute meme status.


Worst Fears maybe?

I have been away for far too long

In the Zendikar blocks, Eldrazi were colorless creatures that often created tokens that read, "When x etb/pay x/when x dies you get a 0/1 (or 1/1) Eldrazi Spawn/Scion that has 'Sacrifice to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool'", along with a ton of mana fixing, mana rocks and mana dorks.

Eldrazi are all about insane ramp.


no one has ever paid the full mana cost to play emrakul

It's intended to be an inversion of Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

The card is nowhere near as good, but it's still a pretty good card.

They dropped the fucking ball on that one.

The flavor is incredible and the card is absolute garbage.