It's been 5 years. Will this game ever be finished?
It's been 5 years. Will this game ever be finished?
Finished in what sense? What they promised? No, never. As a zombified corpse that is maybe 5% of what they promised or perhaps 10%? Yes
No. They will prolong development until funding dries up.
The scope creep is massive on this thing. I really doubt the exploration or FPS elements will hold up.
I'm just praying they don't fuck up the main parts too hard and we at least get a multiplayer freelancer out of it. That would be worth the $35 I paid.
I mean I hope it turns out like they promised, but that's fucking impossible. Especially since I bet a huge chunk of that money was mismanaged and frittered away on stupid crap. Just like Starbound.
>this game
It's not a game, it's a fishing expedition.
Confirmed for 2019 LOL
This will go down in history as one of the greatest scam ever perpetrated via the internet.
100 million+ dollars on fucking vaporware of the nth degree, people can't throw their money at these snake oil salesman fast enough.
Probably not. All I wanted was another Wing Commander, not this MMOFPS fidelity open world you can do anything bullshit.
whats this fucking literal dribble?
Judging by the Sup Forums in vederation I'm assuming it's some cancerous Sup Forums guild with furfags or some shit.
Just give it 20 more years and more money.