What was the worst vidya-related purchase that you have ever made?
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What was the worst vidya-related purchase that you have ever made?
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Why? I mean it's fairly useless but if you want one, you know exactly what you are getting.
The worst thing I think I've ever puchased for video games was a special mousepad that was trash. I spent $12.00 on a mouse pad and it was a piece of SHIT. First, it was metal with some kind of high gloss coating. Mouse couldn't work on it. Second, it was massive. I'm talking a foot and a half wide and a foot tall. I could put my laptop on it with room to spare for the mouse.
What really, really chokes me is I bought one of those $1 chinese mousepads with whatever image you want on it and I still have it to this day 4 years later.
what does it even do?
The day that I got it the knob at the top broke and I realized that my phone was too small to fit. Both of those were consumer errors instead of issues with the device itself. I'm not asking about what was the worst thing you have, but rather which purchase was bad.
You can slot your phone in it and sync it up with the game to use the Pip-Boy. It was a really cool feature (damn near the best companion app out there, IMO), but it wasn't really practical.
It has just stayed on its little stand on a shelf for me, though.
No I'm serious that mouse pad is the worst thing I"ve ever bought for gaming. I used it for less than 10 minutes before realizing it would never work and it has been in a drawer ever since. I replaced it with a $1 mousepad that has seen continuous use for 4 years.
>pay 1/12th the price to have a picture of edward for your mouse and it lasts forever
I ended up just using a mousepad I got for free from an EVE Online developer. It's this weird internal propaganda thing.
(Sorry for the shitty quality, it's a picture that I took on my phone to send to a friend, too lazy to take a new one.)
Reuploading because for some reason the last upload was put in the wrong aspect ratio.
I never buy shit I don't want but I would like to suggest that Dark Soul limited bottle thing.
The McDonalds G&W/tiger games style game things. they're high tier mcdonalds toys though iirc
Not the worst, but I regret the danganronpa limited edition bundle. the art book was ass, cd was just select tracks, didn't even open all the trinkents. luckily, it wasn't the worst SE to teach me not to give into special edition crap. still trying to sell it
A $10 (Australian) preorder confirmation of diablo 3. I never even went back to the store to pay the full amount, then they (Game) went out of business. It's the first and only time I was ever convinced of the quality of a game without seeing it for myself.
Second on that list is Legends of Aethereus. I was high when I watched the trailer and thought it looked awesome. It was while I was off my rocker, but the next day it wasn't too hot, then the developer stopped supporting it and eventually disappeared entirely.
I bought minecraft when I was drunk. worst purchase
Had my dad get me a Sega Activator when I was a kid if that counts. I was like 6/7 and thought that the character in the game would actually mimic what you did in the ring and it would be awesome, played with it for about ten minutes and quickly made the decision never to use it again.
Reaper of Souls. Can't believe I fell for the "it fixed the game" meme.
I bought 3 of those Pipboys and sold them for $200 apiece.
Far from the worst purchase I've ever made.
Bioshock Infinite and it's season pass.
I didn't even play the fucking dlc and I never played the game more than once.
Fuck you Ken for ruining a game I had palpable hype for.
it did fix it, though
before ros poe was better
Unironically, this.
Portal is the only game worth a fuck in the entire package and even then it's just OK.
fuck man
seeing the orange box never fails to depress me
that time when we would speculate what episode 3 was gonna be about
we were so hopeful
I have no idea why you would be disappointed.
its funny because that is probably one of my best purchases.
it was like 10 bucks and came with so many games