more gameplay
More gameplay
>getting hyped for romhacks
Okay, I'm Sup Forums as FUCK but this looks like shit
sonic is gay
sonic fans are furfags
The post already says (You) when you reply to them, why spell it out? And why reply at all if you don't like their post? Why encourage them?
It's the principle of it
And that is?
To make him feel better for having a reply.
Because he's an autistic bitch who can't handle people thinking sonic sucks
Spot the adventurecuck
>"studio awpoh-liss"
>not "stoody-awpoh-liss"
>Funded RomHacks
Yeah I am Hyped
Finally a not too bad meme
It looks like a fangame. Because it is. Get it right.
It's Hydro City
Why did you let me give them a view
Fuck off, OP
>"Those guys who make fan games should be hired by SEGA to make official games!"
>"What the fuck? This official game by people who made Sonic fan games looks like a fan game!"
What the fuck did you expect?
That one's more understandable, it can go either way. But this stage is called "Studiopolis" not fucking "Studio Opolis"
>first uploaded video of extended direct-feed gameplay
>No new news for possibly months
>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
If the mods actually did their job anyone who said this would be banned
I didn't even notice at first that the TVs actually have the game gear TV adapter logo on top
I think being made up in part of the biggest Sonic Cock Gobbling site on the internet constitutes being a "fangame".
Though it's not really different from outsourcing to some crumpet snorting englishmen like Sumo digital anyway.
I'd sooner trust those cock gobblers to make a Sonic game than any other developer
Is Eggnog a reference to something? (besides Eggnog) He's obviously selling his chemical plant waste or something going by that beaker.
It's just a bar, man.
do u think all those references was the devs decision or segas?
Wasn't there a studio that worked on a sonic game whose logo was the same kind of beaker and bubbles?
Can the eggman logo on the popcorn machine really be called a reference? Just seems like branding to me.
wtf i hate sonic now
Probably the developers, but SEGA still has the final say according to the devs
Well I mean it is the exact same logo from Wing fortress. It's just a nice little detail that they didn't even need to add but still did
Taxman is great. Sega was smart to hire him to use his engine.
Fans should not be making levels because every romhack and fangame for every franchise out there has absolutely awful level design.
>mfw Studiopolis
>mfw this is just ONE level from just ONE upcoming Sonic game
>mfw the next Mario game is just gonna be generic desert world, generic grass world, and generic sky world with a few new suit upgrades
Shut up bitch.
user, how high class is that hornet
Why would he have more than one logo?
the highest class
>I'm Sup Forums as FUCK
I don't like the use of the Sonic 1 Sonic.
I liked the Sonic from 3 the most.
The carnival world was pretty rad.
Besides that, yeah, new Sonic will definitely be a more creative game.
This is the first time I've been excited for a Sonic game since the early Gamecube/PS2/Xbox days. I'm getting some serious Sonic CD vibes from Mania, and that's a good thing. CD is my favorite Sonic game.
because he really likes playing around with the image of his own face
In all honesty though, I'm pretty sure the particular logo in wing fortess hasn't appeared since then
This is the first time I've been hyped for a Sonic game since Sonic '06.
>Game gives you a shield and then a robotnik item to safely show you it's a bad item
>The guy still goes for the next robotnik item he finds
This is why games treat gamers like babies now with their tutorials.
Sonic is a boring as fuck game to watch others play.
Seems like they'll be ignoring everything starting with Sonic Adventure and beyond, so none of that really counts for this game.
But, I like how the bottom one is made to resemble nazi imagery. Ballsy.
>I'm Sup Forums as FUCK
Japanese games made by western developers are shit. No thanks.
name one
My nigga
Wait, what? Who's making this game? I haven't been following the news for this game.
So Sonic Mania actually is in Taxman's words a 90s 2D Sonic game for the Saturn that never was. That's cool.
I also noticed that COPE was written on the subway trains in the bottom part of Studiopolis, that's cool too.
>been playing Sonic Jam for several hours
feels good man. Did all-emerald runs of 2 and 3&K. Finishing up the same for Sonic 1.
Sonic 2 doesn't run all that great on this though, which is weird.
Some autist from Australia who makes shitty fanmade sonic games.
Why do you sound so salty? Did Taxman fuck your sister or something?
>comparing sonic mania to megaman 9/10
And here I was getting excited.
At least it looks better than 4...
I don't like overhyped faggots is all. I'd rather much see the team from Japan create an actual 2D sonic game.
Shadow was the one that opened my eyes. Back then I was such a Sonic fanboy I bought everything that had his name on it.
No you don't.
>I'd rather the team that has proven multiple times they no longer know how to make a 2D Sonic game that is like the Genesis games, make a Sonic game like the Genesis games
>I'm Sup Forums as FUCK
WHat did he mean by this?
>I say the typical buzzwords because I seem to think I'm part of a group
>but there is no group
>some autist from australia
>the guy singlehandedly responsible for un-fucking the ports of sonic's games to the point we actually saw good re-releases that weren't just emulated
daily reminder than sonic team was responsible for sonic genesis
Why not? Its a perfect comparison, especially if Mania ends up being as good to its own series as MM9 was.
>see no videos on how the drop dash works or anyone ever using it
>someone found a secret stage ring but it was wireframed
Nah, that was outsourced too.
Because that ended up well last time, right? Or the last ten times? Current Sega and Sonic Team have no idea how to make Sonic games anymore. Shit on Taxman all you want, but his remasters maintained the integrity of the originals and he obviously has some idea as to what he's doing.
>1:31 am in murrika
>it's daytime in australia
>buttmad aussie shitposting about more successful aussie
it all makes sense now...
Drop dash was explained multiple times. It works just like gliding does for Knuckles and flying does for Tails, but you have to hold the jump button to charge it.
Yes, that means that only Sonic can do it. And yes, that means that elemental shields will block the ability.
It's basically a spin-dash in the air.
You guys remind me of the desperate fucking retards who were trying to shill Streetfighter X Mega Man back in the day because you thought it was hip to rebel against Capcom.
I don't think you realize these are competent developers with a proven track record and have already further proven their value with a single demo.
I understood literally nothing about this post.
When's the Knuckles Chaotix remaster?
Common, your previous one was better than this.
Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush were good games. 4 was mediocre, but they definitely still know how to make 2D sonic games.
And you remind me of that one fag who comes into threads about things he doesn't like and tries to talk down to people for liking things he doesn't like. What's your point, champ?
>I'm Sup Forums as FUCK
You're just asking for another Kermit roasting
I'm just afraid it will develop into Lakefepard tier autism.
>Kirby references everywhere
>Cameos from Freeshit Planet
>One Winged Angel Eggman
>That fucking Issun thing
>The final boss of Chrono Adventure
Will Sonic say shit in this?
Sonic Rush was literally released over a decade ago and it was mediocre when compared to any of the Genesis games.
Meanwhile the key people working with Mania have proven recently that they are up to the task and moreover they have shown great level design and inspiration with their demo.
>I'd rather much see the team from Japan create an actual 2D sonic game.
Sonic 2 was developed in America you idiot
Assuming they pick one stage from each game to revisit what would you like to see?
>Green Hill (Obligatory)
>Mystic Cave
>Quartz Quadrant / Stardust Speedway if it's a proper level and not just a Metal Sonic race
>Marble Garden
>Mushroom Hill
Though i would like them to do shit like do Dust Hill/Desert Dazzle properly
That's Dimps. And even Dimps barely has anyone on staff that worked on Pocket Adventure/Advance anymore.
Modern Sonic Team has even less regarding the classic games.
Holy shit the composer for mania is GOAT
Will Sonic say shit in this?
Wasn't S&K made by Sega Technical Institute?
looking at sonic's running sprites and his really nice looking top speed ones, I'm actually interested to see what they do for Tails and Knuckles
the extra animation for Title Screen has more love and effort put into it than pretty much all the sonic games of the past decade
All of these references don't interfere with the gameplay. You could remove the text and the level would be exactly the same. Lake in general just has some... strange taste, the more you look at his work. You look at Taxmans previous works like Retro and its merge with XG and Nexus, and you see an entirely different breed of references and enthusiasm.
The devs here are also being watched by SEGA, so SEGA has the final say on everything.
Collision Chaos
Lava Reef
Sonic is always blessed with incredible tracks.
Even the mediocre 3DS Generations port had this amazing track.