I just want to play a fun modern beat 'em up Sup Forums

I just want to play a fun modern beat 'em up Sup Forums.

Double Dragon Neon has memory problems on Windows 10.
Scott Pilgrim isn't on PC.
Castle Crashers is boring.

Street of Rage, Final Fight, Alien Vs Predator (Capcom) is too old.

What do?

i want to fuck that

Present the penis.

Dragon's Crown.

>Windows 10
you have noone to blame except yourself

play GOD HAND right now, the ps2 emu should run it no problem

PS2 emu runs bad on my machine :(

Gross proportions.

then play fucking DMC3 or 4, both have okay pc ports

castlevania HD

Beats of Rage? It's hundreds of beat em ups for free.

Step 1 play GOD HAND
Step 2 play the Streets of Rage fan remake
Step 3 wait for River City Ransom Underground
Step 4 cry

>he hasn't played the GOTY yet

I mean it's not a beat em up strictly speaking but it's a fast crazy character action game.

But I want a beat 'em up though.

That game doesn't look very exciting..

Gundam Breaker 3.

No PC version though :(

Your loss fuckboy.

Aces Wild

>Beat 'em up

not him but cuhrazy is basically 3D beat em up, and there wasn't any apparent problem with God Hand.
>muh hack and slash
Okay so there's weapons, what of it?

It's literally the same genre but instead of punching people you have slightly more range. It's like saying Far Cry Primal isn't an FPS. Talking about FPS, what about Zeno Clash 1 and 2?

I never thought of it that way but there are quite a few differences to DMC and God Hand. For one, God Hand was all about beating up people and moving on with your life. DMC had goddamn puzzle solving and platforming shit sometimes.

> Gross proportions
Only a faggot will agree with this.

Like I get your sarcasm and all, but it's so vomitously bad that I can't play that game without a lurch in my stomach.

Huh. And I thought windows 10 was supposed to make gaming infinitely better?

This isn't the same kind of beat-em-up the OP had in mind, but I second the endorsement. Shit is cool and undershilled.

Streets of Rage REMAKE.

Is it actually good?

Had a good time with Charlie Murder