How do the devs post shit like this and people are still excited for the game...

How do the devs post shit like this and people are still excited for the game? Theyre covering up how shit and shallow the gameplay is by telling people to avoid videos and not releasing much gameplay themselves and then cover it up by saying anything you see is somehow spoilers and "surprises"? You arent buying into this, right?

A single back-to-back tweet exposes everything

Other urls found in this thread:

How to be a Good Video Game Developer: A Conclusive Guide by user:

Step 1: shut up
Step 2: keep it shut

This concludes How to be a Good Video Game Developer: A Conclusive Guide by user

why do faggits like you take so much time out of your lives to shitpost about it, the people planing to buyit are going to, it doesnt have shit to do with you and your not changing anyones mind

Why are you trying so hard to make another Tortanic happen

They are flagging any and all videos even just talking about the game and/or leak. With zero audio or video used from the game. I hope they make no money and have to dismantle, fucking cancer

You can experience for yourself so soon... for $59.99 ;)
Please don't spoil it for yourself... and see with your own eyes and not marketing that its a shitty indie game that costs $59.99

yet people will still buy this scam

You're really not funny. Like at all.

I would pay literal money to be privileged enough to never have to be in the same room as you irl, or have to read anything you've written and typed up.

You fucking suck.

There's a sucker born every minute.

Or maybe they genuinly don't want people to spoil a good ggame for them? -.-
is every dev evil in your eyes?
you should really leave your house from time to time, without the tinfoil hat

100 no mans sky bucks have been added to your account. oh and thanks again for the prepurchase user

how will a few videos spoil a game that will take years to explore? i mean the exploration is the main selling point and not the combat or story isnt it?

found the numale's sky dev

This, why is that so hard to understand

spoil fucking what exactly? All you do is roam around, theres no fucking point to the game, its literally the devs being scared because people will find out just how little there is to the game, and that the leaks will have changed the opinion of lots of people that were on the fence, and thats tons of money lost when your game is 60$

i'm going to pirate it.

it releases on gog and they only release DRM free games.

The only good thing to come out of this shitheap is the Nu-Male's Sky meme.

true, thats why developers dont usually talk
every word is going to be used against them by at least some of the public

the gameplay before sony started funding them was 100% exploration and naming things.

They shoehorned in combat, crafting and survival first after sony started funneling money into their development budget.

So yes, the game is very shallow and is meant to be purely exploration.

>a wordplay is a meme now

it'll become a meme soon enough

I thought the game was "procedurally generated" how would watching one man's version ruined yours when it's going to be different
Or is there something that the devs aren't telling us

Neckbeards that want suckers to buy their game and get paid.

Update your memes bruh. We have a much more recent blunder to reference.

Anyone got a link to the leaked gameplay? I was on a work trip and didn't see the happening until i got gone.

So you can flag it too? Nice try.

Do you eat shit?

delete this

He's right though, in principle.

Datamining has completely ruined mmos and this game is basically an mmo. Datamining will ruin this game too.

as long as you promise me that you arent sean murray and wont delete the surprises contained within

Oh you motherfucker. I don't want to sit here reading fucking Reddit comments. Give me a Chinese link where laws don't apply, I don't give a shit.

I cut it down to one step
1. Make the game you wanna make, fuck everybody else

Kek reported you fagget.

>Like at all.
Ugh. This. Like, Ugh! Can you not?

Why do you write like that. You can't possibly be a 13 year old girl.

Thanks, my man. My lawyers will be contacting your ISP shortly.

its not an mmo, the devs have even said that themselves. they consider it a single player game. they just want you to picture the most amazing game possible and think NMS is going to be that game and seeing gameplay will completely change your perception of it

Well I know it's a single player game, but the game is clearly designed like an mmo was designed prior to themepark mmos.

Thats Sony doing that.

fuck you sean im cancelling my preorder
how can you afford lawyers with no preorders

if watching some 15 min videos will ruin the experience of the "illimited universe" that's a huge red flag

It's called Sony distributing your game. I hope you like a loose ass hole, convict.

You got me. I just killed myself and i am still mad.

>Datamining has completely ruined mmos

What's with Nu-Males being defensive little pussies about their precious game? I swear, you saw this with Undertale as well

I've never once seen gameplay vids posted by anyone shilling for this game. That's all I need to know that it's trash and not even the backers trust it to be worth the purchase. If you bought this game you're a fucking moron.

A Conclusive Guide by Valve


Those arent neckbeards though, numales more like it.

oh god

>beards are manly, amirite gais
>no one will notice how pasty and fat/scrawny i am with my big beard

Yeah, because playing a game yourself and watching a video of someone else playing the game are entirely the same experience. Sup Forums is the absolute fucking cancer.

This is from the guy that posted the 26 minute leak earlier.

If this is true. Then this game is WAY to easy. This is monumental fuck up.

What's with faggots using terms like "Nu-Male" in any serious context? And yeah, you're right, people being defensive of games on a video game board is absurd. Fucking retard.

Really? The entire marketing was nothing but "This game will blow your mind and dick" "This game is bigger than imagination"
And now the fuckers are surprised people are hyped enough to want all information about it they can get their hands on.

either youre missing the point or youre a retard. they dont want you watching ANY gameplay or videos because then you will see the game for what it really is. literally no one is saying watching videos is the same experience so why buy games

supposedly the seed is the same for everyone, so the galaxy should always be the same, but the player starting point is always randomized

More like No Mans Buy

is that dygz fellow associated with or played the game, or is he defending the game based solely on what the devs have said

I think he bought the marketing hype and believes theres limitless possibilities/planets

>The universe will take BILLIONS of years to explore and you can do ANYTHING
>oh, but don't watch a 20 minutes leak, that would completely spoil the game for you
>supposedly the seed is the same for everyone
What's the fucking point of having a procedurally generated galaxy then, except having something big for the sake of being big without any effort in terms of level design?

dyzg is just a random asshole that does not have the game

daymeeuhn has the game. He has posted videos of himself playing it.

Did anyone seriously fall for the "LITERALLY INFINITE POSSIBILITIES" meme? I genuinely haven't seen anyone online that's truly, blindly hyped about it.

He just stole those videos from another guy on YouTube

You have to stream it now

Why ask when you know the answer?

Honestly I envy him. I miss believing in what devs said about game and imagining these great games they promised us.


No, just incompetent and desperate to hide it. They made the game to make money dipshit.

B-b-b-b-but Starbound!

see these people exist, and theyre here

I'm cautiously optimistic. Obviously I don't believe most of the shit they say about how great their engine is, but if the game gives me at least an illusion of exploring a bunch of interesting shit for a little while then it will be well worth the no dollars I intend to pay for it. Hell, I might even buy it when it goes on sale if it really impresses me.

I thought No Man Sky was about infinite surprises that literally could not all be discovered in your lifetime. How can it be spoiled?

Unless of course it's an incredibly dull game where the next suprise is the colour of the next tree.

Reviews can say if a game experience is good without spoiling the actual content that brings about the experience. If reviewers are doing their jobs reviews without spoilers are entirely possible

They can spoil some of the hard-coded stuff like whatever is waiting in the center of the galaxy/universe that is meant to be our end-goal.

get your reddit shit out of here

You're a fucking idiot. daymeeuhn is the real dude. We have proof.

Did he post a picture of his dick with a timestamp or something? If not then I won't believe it.

Hello, Jason Vandenberg.

Do you actually want proof or do you just want to stick your fingers in your ears and scream
>La la la the game is perfect

does it come with denuvo or can I torrent it easy once it releases

>does it come with denuvo or can I torrent it easy once it releases

it is on gog so there is your answer

No game is perfect, but No Man's Sky is going to be fucking great and nothing you can tell me will convince me otherwise.

Besides, even if it sucks I can just get a Steam refund,.

Sup Forums is fucking retarded as usual, the dev is right and Sup Forums hype themselves up way too much and then complain that the game isn't everything and more. Well, it's your loss as usual.

also, since I'm going to be called a shill : since day 1 I know that NMS will be a boredom fest with artificial variety and I'm not interested in it in the least bit. Anyone with a half-functioning brain can understand that, and even then it doesn't keep some people to enjoy whatever else there is to enjoy in that game.

>Game is precisely what the devs has said it was
>Sup Forums desperately tries to paint the game as some sin to the industry

You chucklefucks are no better than Kotaku or Polygon trying to force a contreversy.

Mfw I'll pirate it and use Cheat Engine to upload footage from the center of the universe

Do you think that guy who spent $1300 to get the game a few days early is buyers remorse right now?

Sup Forums has been shitting on this game since day one. You are Sup Forums user. Oh my god look where you posted.

>Besides, even if it sucks I can just get a Steam refund,.

yeah i think once i get to center ill just get a refund too

Yeah, I'll probably just play it in offline mode so that I can request a refund from my laptop when I get bored or finish.

I have to thank our based European cousins and their consumer protection laws that results in Steam Refunds and G2A for letting me get cheap games, fuck over shitty developers and the good feelings I get from all of these.

>spent years filling it up with surprises
I thought this was randomized

I agree user, dataminers keep pulling out upcoming stuff for PoE out of the files and it just ruins any kind of drama, excitement or discovery. It's like tearing out an incomplete painting and wondering why isn't spectacular. There's also the Edmund stuff; but what are you gonna do people want to know so there will always be an audience for this.

>only one user calling him out
How the mighty have fallen.

>Yeah, I'll probably just play it in offline mode

Offline still counts the hours you know?

Yeah but if I never allow Steam to connect until after I've requested the refund then it will never be able to sync them with the server, and Valve won't know until it's too late.

except I haven't been shitting on the game, it's the definition of a meme game who plays on your imagination to make you believe that the game is going to be something that it cannot possibly be. I understand this and therefore generally stay away from discussion regarding this game. I haven't made more than 10 posts total regarding this game.

crazy tip for you: dont read anything related to leaks. its insane I know, but just dont click on news articles related to the game. and if you do click that means you genuinely dont care enough about the "discovery" process

post your paypal, i'll have a money request in soon, then you'll never have to hear from me again


Expectations on this game seem a bit over hyped, and not because "the game is bad" but rather because I think expectations don't necessarily match the gameplay style of what's actually here. You NEED, ABSOLUTELY NEED to come in to this game with an open mind about what to expect if you're going to be happy. If you just make assumptions on how this game plays and if you think you've already made up your mind on how much you're going to like it, you may be disappointed. This would be like going to see Terminator 2 for the first time expecting another horror thriller like Terminator 1, and then being disappointed because it ends up being a really action-packed blockbuster. Was the movie bad? Of course not, it's one of the best movies of all time - but your expectations did not meet reality and now you're upset regardless. I see some reviewers coming at this full guns blazing over this, time will tell.
I will work up my own review and I'll post it. It's just taking me time to find the right words to express what this has been like as a player and I also refuse to make a final say on it until I've "finished" by reaching the center.
More later! Back to work!
PS. Someone get Sean Murray on the horn and tell him to nerf Atlas Stones. They ruin the game. He'll understand.

>we spent years filling NMS with surprises
>everything is procedurally generated


Why not just pirate it at that point? The GoG version won't have DRM, anyway.

So you just happen to have the same opinion as Sup Forums but you never wrote it down.
But you still feel like you are not Sup Forums despite aligning opinion vise and posting on Sup Forums. You still feel special enough to refer to Sup Forums as "they" and retarded.

If you look at the context, he says that this is possible because you can farm warp fuel in certain places and then hop huge distances all at once bypassing all the shit in between. Probably a dev oversight, but obviously it won't be that fast if you play the game as intended.