Let's watch some Brood War again.

twitch gsl

Other urls found in this thread:


>Effort is out already

>5 years later
>Artosis is married and has a kid
>Wolf is casting and looks like a nu male fag even though he's 30
>Tasteless has a huge beard but I'm pretty sure he's exactly the same as always


I still can't believe Effort made that muta switch against mech after the brilliant queen play. I wonder why? Ultra ling defiler is pretty standard and it works. Effort has the skill to pull it off. Why go into late game muta switch HARD when he only saw limited success?

And why not get upgrades if you're going deep in?

The benefit of the switch was getting some good free damage in on tanks and forcing lots of goliaths. Then when they've put out a lot of gols, switch to ultralisk ling and overrun the goliaths and limited tanks ez pz lemon squeazy.

Instead he went full mutalisk without getting air upgrades.

Weird shit.

Post old chinro shit.

Is the old gsl Tastosis stuff worth watching today and if you don't even have much interest in Starcraft?

For whatever reason whenever I see some of it it looks so comfy.

Non of the pro players are anywhere near their skills when the proleague was going.
There's no more competitive environment
and they are simply much older than they were

This is true but it was a very strange move. He positioned his lurkers badly at his fourth. He basically wasted the mutas. He didn't switch into an anti mech composition when he saw what was coming.

If he had attacked with mass lings and ultras under dark swarm AND had mutas to distract the goliaths? It would have been a shit show for T

There's probably some BEST MATCHES EVER worth watching but I don't have a list.

Tastosis are one of the reasons why I used to wake up at 6am to watch SC2. They're very good casters. Unfortunately the -osis (Artosis) is on vacation for the next week(?) and won't be back till later in this tournament.

Name a better map


best match ever inc

I love watching BW, the unit composition and shitty patching that makes the engagements a lot more interesting than SC2.



meant pathing


Watch all of the tg sambo Intel classic if you don't know the outcomes of the matches and you'll really enjoy it mate

Good to fill the gap between gsl like this on Tuesdays and Sundays

Fuck yeah, brood war!

Oh god this fucking thread gave me PTSD flashbacks to 2011 and the countless fucking SC2 generals

They literally made a board for you fags.



This video makes me tear up.
Like right now I'm tearing up remembering the old times.

this ain't a sc2 thread fuck off man child


>He thinks Korea time has anything to do with sc2

This isn't good. Way too little damage.

People are watching!

Tfw we all finally move back to BW

Last time a mod moved our thread to /vg/.

Anyway, this tournament is pretty crazy so far. I was expecting effort vs flash in the finals and both might not even make it to the ro8.


i hope they update bw with widescreen support, would be neat.

maybe 854x480 which you can upscale in-engine.


I really love carriers but goliaths are really damn good.


On one hand i'm really glad we don't have to watch in Korean anymore. But on the other we will never hear REEVE REEVE REEVE

Me too. Hopefully the zealots can clear them up

That was a really surprising turn of events. I thought with all the failed harass, the good attacks on the high ground, and repeatedly denied third base Terran had it easy. But Jaehoon was right on top and smashed through.

One mistake will kill you sometimes.

The pathing is the whole reason micro is so important. Even though it's shitty and dumb it makes the game more challening. One of the mistakes I think of SC2.

The lack of speed almost fucked that push, you can't afford to be skipping important upgrades long term.

Favourite unit from each race?

>Dark Templar

>Science Vessel

I think it's a wash honestly. I mean, look at it from the other direction, if Banelings were in BW, they'd be garbage because units don't bunch up enough to make them cost effective.
In BW bringing your army together is the challenge, in SC2, it's splitting it up effectively.

That said SC2 has some glaring design problems
>Adept Shades
Literal cancer.

Siege tank

>picking between defiler and lurker
its hard.


What are some good youtube channels to watch competitive BW? Is that even a thing anymore? Ive been out of the loop for a long time.

Infested Terran did exist, they just never saw any play ever.

Adept shading is a step in the right direction but it itself is pretty lame.


I'm not entirely sure how he managed to pull it off without zealot legs

One of two times I can think of that it happened and I cannot remember who was playing in the other time but it was an amazing match. Might have been YellOw

Nah, Adept shades are just 100% "Tanks will never, ever be viable in this matchup". This forces Blizzard to balance Bio as being a late game unit composition in TvP, because Mech without tanks lmao, which makes bio impossible to balance for TvZ.
Stupid gimmick abilities like that just need to be gone. They're more trouble than they're worth in regards to balance.

Yeah that was very surprising. I guess the Sigma hills saved him or something.

Dark Swarm is such a fucking OP ability.

Controlling Dragoons makes me want to kill myself.

Here's some POV games youtube.com/channel/UC3yD_uSITRIrFSDT6X8hrfQ/playlists

It's only a thing in Korea, coming back since nobody likes SC2 there anymore and brood war is seeing more play. gametrics.com/

What did I miss?

nah some good matches but the vod will be up after

>mfw sunday BW

Lots of Carrier and Tank drops, a little bit of vulture action, then Carrier distraction while Zealots without legs won the game.

Darks swarm is the most exiting abillity. Almost more game changing then good storms.

Reaver drops*

my bad.

What is Storm Toss doing these days?

>posted the SC2 page by mistake
shameful display

Is the only reason that people say BW was more micro intensive, and therefore better than SC2, was because the game was shit with pathing and 12 units per box?

The games might be more exciting to watch, but I wouldn't say that BW is better than SC2 because of it.

>seige tanks
just made any terran fights very impactful with the firepower and loud sound effect. Too bad it made T v T stale
a huge crowd of zergling defined zerg's battle
>high templar
storm changed battles a screen filling storms in 200 vs 200 fights was always crazy to watch

Are you ready for the Marines?







ZvZ in the first year of SC2 was some intense shit. Especially when TLO was involved

>TvT in meh
>hating chess

zvt wasn't that great after mech became a norm on it.
PvP = TvP > ZvP=ZvT >>>>>>>>> TvT > ZvZ

ZvZ was disgusting

>SC1 coming back
Aw yiss

Tastosis the Casting Archon was what kept me watching SC2 early on. When GomTV stopped having the both of them I just stopped watching.

>spidermine immediately hits lurker egg

>Is the only reason that people say BW was more micro intensive

well you also have to manage all your workers manually etc.

>no energy to irradiate the lurker

Yeah, I need more info on these; I always thought that some pro players returned to BW since Heart of the Swarm days, so it doesn't really surprise me. What surprise me is that there is an influx of BW threads nowadays, suggesting that something happened in the scene, is that true? Or it's just a tourney hype?

i wish
but this is like a throwback
only 4 games and this is the third

Top tier

Mid tier


Just kill me tier


>microing the irradiated defiler towards the marines
good shit.

Maybe not better, but certainly more exiting to me.

Little late on that call Wolfless. Terrans on 4 base and zergs on TWO.

love me some tvz, shit looks so brutal with all that blood.

There's a largish tournament going on that has some English casters, that's why.


Oh, cool, thanks.

why wont BW die off?

the problem with PvZ is the it's so one sided for the zerg early on. But it's still better than TvZ where mech just stomps all over Zerg

because it's too good.

>Koreans think Wolf looks tough

o i am laffin

Coming up next, and last, is Last versus hero!

It's dead
this is just its legacy
Though it's the legacy of the greatest esports in history

Because it's an excellent game made back when Blizzard were at their apex.

These guys know there's a sequel, right? Is this the retirement home for the players who couldn't adapt?

Why is there a broodwar tournament?

Why is tasteless hosting this?

why SC2 won't die off instead?

>These guys know there's a sequel, right?

No there isn't, there's an imitator riding on the coattails of Broodwar, but no sequel.





The sequel is dead.

Yeah but this has as many viewers as the SC2 shanghai finals 10 hours ago so womp.

you mean the sequel that's nearly dead?

I miss the slutty booth babes.


>These guys know there's a sequel

sequel yes, not a one to one recreation with better graphics.

>All of the 4 Zerg except Hero are out
What happened bros?

BW is honestly fun as fuck to watch IDC what anyone says.

SC2 is trash in comparison.