what went right?
What went right?
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Westwood was still alive.
but petroglyph cannot produce good games
Are those Battletech mechs?
I am whatever you want me to be user-kun
Empire and Universe at War were fucking great.
Battles were a joy to watch and had a great soundtrack behind them.
Red Alert 3 is pretty decent and keeps the style.
>Red Alert 3 is pretty decent and keeps the style.
then why did it die so quickly
No retarded gameplay changes, just improvements to the C&C formula.
Also that looks like some shit tier mod, post an actual screenshot next time.
Empire is one of the most shallow RTS games I've ever played
UaW campaign plays like an unfun tutorial and the overall game has really bad balancing issues. Also MP doesn't work anymore without mods.
Grey Goo was one of the most uninspired RTS games I've played along with Earth 2160 from which it borrows heavily, but it was the first proper RTS they've done. 8-bit armies is fucking great, but lacking in conent
>Also that looks like some shit tier mod, post an actual screenshot next time.
its not like I just picked a random image from google or anything.
What is the best semi-modern c&c like rts that I can pirate and play with my friend? He really likes that shit and I think i'll throw him a bone.
8 bit armies is the closest you would get after CnC3
Get OpenRA, they fixed the Original 3 Command and Conquer games so they work on modern PC and have the ease of control of modern games, and they're working on adding Tiberian Sun and RA2.
try any of the C&Cs? RA2 is old but still a blast to play.
I tried OpenRA with red alert 1 but for some reason the music is really limited. you can have to manually turn it on and it only has hells march. Also I believe the different countries are changed. Didnt every soviet country get shock troopers in the original?
>8 bit armies
That looks really fun actually, but I don't think my friend will be into it because of the gfx.
getting it now.
I'll have a look at it if openRA doesn't work out.
Thanks rts bros. I've always respected your genre even if it was never really my thing. I hope some good rts come out in the future.
>. I hope some good rts come out in the future.
dont count on it
8 bit armies is a good time waster. It's super shallow and spammy. Devs promissed 6 civs and only gave us 2 (which the second faction is paid DLC) then after 4 months of being out (and like, 5 months of EA) they are already abandoning it so they can make a clone of their own game 8 bit hordes, which is the same game but with a WC2 skin.
literally everything
You have to add the music yourself, but it should be easy to do, just go to the extras tab .
Loved Red Alert, hated Red Alert 2. What went wrong?
red alert 2 is more campy than 1.
RA2 is literally better in every way though. UI, controls, music, units, mechanics. The only thing that could have annoyed you was the sillier tone.
This is debateable. I enjoyed the less stupid units in 1, and I didn't like the fast charge up on superweapons.
rifle infantry was the pinnacle of unit design. I agree.
>mfw we will never play a true red alert 4 sequel
life is suffering, you feel it too, don't you?
>you feel it too, don't you?
There was C&C once inside me. Now there is just emptiness. Shame they didnt make anything after RA3. Even though it was campy it at least had some potential. More support and an Xpack that solved some of the more core problems (pathfinding) wouldve been nice
best girl
I must say those actors they got for RA3 were pretty nice as well. Only sad part was that they all buttoned down their blouse way too much. Pretending it was serious is what made the advisors so important
first game i installed on my first pc. the feels.
RA2 is GOAT. I used to play this game every day for years. It's a shame I was too retarded as a kid to figure out how to git gud for online play.
I just found out RA 2 is 16 years old.
>you will never wade through fields of tiberium as far as the eye can see while listening to youtube.com
Is this a mod? I don't remember a lot of those units and I played the absolute fuck out of RA2 + YR.
Everything pretty much went right for RA2, the devs loved making the game, the actors loved acting for the game, the music was awesome, the levels were varied sometimes controlling a single unit or building an army, the game was built with enough options in the multiplayer to have as much fun as possible. The multiplayer was amazing. The strategies were awesome, they could be as shallow as deep as you wanted. The super weapons pushed players to be super aggressive, and the unit combos like the IFV+anything were awesome.
I remember getting banned from RA2 chat for mentioning Nazis though, which was bullshit.
The game was super modable, and I remember playing for days with the map editor when that was released.
And finally even though Westwood got flushed, and the servers were going down they worked out a deal to pass the server code off to the community to keep it alive.
>that feel when your thread dies like westwood died.
Because no one plays RTS games online any more everyone moved to MOBAs and console shooters. The only people who still play RTS games online are the people who have spent 10 years honing one specific strategy in one specific game.
Or Koreans.
>big gap generator
>Is this a mod?
its just a pic I took from google and even the page I took it from doesnt tell me anything about which mod.
Even today, I still don't see the usefulness of gap generator, single or online play.
Unfortunately this.
They should've turned it into a stealth generator.
Would've helped out a bit more.
You guys should really get Mental Omega.
It gives each faction 3 subfactions with different units and support powers, along with adding in a new campaign and even a new faction.
RA1 Tanya best Tanya
RA3 was a good game; shame EA stopped patching and supporting it.
That's because this was made by Westwood Pacific, an unaffiliated company which later on made Generals, BFME 1 and 2, C&C 3, RA3 and went out with a bang in the form of... C&C 4.
Weswtood/Petroglyph were hacks, that's why Blizzard beat them to the top so easily.
I really liked how RA1 tanya had the mirror of venus combined with a crosshair. Really nifty visual design.
RA3 couldve been saved by uprising. Sad EA probably just pushed the single player to milk a few fans. If they gave it time EA LA couldve probably made improvements to fix the game.
That said the uprising challenge mode is really sweet. It is how a campaign should be. Unlocking units. Ability to retry missions with new unlocks. Side missions, main missions. All that good stuff
Then why were C&C3, RA3 and BFME so shit?
Westwood Studios also made Legend of Kyrandia, C&C1 and 2, Red Alert and Eye of the Beholder.
I couldn't believe people with such a shit taste really exist, but you two have proven me wrong.
>It's super shallow and spammy.
Just like CnC
>t. plebian
>tfw putting yuri's inside of an allied battle fortress
>twf your battle fortess full of yuri's gets mind-controlled
>tfw magnet tanks could drop tanks on unpathable terrain and they died instantly
>tfw you hit two crates in a row with your tank formation and theyre both veteran upgrades
>tfw oil derricks
literally everything went right
RA1 Tanya best Tanya
I hope you don't prefer RA2 over CnC3
What happened to Sup Forums? When did it become so plebian?
The 90s.
CnC3 is objectively better at multiplayer than any CnC game, including generals, you can't deny this
It's plebeian you fucks
RA3 was the best CNC multiplayer game. It had high unit lethality and rock/paper/scissors damage and armor types, units had abilities, and was fast. Shame EA fucked it up and stopped balancing it.
Anyone know why RA3 has no good mods for it? Is the modding tools terrible for it or is every modder sticking with RA2/generals?
Unit lethality is insane. They should've toned it down
>yfw a single Apollo destroys 4 Tengus
>yfw a single Vindicator rush can cripple Empire base early game
Yeah. In the xpack they gave them archer maidens
I thought it was 3 tengus. Also the tengus can just go to the ground.
Also apollos and vidicators cost about 350 more and some buildtime since they need an airbase. That said empire was really fun since they could build crazy fast and the mechas allowed them to out manoeuvre a lot of enemies.
Airbase prerequisite is just a powerplant
It's funny that 1 bomb can destroy an empire building core
if you go airfield rush its a risky move because if the empire player makes a push with infantry and you didnt do enough damage he can fuck your shit up.
1 bomb kills 1 infantry as well
depends on map size/scouting/base distance
units feel lika having weight, occupied buildings have presence and a feel od threath, sounds are awesome and scary.
everything went righ ybh
I wish I could replay RA2 and Yuri's Revenge, but I refuse to give EA a single penny after what they've done to Westwood.
>not popping in your old discs
>not pirating
That's very ironic considering EALA was the one who did RA2/YR, not Westwood.
Do people still not realize that RA2 was released as freeware along with some other CNC titles when RA3 was released?
Why are people still giving EA money for them?
I dont have the soviet campaign on disk man ;_;
>there are filthy pinkos in this thread RIGHT NOW
I would delete this if I could
I only had the soviet campaign at the time. I wanted to play the Allied one, but i stuck with it. In time i saw the promise of the union and its unending glory. For mother Russia!
best place to download it all?
Nobody here but us trees.
The internet!
That tree looks suspicious.
Kirov reporting
Why is my buddy on fire?
>rock/paper/scissors damage and armor types
This is good why? It ruined StarCraft
>captcha is trees
Pretty sure the ISO was being distributed on some CNC website. Even then you can Legally download RA2 from anywhere because it was released as freeware to hype RA3
making an army of prisma tanks was glorious, also kirovs. iraq unique soldier was dope but weak
thanks user
>so we just designed this tank with two barrels. Both with higher damage than anything the allies or us have
>alright, strap on some rocket pods as well
>pardon, this should be enough sir
>I said, strap on the goddamn rocket pods comrade
>but sir that might be...
>gulag or rocketpods comrade
They're history.
>now you remember the black tanks around the kremlin
How do you even use this bastards properly?
I always thought he was a bald black man with big lips and a lock beard
put them in orefields or TP them in a corner and then when a fight is happening try to get a few sneaky hits
>tfw you realise how powerful max levelled units are
>tfw you get an Elite apocalypse tank that fires double mini nukes and has regenerating health
>that moment when you hear the comforting sound of flak cannons shooting down rocketeers
That's a real nice tank column you have there. Would be a shame if something happened to it.