Heroes time on Sup Forums

so guys. where is the tread?

minotaur kings vs mighty gorgons
war unicorn vs champions
efreets vs black knights

tazar vs crag hack

Other urls found in this thread:


Wait didn't the poni have a special ability? No Retaliation?

They can blind

Mighty Gorgons
Black Knights

>play homm5 expansion with ai bonus
>have to play the shitstain necro/orc/tower campaigns cause the older expansions arent compatible with the ai boost(which also kills load times between turns)

>try to play 6 because someone here said it had good campaign
>Uplay crashes
Fuck, it's like Ubisoft hates their customers.

Black Knights by faaaaaaaar
Tazar, but only because I like Fortress more

What? Once you install Heroes 5.5 you can play all of the campaigns from the main menu.

Cavaliers/Champions? They get a damage bonus the further they travel to attack their target.

Dread Knights


Oh, and I somehow didn't notice the last question.

Offense is inherently stronger (high damage kills more troops so you take less damage from retaliation) but I personally like Tazar better.

why is fortress so loved on twitch and also on Sup Forums ?
the units are kinda weak compared to the other races. hydras vs angels/devils/drakes? LUL

best defense hero, wyvern day 2, mighty gorgon

Hydras wreck havoc in enemy lines Like no other unit

Also comfy as fuck town and theme.

Fortress has very pronounced strengths and weaknesses so it's more fun to play than more straightforward nations. For example, Hydras are are indeed hot garbage if you look at their straight combat potency, but they can wreck some serious shit if teleported to the enemy's blackline for instance. It's also thematically nice, complete with bitching town theme and such like.

Dragonflies, Gorgons, Wyverns and Hydras are pretty good and realitively easy to acquire. Wyvern stacks can be boosted with Dragon Fly Hives. Pretty good movements bonuses and their troops dont give a fuck about swamps. Decent heroes in the roster, like Tazar. And most importantly, it is a very comfy town.

However, I wouldn't say it's more loved than Necropolis or, say, Castle.

Just about every unit has a neat secondary ability, good aesthetic, great heroes, and unique.

What about Naga Queens?

powerful as shit but rly slow

>there are people ITT right now that haven't played the main series

What are the best magic schools for Beastmasters? Water and Air?

There are no best school for Beastmasters, there's Earth, Air, Water is meh and Fire is usually avoided.

But Fortress really likes Teleport and Prayer, and mass cure or dispel is never a bad thing.

Everyone likes Prayer. Except maybe Undead, I think they can't be Blessed, but not sure if same applies to Prayer. It's pretty expensive though.

the feel getting 4 hits if morale is good.

when luck is also involved fuck t7 units

to bad these mofos dont have a more interesting ability they are so pricy



feels bad

>Forums still active

>JVC wanted Heroes to continue as a strategy rather than a halfassed questing RPG
>Ubisoft pretty much tried their hardest to do the opposite every time
As if any more proof that Marzhin is a fucking hack was needed.

>tfw i never build up enough troops
how do i break this habit Sup Forums

Stop being a Capitolfag

Pick all the money on the map and get those creature dwellings and castle early.

Yeah and have no money to buy them afterwards with no 4k per day.

That's why you get city hall and pick all the money from those treasure chests.

I like the units. Lizardmen, dragon flies, gorgons, basilisks, etc.

im only Heroes4/5 fag here, am i missing out on something




>Heroes4/5 fag

How is it possible?

Not much, just 5,500 Power Liches.


take it i do, which game? Perhaps 3 or 2,1 ? doubt its the new games

>not come to enroth

2 then 3

Didn't think of that. Should be "Enroth awaits" then.

Wish someone would edit this where you could see the units standing on the battlefield through the noose instead.

3 is one of the greatest games ever made.

I'm a HoM&M2fag, but if you have to play one and only one game in the series, get HoM&M3. With HD mod.

Can someone post that 3000 power lich picture? God I love it.

>they think gwent is a new idea


>play H5 campaign with fast performance mod
>hours into the game decide to hit quicksave take a break
>game crashes
>get a feeling that the worst has happened
>try to load up that save
>the worst has happened

I fucking hate you people sometimes.


Fucking nostalgia. Constant hotseat parties with bros.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that in H6.


How do I do it Sup Forums?
I got force field as a spell if that helps

>Not upgrading to minotaur kings
top pleb

What's the advantage of splitting up ranged units?

>we wuz kangz

Pirate versions of H2 in my cunt were all with midi only and half of stuff translated and the rest of text deleted. We still had a blast.

I would guess that it forces your opponent to travel between your ranged units should they manage to reach them.

You get to shoot twice and you don't waste your damage overkilling a unit.

Some of the stuff in this guide is fishy.

Yeah, take it with a huge grain of salt. This is a troll guide.

I agree. Leadership has been hilariously good to me as an ability especially when I redo a turn for optimal outcomes.

I wanna play Heroes 3 with someone, but I got Horn of the Abyss installed.

You have less damage on an individual stack and there are more options open to your enemies to attack them, since it's harder to surround your shooter with units.

So, fucking none. The pic's author is shit at HoMM.
>Advising against using most of t1 units, which can be used to circle and protect your shooters
>"B-but they slow you down!"
Not if you have half a brain cell and use a secondary hero to juggle slow units end of turn

HotA doesn't delete the original files

While some of the things on the guide are shit, most of them ring true.

>Leadership has been hilariously good to me as an ability especially when I redo a turn for optimal outcomes.
Leadership is only ever useful on maps where you can recruit t7 stacks, otherwise it's garbo. And the fact that it worked for you is not an argument - of fucking course sometimes it works.

What's up with Might and Magic Heroes 7? Is is better or worse than 6?

> And the fact that it worked for you is not an argument - of fucking course sometimes it works.

That's actually not my argument. I'm the type of player who is willing to abuse the fact that you can save right before the battle, and abilities like Leadership swing the RNG to great effect where I can win battles I would have no chance of winning. Cheap as fuck but there are some fights that straight up decide the game.

Wouldn't call it a troll guide, but I disagree with some things. It's ok for people who have absolutely no idea what they are doing.

You mean this one?

4 is my favorite, but 3 is the best. 4 has so many problems, but there is so much there I love, it can't not be my favorite.

I never understood this one.

5 5 0 0



3 is my favorite because I played tons of MM7 as a kid and then one day a friend lend me HOMM3 and it was incredible, like a dream game.

Nothing but trash

The cowl (it's insanely easy to complete even if you aren't using necros because it only needs 3 low tier artifacts) makes you raise liches instead of skeletons. And you often raise thousands of skeletons after big battles. That there is a picture of a game someone basically already won.


>morale down

Spamming movement and ranged units is the best strategy. prove me wrong.

>dragon faction


>Spamming movement
The fuck you even mean by that
>ranged units
Essential until week 3 at its latest. After that I really hope they have enough initiative to go before that stack of 50 archangels pro-tip: they don't

the amount of steps you can take


What the fuck.

How do I magic school of peace?

Their units seem rather slow and I don't even want to mention the giant pain in the ass that is properly choosing targets to not kill your own units

Enemy army can't blind or block your only shooter unit you will still have another ones to shoot

Leadership is completely useless on maps with a lots of +morale buildings or with +morale artifacts