So we can all agree this is Kamiya's best work, right?
Okami Appreciation Thread
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I don't know about that, OP, but I am loving it. Just fought Orochi the other day and couldn't believe the game didn't end at that point. The festival afterwards was maximum comfy too, the music was great. Anyone know roughly how far into the game I am, percentage-wise?
The game is practically 3 games in 1.
You finished the first one.
So good, cleansing a tree and watching the country become vibrant and colorful was always perfect
I like Okami, but nah.
>there will never be a sequel
Ive never played it. My favorite 3d zelda is wind waker. Ive heard i would like this
Might me my favourite game ever. Definitely in the top 5.
You don't know that !
Kamiya's best work is Viewtiful Joe followed by the first Bayonetta.
Okami is a 6.5/10, it's good but full of blatant flaws and Kamiya clearly didn't know how to design a Zelda game and was in over his head.
If your favorite 3D Zelda is Wind Waker you probably have low enough standards to consider Okami your favorite in its place, yeah.
Holy shit, now I'm hard as a rock
Are you an idiot?
There's nothing wrong with that post
there already was
fuck off shills, nobody gives a shit about a hand held made without the developper's approval
I don't think you know what that word means
> Nintendo doesn't shill their garbage on Sup Forums
I don't think you've ever been here before this summer.
It's one of my favourite games of all time. I wish it had a proper sequel with improved combat and longer dungeons
Oh no you've caught me! I'm always here on Sup Forums, shilling an obscure DS game from 2010 and I would have gotten away with it!
what did he mean by this ?
He expected it to end, with missing powers. Idiots are idiots
>I had more knowledge about the game before playing it than you! Haha!
So you enjoyed the game less. Good to know.
The only major complaint I have with the game is that it was very easy. Aside from that, I loved all of it. Some people don't seem to like the fact that the game ran on after the Orochi battle, but personally I think the adventures following it made him seem like a much bigger deal for the land.
Easily my favorite game of all time.
The game tells you to get 13 powers. You had 7 at orochi. Fuck off
Retard or ignorant? I even expected it to not end like in Zelda or castlevania
>the HD port got forever buried in the PS3 store
>will never get released on Steam
No way. Even Pandora tower is better and that game had a budget of 5 dollars
You expected it to end? Are you dumb? Did you even look at the menus?
One of the best final areas I've ever played
dat ass
>Kamiya's best work
Pretty much. It's a bit frustrating watching Platinum's talent get wasted on wacky beatemups..
They are better than okami
It's possible that it could get ported to PC. That would be awesome. It sucks that only emulation lets you play it at 1080p
Maybe if you're autistic, sure
Cheap Zelda rip off or the best action games?
Anyway scalebound looks trash
okami is trash, not even zelda good and zelda sucks
third and last part kinda sucks...
This is still hilarious.
I wish I was in the thread were it was first posted.
Ayy I just beat this last night.
It was pretty good, all things considered. I'd heard it was like a Zelda game mixed with a Bayonetta game, which is sorta accurate, but it was like splitting the difference between the two did a lot of disservice for the whole thing. Biggest complaint was the fact that the game holds your hand/railroads you way too much, and Issun absolutely refuses to pour himself a nice big glass of Shut the Fuck Up. Upgrades and collectibles are fine, atmosphere and music are all great, art style works like a charm, it's got a lot going for it. I still think it doesn't do action better than MGR/DMC/Bayonetta and it definitely doesn't do adventure better than (most) Zelda games, but it's a pretty good mix all things considered.
Final boss was fucking great.
What other games have music like Ōkami?
They also removed the credits song.
Fuck that shit.
>Final boss was fucking great.
it wasn't by how boring it was and all they give is unlimited ink if i remember correctly
>try to paint something
>horrid, loud as fuck music comes in breaking all immersion
Fuck that beautiful game, I could never finish it because of that.
are you me?
>unlimited ink
It doesn't.
I didn't find it boring at all, the whole "regain your powers" thing was really cool to me. Kinda reminded me how Bayonetta's highest difficulty strips you of Witch Time and forces you to learn to play without it.
It really killed me, specially during battle mode.
The point of the final fight was the theme behind it.
You watch your friend get blasted away and your powers taken. You slowly gain them back as you seem to begin to overwhelm the boss.
Then, when you think all is lost, the world remembers you, you gain your power back, and shit all over the boss.
The only real flaw is that you actually don't have infinite ink for it, but who the fuck didn't have a stock of those items built up anyways?
The best Wind Waker remake set in Nippon, right.
What was the best weapon combo and the best skill to buy?
Yeah pretty much this.
The first time I really shed a tear in a fucking game.
No idea. I wound up sticking with Reflector Main and Glaive Sub the whole game, worked for me. Don't feel like you need to hang onto Gold Dust, it isn't hard to get more.
As for skills, definitely buy the dodge as soon as you can, and buy the upgraded combo strings for your main weapon.
Why do people say this? It's really nothing like wind waker. If anything it's most similar to OoT and even that is a pretty big stretch.
>The artstyle makes it WW
I've been emotional over a few games, but my god that whole fight just got to me.
Playing Okami on Dolphin is fucking glorious. It looks so damn nice.
I started this the other day while I was waiting for Amazon to ship my game. I'll get to it after cyber sleuth I think.
a fucking pokeball...
> Okami
One of the best games ever created.
> Okamiden
The shittiest game I ever finished. Took everything that was good about Okami and spitted on it. Just pretend it never existed. So, no, Okami had no sequels.
Hasn't Kamiya said they're working on a proper sequel now though?
>Unskippable cutscenes
>Its almost half an hour before you physically play the game.
>Cutscene every time something new happens.
>Lose all Godhood for escaping a random encounter.
>Learning new combat moves is ungodly tedious. Why can't you just buy the skill and have a slide quickly tell you how to use it? Instead, I have to spend 5 minutes hearing someone tell me to press square 5 times in a row.
>Final level is just fighting the bosses you already completed again. YOU FIGHT OROCHI 3 FUCKING TIMES IN TOTAL! Couldn't they have at least changed something each time?
> Final boss is an aborted whale fetus inside a giant metal cue ball.
>Unskippable cutscenes
Only for the first playthrough.
>skipping cutscenes on your first playthrough