It's almost been two years

>it's almost been two years

post feet

fuck off

It was the beginning fo the end, all these invaders trying to push an agenda.

Now they are all alt-right trump faggots saying "cuck" everywhere.

and those mentally sick people still crying wolf when something "bad" happens for them

let's keep it that way. fuck off to your containment chan.

>Now they are all alt-right trump faggots saying "cuck" everywhere.

No that's Sup Forums

Her creation or GG?

She was made with shitty memes involved AND she was instantly taken by bullshit like GG
Ruining any chance i wanted of fapping to her

Also this thread isnt Vidya, go complain elsewhere

We won?

Just a reminder, $60,000 real American dollars were given by Sup Forums users.

Their thread is literally what he described, along with some namefags namefagging.

Gamergate was right. Their only problem was they were too limited to video games. It disgusts me to read TV/movie journalism and see the same cancer as video game journalism but 10x worse.

Or the whole DNC e-mail thing.

TV and movie is far gone m8

gamergate was fucking gay the whole time but now they're literally just Sup Forums reddit edition.

It's everywhere man. It's a fallen world.

I like Vivian as a character

Yeah man, things weren't like this back in the good old days.


Sorry I'm new here, what has been almost 2 years? Is that when reddit's mascot, Vivian, was drawn first?

>set out to bring standards and ethics to journalism
>make Breitbart more popular than ever

Good job guys

At least Vivian is super cute and there's lots of her out there now. Even smut between her and Erin and her reddit sister that no one likes.

This is considered high quality criticism by cinephiles now.


Please never post ginger Tomoko ever again. Thank you.

Nice try, but no amount of denial will ever change the FACT that Vivian was a collaborative effort between Sup Forums and tumblr.
How fucking embarrassing.

Is this a full comic? I need this.

Their problem was that they limited themselves only to words, we would have needed some direct action.

>implying the Sup Forumsirgins who helped weren't just newfags from tumblr

>video games

I want to fuck Erin.

2 years later and I still don't understand it.

Are we pro or against it?

>video games journalism ethics


>a review written on a public movie review site
>by a satirical poster

You people just can't help embarrass yourselves, can you?
You're only right about one thing, and it's that western civilization is doomed. But not because of what you like to blame it on.

Sup Forums is not an entity you fucking idiot. Collectivist asshole...

It's still a work in progress, I need it just as badly as you do.

>whenever Sup Forums does something cringeworthy it wasn't REALLY Sup Forums it was people from somewhere else just using Sup Forums at the time for some reason
Keep reaching

Stupid fucking lol threads exposed me to Erin and that other comic about the girl with no arms


maybe think for yourself?

A group of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do launched a holy war on games journalism and all worked hard to uncover absolutely fucking nothing

In all honesty I thought games journalism was corrupt as fuck before GG happened. But their failure to dig up anything juicy made me realise it really is nothing more than a bunch of shitty bloggers looking for clicks. They are retards and sometimes assholes but there was so little dirt to be found that people had to spin insane shit just to justify how mad they were about it. The people attacking the journalists ended up looking obsessive and insane as it became more and more clear that there wasn't really anything there to be mad about other than "waaah this person is a liberal!"
You can hate liberals all you want, I certainly do, but they're entitled to their own opinion and it's unethical to try shut them down just because you disagree with them.

Is this porn. Please be porn.




literally white tomoko kuroki

get to the part were the fuck. we don't need the story building.


>But user, GG never harassed anyone!
What about this?
>ugh you idiot, those are CLEARLY false flags, they harassed THEMSELVES for money!
What about this, along with proof that it wasn't a false flag?
>Pffth you call THAT harassment?
Well, yes.
>These people should grow thicker skins!
So GG members DID harass others?
>lol fuck off cuck xD

Every time.

We drove Jewt The Cuck from his own site

Nice puppet show user

These threads always have the fucking laziest bait.

cute vivian art is the only good thing that came out of that shitshow

Who do you think still frogposts here? It certainly isn't the regular Sup Forums crowd. The only people who still post pepe are newfags from reddit trying to fit in by posting garbage they see on r/Sup Forums

Why can't white Korra be real

Are you fucking retarded? The only GG place is on reddit and that turned to shit the minute they started banning people for misgendering trannies.

two years since MOOT betrayed us

I second this

woah my fetish.

I am and always have been for the concept of Gamergate, however, much like the later German Empire during World War 2, it was wracked with espionage and infighting, then the quality of our arguments soured, we took on help from people we didn't want help from, and it died a very swift and painful death.

There was a reason there were people on all sides of the spectrum with Gamergate when it started, and that was because it was actually RIGHT. It was finally a chance for people who have just been rolling their eyes at journalism to finally point the finger at something and actually have people pay attention.

Anyone who was "against" gamergate's conception for any reason other than "It was shitting up the quality of Sup Forums" which I will admit was a valid argument at the time, was obviously some kind of bitch whipped or troll. Made more obvious that pretty much everyone was Pro-Gamergate at first, including Moot, all the mods, Sup Forums, Reddit, and anyone else caught in the middle.

Then I went away for a week at some point only to come back and see that it was apparently dying a whore's death, so far up its own ass with women hate that it made me sick. I don't know where we got "Hating women" from "Hating the corrupting bitch Zoe Quinn" but it was always a very VERY easy to avoid thick line. How anyone ever passed it and was still considered to be "On our side" was mind boggling.

Gamergate was good, but at the end of its life, it was not Gamergate.

Man, it's a wonder SJW's bother anyone when they're so good at talking to themselves.

There's no way that's satire, looking at her LB and Tumblr pages. But if it is, it's the best satire I've ever seen

This always triggers faGGots because it's completely true

i know right?

Arguing with a straw man is easy and not impressive.

"[Group] is bad because [person pledging allegiance to group] did something bad" only works if you're also going to claim that Black Lives Matter murdered those police officers earlier this month and that all Muslims committed every major terrorist attack of this decade.

It's not done yet you dummy.