ITT: gameplay elements now common in vidya but got shit on when they were first introduced

ITT: gameplay elements now common in vidya but got shit on when they were first introduced.

regenerating health


regenerating health
linear gameplay
day one dlc

On disk DLC

>game journalists were retards even in 2000


That webm will never not make me mad

These things are still considered bad, unlike OP's example.

OP didn't say they had to be considered good, just common.

This always makes me wonder what was the first game to use WASD controls.

Interactive movie (Heavy Rain for example)

Today it became an entire genre with many fans.
I think this genre just needed a better writer than David Cage to be truly accepted.

This is using a controller with one hand right?

More like they weren't paid enough to shill the game. Timesplitters came out at the same time, and more importantly, mouse-look was a thing for years.

>linear gameplay
>regen health
>always bad
Play more video games user

wasn't it quake or system shock?

Game journalists/reviewers have forever been hack, failed, dudebro writefags that only decided to get into the industry just so they could have an easy, fun job.

Fuck that game forever, whatever it is.

Why in the fuck would you not just use the fucking home keys? "Let me just move all keys one column to the left..." no, FUCK YOU.

DLC in general

it was system shock if you count WSDX.

You can just remap the keys you nerd.

>Why in the fuck would you not just use the fucking home keys? "Let me just move all keys one column to the left..."

People defend WASD because they have baby hands and believe it's an absolute necessity that Ctrl be bound to an important function.


Dunno about the first, but IIRC Half-Life made it popular.

Before that I used arrow keys and actually found mouse look very awkward.

>Why in the fuck would you not just use the fucking home keys
wasd is the closest keys for touch typing that can be used by the left hand only
>mfw I used to use waxd

It deserved to get shat on back then, the quality of the analog sticks were horrible in PS1 era

Dual analog is still fucking awful.

>fps on gamepad
>not bad

Regen health is always bad when compared with health packs. Less reasons to explore levels, less reasons to conserve resources, less consequences for your actions. It makes every level a series of disconnected fights, rather than a continuous battle of atrophy for the player.
It doesn't even give you smaller max HP in comparison to make you play more carefully- in most games with regen health you can stand out in the open for longer without dying than with, say, the average Build engine game.

Fuck does that look good


How did rumble become a staple? Seems like a novelty at best

At first I was chuckling, but more I watch them and more I'm enraged.

And I have to do that for literally every fucking game because of this asinine standard.

>rumble on a keyboard

>battle of atrophy

think you meant attrition there nigga

I always hated collecting ammo, health and armour. having to scavenge every nook in an fps game is not fun.
I prefer relying upon cover and movement

One part of sorta regeneating health I like is Farcry, where you have to find cover to do the regeneration animation.

It makes sense for Halo, but it doesn't for Battlefield, Call of Duty, Tomb Raider, shit like that.

>Regen health is always bad when compared with health packs
Depends on the game. Personally, I loved how Xenoblade Chronicles has your party regen health outside of battles. In RPGs, having to buy 20000x potions gets annoying

So you prefer to stretch your left hand all the way to the right of your keyboard? Are you deformed or something?

"used to get shit on" implies that he's looking for examples that no longer get shat on

Manual Regen + Pickup Armor is the best, honestly.

it's like they're hesitating to shoot the obviously no longer human.

Who the fuck said anything about a keyboard, spergy?

Yeah, I'm an idiot.
Well, obviously I'm talking about FPSs. The regen in Pillars of Eternity was shit though, like most mechanics in that game.

Well, it's a video game. Who cares if it's makes sense. That's the problem. Unless a video game "makes sense" and matches reality it's considered shit.

...Yes? Exactly why he quoted 4 posts about things that *still* get shat on and thus don't really fit OP's requirements

Real time RPGs.

I miss turn based. Why can't someone go back to it?

Adding hundreds of new Pokemon every couple years.

There were people who like David Cage's early stuff when it first came out. It wasn't until there were good examples that people finally realized just how much of a hack Cage is/was.

Releasing unfinished games.

I mean, just look at how well MGSV did

It depends on the game retard. If a game is designed around regenerating health, then having regen is good for that game's flow.

that review is still relevant.
FPS on consoles will always have terrifying controls


Still better than use buttons for aim. That's why fps should be played on PC.

No. muh nostalgia

Its not the mechanics that are bad. Its that people shoehorn it into every shooter imaginable. And when you lose that, all you can ramp up is difficulty. Which apparently means more hp. No interesting environment interactions. No ability gun combos. Just...shoot more.

2 or 3 weapon limit

I like Turn based more but with multiplayer becoming so popular and smooth action scenes, stop-action games were bound to die.

Still, i would kill for another SRPG that isnt Disgaea

>liking glorified point and click games

This game here is called Cyclones, and was an FPS shooter from 1994, and therefore released after Doom (93).

This game had this fucking crazy feature. You could move into one direction, but you could point your gun in another one. Reviewers back then considered this nauseating and confusing, like driving a tank.

Way ahead of its time.

>tfw I spent 3 or more loading this 14 seconds webm

I hate my life.

How did you control the gun? If it didn't use the mouse I can see how it would feel complicated.

I remember playing the demo, and I'm pretty sure you had the arrow keys moving your legs, and the numpad controlling the gun. I might be wrong, but I think it's the first game that had the gun-aim decoupled from your movement.

I bet it's because the retard didn't properly configure the controls.

>Try to play Viscera cleanup detail with a controller
>Controls like complete shit without repeatedly modifying and testing control sensitivity

Gamepads really are shit for any first person games.

Stop using Goldeneye's default control scheme as the end-all-be-all control style. It wasn't the standard despite what idiots think. Most fps' on consoles before dual analog used the Turok style: aim with stick and move with buttons, which better emulates the feeling of WASD + Mouse.

NPC you're supposed to follow is faster than you
NPC you're supposed to follw is slower than you

What was crucified in the past is now praised as good cinematic design.

There's still plenty though

But the sole advantage controllers have over m+kb in shooters is that analogue sticks are superior to buttons for movement.

Why the fuck would you ever make using a controller even WORSE for a shooter than it already is?

Whom were intelligent in the past are now brainded morons, also. You literally don't see anything like this criticism from anyone aside from dick sucking games like Infinite.

Jesus I'm bad and play on the easiest setting but I'm better than this

Buttons for movement is better. Always has been.

yeah because moving at a slight angle is so much more important than being able to freely aim.

It's a shooter, not a platformer.

That sounds fucking nauseating and confusing.

Doom had mouselook even on DOS, you just had to manually enable it.

It really isn't.

You don't have any fine control over your speed without pressing additional buttons, you don't have a full 360 degree range of motion without also adjusting your aim/camera, and it requires more inputs to perform than simply moving a stick with your thumb.

Sticks are the sole reason controllers have any advantages over m+kb in any genre.

Learn to read m8.

I'm saying controllers are already worse overall, and pointing out that he's suggesting making them even worse for shooters. Nothing else.

>fast-paced shooters died because console controls make them nearly impossible
>having more than 4 weapons died because controllers can't accomodate it
>physics and dynamic lighting is dying because made-for-console engines can't accomodate them
>none of the points above matter anymore since the majority of customers are console-players who will buy anything that's hyped enough by a AAA developer and shilled by streamers/YT celebrities

Reviewers were right.

In the Mass Effect games I always wished for shield batteries like they had in the books. when your shield gets low you swap out the batteries, it doesn't recharge on its own. having to collect and conserve batteries for fights would have made the games much more challenging. in 2 and 3 you'd have like a second of invincibility when your shield would break. I ended up abusing that by popping out of cover, shooting as long as I could until the invinc frames faded, then returned to cover until the shield regenerated and repeated. ended up being very boring.

Wolfenstein: TNO had a combination of both that worked quite well

That 360 degree range of motion doesn't offer anything substantial to shooters. The only games which it offers advantages for are driving games.

2 and 3 are wrong.

Plenty of console shooters have had you wielding many, many guns with no problem - and physics are dying out because they were always just a novelty or used for immersion, and most people got bored of them.

>having more than 4 weapons died because controllers can't accomodate it
No, it was just lazy/incompetent devs.


Bravely Default and Persona

I'm okay with it's still its own thing
Not if it invade other genres like action-adventure like Uncharted 4

>regenerating health
Depends on the context but it is usually bad used
>linear gameplay
Not bad at all, what is bad is corridors games
But that lend to the "everything should be open world" meme and we are paying the price of it now
>day one dlc
Bad always. That's disrespecteful to the buyer.

Driving games, platformers, basically anything where having fine control over your movement would be a bonus.

I've got pic attached. Never going back to WASD unless a game forces me to.

to this day, i am still not bored of force pushing stormtroopers off high ledges in jedi academy, or fuck it even the force unleashed

So long as that mouse has buttons on the side I could see myself using one of those as well.


There were always slow paced shooters on PC. There were always shooters on PC where you couldn't carry an entire arsenal. Dynamic lights and shadows are actually getting more common these days and they weren't even common on PC until the mid 00s and were limited even then because of the performance hit dynamic lights had with forward rendering.

This and copying how Halo did it.

I would almost say every negative trend in FPSes can be traced to Halo even if the first Halo was still a decent game.

>muh console oogie boogie

Actually this is still flawed. Yes, with an analog stick you can move in any direction separate from your aim... however, SWITCHING directions is slower than on a keyboard. Going from full speed left to full speed right is always going to be slower when you have to move the stick full left to full right than it would be to just press another key.

Being able to move at a 12.5 degree angle compared to 45 degree angle is pointless when it takes longer to switch movement in a game where you can just move your mouse a bit so that the 45 degree angle is going in the same direction as that 12.5 degree angle would have been going.

Digital input > analog input unless it's something you really fucking need something more than "on/off" (driving games/flying games, etc).

It's a Splitshark FragFX. It's got four buttons on the side which can be mapped in most games.

Honestly, it's some of the best money I've spent.

Cover system
It's always clumsy and clunky

I prefer WASD and mouse over controller. Been using a PS3 controller for some games recently and the triggers are god awful uncomfortable. Which I'm assuming is because my hands have gotten bigger in the five years I've stopped using the thing.

The DS3 is just an ergonomic disaster tbqh

Dpad is poor, triggers are poor, and it's too small to boot.

Dunno how they went from the great DS2 to it, but at least the DS4 was a return to form.

Pic attached is a mouse+controller.

It's objectively better than mouse+WASD for action games.

Horse armor. It was the laughing stock of the entire industry when it came out, to the point where even Bethesda started joking about how scummy it was. Now it's standard practice to pre-order the season pass for bundles of minor DLC you don't even know the details of yet.

Goldeneye probably had more gun variety than anything else at the time, there was no carry limit, and it was a console game.

Want to blame anything? Blame Halo.

I think the root of the problem lies in ammunition. Once upon a time, ammunition was scarce for most of the weapons or it dropped from enemies actually using them making the players conserve ammo as seen fit. When you can always use your most powerful weapon in any situation, even 4 weapons offer enough choices if they accomplish defferent roles(automatic gun, shotgun, sniper and something explosive for example).