Name one Nintendo game that is aesthetically as displeasing as Link Between Worlds

Name one Nintendo game that is aesthetically as displeasing as Link Between Worlds.

>aesthetically displeasing
Try killing yourself, maybe?

Wind Waker HD

I'll name 3 in your series without going unreasonably old, in order of how offensive they are:

Twilight Princess
Minish Cap
Wind Waker

Who is this girl?

Super Mario 3D World.
Its just floating blocks in a 3D space, every single level
Why would you make a more powerful console, and then never take advantage of it? 3D World could've been done on the Wii.

Might not be the best looking Zelda, but boy do I love the hell out of Link Between Worlds. Felt really refreshing and filled me with joy.

Not good looking, sure, but it was one of the best handheld Zeldas in a while.

A link to the past

What I'm saying is IT'S FUCKING UGLY

But not because of technical limitations, but because of SHITTY FUCKING ART DIRECTION

I couldn't just say "ugly" though because Sup Forums always equates that with NOT ENUFF PIXELS

You think that shit looks good?

boku no pico

Link (male)


Watch more anime newfag

Not, that's Zeldo


Pokemon go with the AR turned on

Metroid II!

Forgot picture. This game is fuck ugly, so it makes sense that ALBW is also disgusting to look at

Move to a nicer country

Wind Waker has far better art direction than this phong crap, TP might indeed look worse than I remember from the time, but I'll concede Minish Cap is pretty shit

Oh man we are not going to agree on that. I think it's so fucking beautiful.

Federation Force

>one of the best handheld Zeldas in a while
That's not saying much. The ds ones were terrible and the coop one is meh.

I'm actually an oldfag who hasn't watched anything recent in years. If yiu weren't into VHS trading then you can't call anyone a newfag, little guy

Fuck you
TP had an atmosphere and everything

Watashi from Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita

Your mom's asshole, bitch.

Objectively the ugliest Nintendo game. Probably one of the ugliest games of all time, to be honest.