Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 6

>the wall was broken but the autism must continue
>OP fucked up and killed the second nomad
>fir got some godly levelups

What's going on?
>I'm playing through Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, taking inputs from you
>I'll be asking for input on who gets used, who gets stat items, etc.
>no restarts for lost units, barring game overs

game over count: 1
currently dead:
Wolt-died to OP's sheer stupidity
Shin- died to OP's lack of attention
Wendy- dead because it was thought to be wise to field 3 armorknights on a stage with nothing but pirates and scattered mages

previous threads

>which game is this, and why have I never seen it before?
this is Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi, also known as The Binding Blade. It was never released outside of Japan, but its sequel, The Blazing Sword(which served as a prequel set 20 years before this game), was released worldwide as 'Fire Emblem'
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm impatient

Fuck yeah Nigger!

Wendy only wanted to be strong..

and yet she got no STR.

at all

We'll be talking about Wendy's tragic death, but can I get some funerary horns for Sin, who died without doing anything at all?

You better use Echidna nigger.

>a druid is evil

rip in pepperoni, never forgeteroni

forgot to use this a few stages ago. now the objectively worse archer has slightly more luk.

lilina needs glasses.

RIP pokemon go.

roy getting BUFF.

how the hell did he manage that with his genetics?

the rng gods are smiling on him

it is so nice dorothy is getting used over sue.

what the fuck, fir?

Oh well.

roy stole her gains

>RIP pokemon go


wuh oh
she's getting attacked by a GBA fighter!

time for that 21% to bite you in the ass

niantic bitched out the pokevision guys, who shut down in response, then in their new update they decided to remove tracking altogether rather than fix it.

All I fucking want is a hack that makes it so the legendary weapons are unbreakable. I cannot stand that shit at all.

oh fuck you, game.

No one said legendaries couldnt be broken user.

It's okay. Clarine's 5 Mag will save us.

God damnit nigger!

called it


Whew, we should place bets on how many will be dead by the end of the game.

After all those assumed missed 12-21% hits on fir in her leveling arena you should have expected it you shit. She's with wendy now, cursing their tactician


Here comes Based Saul


we arent in double digits deaths yet are we?

Press F to pay your respects

what the shit

you were the best of a shit pile


You maybe could've been slightly okay

To be fair that's some Boyd level HP.

why are they looking at me?

He's judging your tactics

They're scared of you killing them next.


ah shit nigga
we /pirates/ now

well that's convenient. he spawned right next to roy.

>This dumb nigger is my tactitian?

Wait, doesn't he spawn with a Brave Axe?

time to rip and tear


Either that or killer.


yes, yes he does.


I swear if Nigger gets him killed too..

This early in to the thread and you've lost a unit? Jesus Christ, Nigger.


I'm pretty sure it's a new record

I've lost several.

lilina, didn't your father ever tell you about how to hit your opponents?

why have skill when you can have mag?

>93 hit
She'll be fine. Besides, you're using Hugh the Jew

>that face only a mother could love
>or a degenerate loli mage

I wanna fuck Gonzales. How big do you think his dick is?



So we're gonna let Gonzalez get A Support with Lilina right?

He has bigger CON than Dieck so, take a guess.

8 skill pre premotion is decent as long as she eats a book or two and sticks to Fire and Aircalibur.

chad why do you keep getting STR? You're not going to be a frontline fighter.

What the fuck would Hector know about that?

He's gonna shank Idun, just you wait

>still has more strength than Dorothy

>2 def at level 14


a lot


>when you wanna go fast but your tactician tells you to heal

lot knows his replacement has arrived.

I want to facefuck Clarine as she looks at me disapprovingly.

He still has a Lot of speed, though

and she won't stop talking about how her brother is bigger?

I see.


Ogma- I mean Deke is gonna be massive

he's gonna WRECK that pussy.

>55 base avoid
I love this woman

Roy will be a cucked by a retard. This is as shameful as Solid Snake being cucked by the guy who shits his pants.

>Look of sorrow
Um Lilina. You might want to actually look at his face.

She's practically blind.

his dad is still alive though
and not allergic to ketchup

Only one with low skill growth can understand the sorrow they share.

she's talking to him like a toddler.

big brigand dick

>everyone bulking up on hp
They don't trust you to keep them alive nigger

yay. a swordreaver in a chapter of axe-users.

I hate armorknights in this game.

I'll happily use them in my next game, but here? christ.

It is a sad, sad thing that this game didn't have paired endings, so we can't have Gonzales, King of Lycia, or any number of paired endings that'd have been sweet.

Endings in this game are weird, though; there's two sets of endings.

I still don't like him.

So anyone else playing Tear Ring Saga after the release of the new patch?

Oh shit. It came out?

In think your specific Bors is just bad.

A hair brush and some dental work would go a long way.

no, armorknights in this game are just horrible.
them and axe users.


best boy
You got Lot though
but Geese is still best boy