Pick two
Pick two
5 and 8
Link to the Past and Skyward.
this is the definitive choice.
This, maybe even LoZ Zelda cuz she's a cutie too.
Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword because the rest are children and the Zelda from Adventure of Link is really boring.
Zelda II
Twilight Princess
1 and 9 for sure. I could probably also go for Twilight zelda, mature isnt bad
actually, windwaker pirate zelda is cute af too
2 & 9
They're all disgusting. Link is better.
Twilight Princess and shortstack Link Between Worlds
No one will believe me, but I like the Z64 one purely on a character design level.
loli oot
and I guess, I dunno, fat zelda. she can watch me and loli oot
I choose the ghost twice for ghost blowjobs.
Why did they turn Zelda blonde?
Majora's Mask because she is not important on it.
Wind Waker and Skyward. I want to fuck them.
Spirit Tracks and Adventure Of Link
First post best post
Why'd you omit the best one?
Not vidya
3 and 7
Skyward and the second one.
I hate smashfags
1 and 3
1 is a short lady with huge tits
3 just has huge tits too
i love huge tits, as you can tell
i'll take 3 and 9
Same, good picks user