Redwall and Dark Souls in one

>Redwall and Dark Souls in one
>No one talking about it

Ghost of a Tale is out faggots, what do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

Post some webums of your game's combat.

furry shit for fags

>your game

It's not his game, it's my game and I don't want filthy Sup Forumsirgins despoiling my game with their smut.

PS, if this is the first you're hearing of Ghost of a Tale, you're literally a newfag and should kill yourself.

Why would i play this when i could play Mouseguard or something similar, with friends, and have an all around better mouse-themed experience?

I'm really interested in it, but have no desire to play until the full game is out.

If there is one thing I can say about it, it's that it's not memorable. It's not good or bad. It's just meh.

Why should you play any game.

>it's like dark souls but with _________

>shilling your shitty furfag game before it's even finished
fuck off until you can come back with a finished product

>interested in this game since forever ago
>only ever seen the gifs of the mouse being chased by the crab
>game releases with literally 0 marketing or fanfare
>steam reviews are at very positive
>still seen 0 footage of the actual GAMEPLAY
>don't want to look up a video because every video nowadays has some annoying faggot talking over the game

yeah, I'll just pirate or wait for it to be stupidly low priced

>Dark Souls
>stealth game

Just buy it. With refunds, getting games on Steam is zero risk these days.

Post videos/webms of the combat please.

Except for the part where a few refunds will cause them to blacklist you for "abusing the system"

Its true but with the frequency that shit games are coming out, you'll eventually get flagged for abusing the system.

>buy game
>buy game with refund money
>shit as well

Besides you can just get the gog version easy.

I have an OK full time job, money isn't the problem. Time is. I value my time more than my money. The possibility of wasting what precious free time I do have playing a bad game is unacceptable. Unless I am certain I'm going to like the game, it can fuck right off.

>stealth game.

into the trash it goes.

It's pretty good from what I've played of it.

This, please kill yourself OP.

Its a puzzle/stealth game, and part dress up

There's a mouseguard game?

So you waste your time on here instead?

>doesn't like stealth games

into the trash goes your opinion

I returned over 10 games so far in the summer sale.

It needs to have an arc indicator or reticule for when you're throwing objects, tired of hitting the guard I'm trying to distract instead of tossing it past him.

So is there anything to this game aside from dodging the rats?
Is there any combat at all?

pirate the gog version

Yeah, it's a pen and paper rpg, so i guess it's more of a /tg/ thing.

You are so clever user, you totally see through OP trying to advertise his game.
Either that or you are just a retarded memester cunt, not sure.

Are you the same person from ?
Because if so that is fucking retarded, how is your valuable time any less wasted if you pirate it?
Sounds just like typical piratefag thief excuses tbqh

>early access

my time is wasted playing the shitty game in the first place.

Sometimes it is very obvious when a game is bad or good, this one seems neat but I have seen virtually NOTHING as far as gameplay, just short snippets posted here.

2 hours spent playing it to determine if its bad are 2 hours of my time I'll never get back. Sometimes 2 hours is all I have after I come home from work before I need to go to bed, and I'm not blowing it on trying out a game that might be shit.

How hard is that to understand.

>early access
I don't want to play an incomplete game

yay let me just play some hot indie trash

>“We estimate that Ghost of a Tale will be in early access for up to six months (though of course this is subject to change). We are a very small team (one person does 90% of art and coding) and we’ll need that time to complete the game, test and localize it.”


> Back in 2013 the Indiegogo campaign raised roughly $40K of actual game budget. Microsoft helped us with a small advance on the Xbox One version but even that can’t keep us going for much longer

>$40,000 (plus a lil more from MS XD) FOR A FUCKING HIGH GRAPHICS ACTION-RPG

>we reckon that this pre-release represents the first 25-30% of the full game (in terms of quests to be completed and locations to be explored).

>25-30% DONE
>"""""OUT IN 6 MONTHS"""""

if you fall for this bait you need to leave video games

You are full of shit and you avoided the question, you said you would pirate it or buy it at a very discounted price.
I asked how the fuck would pirating it be somehow acceptable but buying it and playing it for a bit before deciding if you want a refund is not.

this desu senpai


no thanks. the only kids i knew in middle school who read that shit were too autistic to have normal hobbies, but too stupid to be interested in real high fantasy shit, so they settled for fantasy shit with animals instead.

>40 minutes and still no webums
Thats too bad op, i was going to buy your game if it looked promising.

Isn't it early access? I'd rather wait for the full release to be honest familia.

I had no idea this game existed, but small anthro characters in clothes is the comfiest aesthetic so I'm probably gonna end up buying it when it's finished.

Come on man. At least change up the wording a bit each time you post this. You're being way too obvious.

the mouse looks really adorable, i think i might wanna pick it up once it gets out of early access

Isn't it amazing that Redwall hasn't been raped in a shitty movie or something yet?

My PC can't run it at current specs

There was an animated tv series.

Any good senpai?

As far as I remember the animation was a little shitty but it was a pretty faithful adaption of the book.

Not him but as far as I can remember it was pretty good.

>early access
It's not out yet, then, user.

you made this exact thread earlier, viraler. did the company not tell you there's people who frequent this board more than twice a week?

Just pirated it. About to see if its any good.

>Redwall and Dark Souls in one

I'm not saying the game is bad but it's barely focused on combat so comparing it to DS is just bullshit.

No, I search the archives and copied some other anons OP.

>early access

when will this garbage stop? It's literally turning the industry to shit because it allows developers to release games 10% done for full price.

yeah if you're gonna shill show me some bullshots and combat webms

I fucking love Redwall and Dark Souls so if you can't sway me over kill yourself my man

Why is it with the obsession of comparing every game with Dark Souls? Dark Souls is not even that good to begin with, there are games that did the exact same thing Dark Souls does but years before and much better.

This game is like Dark Souls with Guns and Darkerer souls and Demons and Swords also Souls that are Dark

It's a stealth/adventure game with no direct combat i.e. nothing like Dark Souls, OP is just memeing

Found the dev

Shills are out in full force today

I like Redwall but don't like the Dark Souls comparison. I hope its not shitty like Dark Souls

Yeah, they lose incentive to patch and update or even complete the game because "fuck you im already paid". It's stupid and is practically synonymous with scams at this point.
I liked Secrets of Grindea but holy shit the guy(s) never update it anymore and I'm pretty sure they didn't finish designing talent trees or what the next tiers of gear should aim for and so they just kinda add little shit here and there probably hoping everyone will eventually forget about it.

Jesus, this game is going to be abandoned, I'm 90% sure of it.

Isn't it early access? I don't want to spoil it

Solution: wait for torrents

Of all the cool animals you could have been you're a furbait mouse.

Into the trash it goes.

>no combat at all

Because Redwall is dumb and Dark Souls is overrated shite.

this looks like a unreal tech demo

still waiting for it to get released though

Are all encounters with rats just designed so if you're spotted if you "escape" they all just go back to being normal? Or are you penalized via a ranking system or something?

Also there was no combat in that, user, getting swatted in the face once and then turning a corner and hiding in a basket isn't combat.

>only an hour long
fuck off

If you're really the guy, you're not very humble for someone who wants to get their game out there. Especially because it's still in EARLY FUCKING ACCESS.

It's kinda the reverse though? Redwall is like shitty furry Deviantart fanfiction, I don't think even Dark Souls could improve it, honestly.

>it's like Dark Souls
>first 30 minutes has no combat

Nah, I'm good. Enjoy your Early Access bullshit.




where do I find those fucking pirate boots?

What? Redwall are old books in the same vein of love that Tolkien gets.

played the early access and its cute and pretty and good,
but i dont like stealth so oh well

theres a pair of boots next to a chest right before the drawbridge that i missed the first time around, but i cant remember if they are the pirate boots or the thief boots

I love Dark Souls, but I hate when people do that.

Was looking forward to this until it faded off the face of the earth along with Routine. Is it actually getting a release date or what?

Sup Forums isn't a waste of time.

>Sup Forums isn't a waste of time.

Your baiting's too obvious now, pal.

there is no combat. the gameplay is literally just hiding in boxes. also nearly all sound effects are missing

its out now in early access but you can tell it needs a lot of work. also its boring as shit

What a shame. Had a lot of promise in its charm and setting. I figured it would end up becoming one of those style over substance games though.

It's early axxess go fuck yourself

the shame is an adaption that stays true to its source of this would be amazing, but nobody wants to stay true to their source material anymore these days, its like there's some sort of 'cool club' for movie/television makers who raise a middle finger to whatever they're adapting
>you will never see Cluny crushed by the bell
>you will never see Martin escape prison with Gnoff
>you will never see Matthias find Martin's sword in Asmodeus' den
>you will never hear Brocktree shout Eulalia as he charges into battle beneath his volcano home with his brigade of hares behind him

>mofuggin early access
>op thinks the game is out
>no one talking about this

This is not redwall the game

Proof, faggot?

Guess I shouldn't mention Salt and Sanctuary, then

People love Redwall because they read them as kids, but they're pretty shit. They recycle the same exact plot over and over again. Plus the every mouse is good, every rat is evil morality gets boring really quickly.

This is probably the best looking game I've ever seen.

Nah, I read Redwall again last year while my computer was broke, still good.

>Redwall vidya
it's not tho. if it were Sup Forums would be blowing loads over it. pic related.

also Jacques died in 2011. I bet most of you guys didn't even know. Press F.