Go back and play TF2 for the first time in months

>Go back and play TF2 for the first time in months
>After update, can't choose what server you want to be in
>Game automatically connects you to a random server

Well at least I got some good years out of this game

Other urls found in this thread:


Does it really do that now?

>After update, can't choose what server you want to be in
You can choose what maps you want to play on casual

I'm sorry you're too retarded to play the best modern FPS. Have fun in Overwatch, I guess.

No, the server browser is still there, it's just under the "Find a Match" button.

>tfw vanilla valve servers are dead

>decade-old game

Overwatch is just as bad with it's matchmaking. At least TF2's gives you the option to choose your preferred modes and maps.

Difference is: Overwatch's gets you into a match within five minutes. You'd be lucky to get into a TF2 match within 10-20 mins with how it works currently.

It's not that bad, faggot. If you want to be on a trade server with a bunch of bronys, you can do that with the "find a server" option.

openserverbrowser in console

Did they add ranked to TF2?

How is it?

They've patched it and I get into a match in about 2 minutes now. Granted I live right next to Virginia servers and always get 5 ping, but I'm sure it can't be that bad.

>You'd be lucky to get into a TF2 match within 10-20 mins with how it works currently.
What region are you in? I'm in the Midwestern US and matchmaking takes a minute at most for me.

It's 6v6 with no class limits or weapon bans. I haven't played it, but it sounds really bad.

>no class limits or weapon bans
haven't even tried yet and i already feel disappointed

Yeah, but if your hearts set on one or two maps, enjoy waiting in queue




I'm in shitainkistan and a average match took me 2-3 mins to find

It did

only bad players don't like this update

If a game doesn't have a server browser and server software freely available to run my own I won't buy it.

I've been playing since orange box came out, this update made me buy overwatch and I've enjoyed it and haven't looked back

im currently at lvl 67 in casual match making

how are you guys doing?

like 65 or something

Valve can't even update Dota 2 without fucking breaking the game.

got to 80 and stopped playing for a bit. All the shitty players are back and it's no different from before. I wanted to play engineer earlier today and I ended up being the only person holding the front line while my teammates sat a mile back sniping or wandering around on 2nd.

>literally too retarded to navigate a menu

I get that you dont even have a custom hud but its still there in the default

every fucking time I see a tf2 thread on Sup Forums i open it with high hopes only to realize noone knows what they are fucking talking about

I like this update, but Spy's speed buff completely breaks Pyro's role as a hard-counter to Spies.
Beforehand, you'd actually have to try when escaping. Now you can just book it and get away 95% of the time.

That has more to do with the DR and big earner than the speed buff.
>If spy takes damage he's immune to fire for 2 seconds and moves faster than scout
>If spy gets a kill he moves faster than scout
Who thought this was a good idea?

>spy books it without taking damage from any of pyro's secondaries or other classes
>is now out of position for any kill

>spy gets a kill near pyro
>pyro doesnt burst him down immediately
>spy gets away with half the speed boost that a powerjack grants

Right, but it wasn't as much of a problem before his base speed was boosted.

>but it wasn't as much of a problem
Yes it was, pyro has been shit at killing spies since gunmettle.
He's invisible, moves incredibly fast, and is immune to afterburn how the hell would a pyro stop him? Scout has an easier time killing him than pyro does.

>spy travels 107% base speed
>pyro with powerjack travels 115% base speed

Hey faggot you should open the server browser if you want to browse servers.

Are there any community servers that run vanilla weapons only yet?

just started, at level 11. comfy af

arguably since before

DR and spycicle have existed for quite a while

>Want to try new matchmaking
>sends me to a 200 ping server
>look for another match
>sends me to a chilean server with 300 ping
>look for the last time
>sends me to SEA

Anyone playing right now?

Not anymore.

DR only got afterburn immunity and speed buff after gunmettle.

just shoot shotgun or flare as soon as they get out of range

usually works for me

DR was also buffed after that to not show the afterburn immunity icon above you.
And pyro only got nerfs.

That was a bug, not intentional.

I recall the Dead Ringer being really ridiculous sometime before the Gun Mettle Update, but after the Dr. Enforcicle fiasco

I've played to rank three and I have fun with it, I'm a shitter though. I don't think anyone's good enough at a lower level to abuse the lack of weapon bans or class limits, though you'll see a team run double medic rarely. I just roam like a jackass so I don't have to feel as bad about not protecting my med.

Well they waited 5 months to fix that "bug"

Is it frowned upon to play Spy like a scout who can cloak?
I've tried playing Spy the normal way, but it's so boring, the risk v reward is shitty and mastering trick stabs feels like a waste.

It's significantly easier to flank and pick off fuckers with the revolver

>waited five months

>valve software

Wasn't it 90% damage reduction? Ironically it was less of a problem then since you could just airblast them into a corner and wait for their cloak to run out or go at him with the axtinguisher to use up some of it.

might as well just play scout

I only dislike Gunspies that make no attempt at stealth whatsoever and attack head on, using the Dead Ringer to run away when they get in trouble, and people who play Spy like Sniper with the Ambassador.

I do play scout. It's my second most played class.
Spy is actually my second least.

Have you been playing lately? It takes 2 minutes max with a full party of 6 duderinos.

you using DR

it's a good way to learn how to stab people and master disguise

Yeah it's stupid that connect to server is burried a bit but is still there.

Fucking forcing viewmodels and weapon_fov is stupid as shit though.
Thank god actual fov isn't stupid restricted though.
Valve doesn't know how to play their own damn game.

Not a clue, played it in the beta and I got destroyed by coordinated teams every time I went solo queue, I don't have a group to play with so I don't play.

I'm still annoyed with the demo shields though, just annoying to play against as it makes him so tanky. That and most people use it as a get out of jail free card as it removes all debuffs and gets him out of danger with just a right click.

I just wish the dr had a much less flame resist time and when you drop the dr you also drop the speed boost from the dr.

>See a "teammate" sitting at the corner outside the spawn door thanks to spawn outlines
>Walk out and destroy him immediately

The problem with DR is its the exact opposite. Harder to get stabs but you become unkillable. It's not stealthy at all so really why even play spy?

I switch between the Dead Ringer and normal watch pretty frequently, actually.

I won't play in people's faces, it's really just to pick people off who are wounded.

I still don't understand the issue.

Did people that weren't F2Ps honestly want to play on Valve official servers? Just hop in a Skial 24/7 server or any other server with minimal add-on bullshit or admin shenanigans.

oh you're one of those spies

you should learn how to stab it's so satisfying

Revolver is so fucking good. Favorite way to play spy, people don't realize just how powerful that gun is if you can land most of your shots.

have you ever watched the low scoring players? lots of legit mentally retarded people

TF2 felt dead to me when I came back to it

Irked me seeing matchmaking added to it, connection bars instead of numeric pings on scoreboard, and outlines around my teammates when at distance

I used to play that way with the Enforcer when had the +20% damage when not disguised attribute and could still crit.

>connection bars instead of numeric pings on scoreboard
I still don't understand why the fuck Valve did this. Thank god you can tick an option to use numerical values.

Have the re-enabled sprays on casual?
I'll come back if they do that, loved that feature.

They never went away.

Nah, still no sprays on official servers.

>minimal add-on bullshit

the minimum would be nothing at all.
yes, i did want to play on valve servers because i didn't have to wait in a line before getting to play. i was okay with server hopping when things are too rough and honestly screwing around with a sydney sleeper or buffalo steak sandvich was fun. now casual matchmaking has somehow turned everything serious, and games end much quicker. i have stopped playing.

pretty sure people can't see each other's sprays, but you can see your own

>Valve will never stop deepthroating b4nny

That whiny fuck is what's gonna kill TF2.

They're in a weird state right now. If you've seen someone's spray outside of a Valve server in a different server, you can see their spray in Valve servers, but otherwise, you can't see other people's sprays.

I think that's how it is, anyways.

because kids don't know ping but understand 5 bars green = good

no bars red = bad

At least Dota 2 is safe from his faggotry.

skial doesn't have much added on just AP

How hard is it for people to learn
>high numbers=bad
>low numbers=good

you can change that on the adv. options.

Dude afk bots lmao

what does it matter to you not like your looking for a serious game anyways

>Doesn't add much.
Let's just inflate the player count with a bunch of bots.
If i wanted to play against bots I would make a server on my computer.

i'd like to have competition against real people though, plus i always get my ass kicked from skial regulars. i'm not that good at the game, i admit.

You do realize they ignored most of his suggestions right? b4nny disagreed with them on a lot of the balance changes we got, the only thing he convinced them of was to not buff the reserve shooter.

yea the bot thing isn't ideal really but if they had more consistent playerbase they wouldn't exist. I'm still mad what they did with dustbowl server

Less than a minute to find a match.

As hard as it is to turn on damage numbers and fast weapon switch in the options menu. You have to understand the average gamer today is about as smart as valve's playtesters.

> You have to understand the average gamer today is about as smart as valve's playtesters.

shit, that's pretty dumb.

I've killed a stupidly high number of scouts who that thought they were hot shit with just the normal revolver.

What's your "I don't want to have fun, but I also want to make sure nobody else on the server has fun either" class?

I will drag my team kicking and screaming to the point

Whatever happened to the Sup Forums server in this clip: a.pomf.cat/ohyuqa.mp4

I main him

>Still getting triggered by bronies

Not sure if the Sup Forums server is still up, but I randomly joined a community server running that map.

It was nice to see the works of 2008's Sup Forums.

I'm also an Engie main, even though I play all other classes, Engie has the most time.

The Sup Forums server in that clip was one that was usually up a few nights of the week some time back. I stopped going there because there were a shitload of memers the last time I was on, and stopped visiting the threads, too, so I'm not sure what happened to it.

It was pretty good the first few nights, the server was decently skilled (surprisingly) and there weren't that many memes or autists.

>Engineer's Cap
Good taste.

Ah, shame really I would've liked to have been part of the old servers back in 2008 or whenever. Back when I was playing TF2 on console

>want to play competitive
>phone number or 10€

n-no thanks

there are people in this very thread who unironically believe pyro needs a buff...how does this make you feel?

>After update, can't choose what server you want to be in

yes you can. the server browser is still there

>Whatever happened to the Sup Forums server
It died because nobody ever showed up for events.

>click Browsing community servers
>normal window pops in like before

I can join a server in Australia in under a minute of searching, and haven't seen a bronyfaggot in weeks

No class limits or weapon bans is a good thing because it encourages Valve to actually balance their whole game, rather than just slapping a band-aid over it and not letting people use the broken bits.

For example, no weapon bans means that people are exposed to how shitty Crit-A-Cola is, and then they bitch about it, and then Valve nerfs it so it's a healthier weapon to use in pubs, 6s, HL, and Matchmaking.

No class limits means that people can see how annoying fighting multiple Engineers is when it's done on every round of Gorge Matchmaking, and then Valve can fix that too by nerfing multiple engies.

Class limits and weapon bans are a crutch form of balancing used by 6s players because they don't have the ability to balance the game. Now Matchmaking is out, Valve can balance the game for competitive and fix the shitty weapons so people can use them fairly, instead of just stopping people from using them.