Did anyone else beat undertale and think, "that's it, I finally did the last thing I needed to do in a video game."

Did anyone else beat undertale and think, "that's it, I finally did the last thing I needed to do in a video game."

I haven't played anything since.

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Nope, it's cancer and there are lots of better games
I win

me too bro, frankly I have no desire to play anything after playing Undertale

I played it for 45 minutes and thought:

"Wow, this is fucking boring"

>play undertale
>beat it
>beat genocide
>can't remember a thing about it besides the annoying characters

undertale has got to have the most boring combat i've ever had to deal with
the story is pretty good and i actually thought the game was funny but it's just so tedious

I still play other games, but only so I can compare them and verbalize their inferiority to undertale.

>play Undertale
>that was okay
>look up how to do the genocide run
>never touch Undertale ever again
It was okay

Nice false flag you fucking faggot

How did this get such a FNAF tier fanbase?


Toby Fox is starting to be more full of himself

I played it for half an hour and then realized stupid shit like this is what modern kids like.

I then started to feel very old and like I hated the world a lot more. What a shit fucking game, if you can even call it that.

Has anyone ever realize how much Undertale plagiarizes?

This is the only way to go after playing a masterpiece unfortunately. Sometimes I can find a bit of enjoyment but nothing ever comes to match the glowing personalities of undertale mixed with its rich gameplay and lore

Twitter was a mistake. The Chinese government is right to block it.

No it's boring and severely overrated

that fuck

people been drawing my shit in the margins of their notebooks and getting in trouble for watching it on the school computers for over a decade, now.

yes it's a contest and I win. Suck it and choke on it.

I was having fun right up until I beat Undyne. Game dropped off a cliff the second Alphys showed up. I wasn't even compelled to get the pacifist ending.

If future game developers think Undertale is what they should strive to be, the industry is officially screwed out of anything good coming for the next 10 years. It has absolutely no similarities to Earthbound, despite that being one of it's main selling points. There are much better RPG's, let alone bullet hells. I think more inspiration should be taken from games like Final Fantasy: TAY, Golden Sun, and Chrono Trigger.

6.7/10 it's alright

Pandering to modern teens and tumblr, mostly.
Shitty, memetic, pretentious writing. Sells itself nowadays. Kids eat that shit up.

>drawing my shit in the margins of their notebooks and getting in trouble for watching it on the school computers for over a decade
Explain please

I would have played more if the combat wasn't so awful. I actually enjoyed some of the characters, and the story was mildly interesting. Fuck having to fight fish woman though, what a pain.

no, moved on to other video games, i'll never stop

I just thought of pic related. Good thread.

Neither have I.

I don't think I'll ever play such a brilliant masterpiece again. I hadn't cried that hard since Finn broke up with Flame Princess.

I'm the real creator of Pikmin. I was a ghost developer for Nintendo.

Stop it, OP. At least be fucking subtle. Your game is shit, deal with it.

why is that picture of sans so fucking obnoxious and cringeworthy

Because he's an obnoxious and cringeworthy character.

'hahaha bone jokes omg so funny'

Is that the bible gum one or the vampire

your an baka

no i'm actually the inventor of that weird S thing all middle schoolers drew in their notebooks

"look at me guys i said "hell" im so hecking edgy"

nah but it's a fun game

probably my goty 2015

>all these "Wow, what a sperg" responses I've seen to this screenshot
He's literally 100% right.

Hey man, fuck you. Puns are the highest tier of humor.

Who gets in trouble for looking at Pikmin in school? Does Pikmin convince kids to create armies of retarded plant-monsters and destroy everything? Do kids look up Pikmin porn at school?

Literally fucking kill yourself.

ive got a bone to pick with you


This is my favorite video ever guys

same here

every character in the entire game is an unlikeable piece of shit

>Decide to go to an intentionally bad minecraft server
>High school roleplay
>This oughta do it
>All they do is cringey roleplay and undertale references
>Ended up having my character date some kid who made their character chara
Best ironic playing of anything I ever had.

>hover [embed] link
>that art
stop pretending to be a retard

What the fuck did you just subject me to?

>the genocide run is grindy meme
i want this to end

you can do genocide in like two hours and it's much, much, much faster than pacifist with the best boss battles in the game

Nope sorry user I can only take so much.

>Some guy brings his children to work for some reason
>Plays Kerfuffle on the break room Wii U in the afternoon with coworkers
>Won't shut up about Undertale
Wake me up.

Same i watch it every morning before i go to my garbage man job to get me psyched

Stop this meme

>Some guy brings his children to work for some reason
Your workplace sucks. No competent workplace would allow children on the premises.

>ask my coworkers what they think about undertale
>"It's shit"

I thought something similar I guess.

For me it was more like:
>That's it, I finally did the last thing I needed to be done with this game. Now time to put it away and never consider a second playthrough.

I bring my kids to work and they hang out in the rec room because fuck if I'm playing 1700/month for day care.
>Fight me

Then your workplace is incompetent.

I thought it was great. Half the reason people hate it is because it's popular, the other half is evenly split between hating it for the fanbase and actual legitimate criticism.

The game has numerous flaws, but it's not horrible by any stretch. It's one of the best indie games out there (maybe top 15, probably not top 10).


>playing undertale
>get to waterfall
>finally start enjoying the game a little because it's now has the decency to leave you alone
>get to hotland
>completely drop the game after realizing alphys is an "animu kawaii fan" and constant messages

>Everyone praising Undertale for being this amazing game with pacifism being its central theme
If you want to make compelling gameplay that involves pacifism it should be the hardest method of gameplay. Finding a deathless outcome from a hostile situation shouldn't be the easiest way to play. Undertale's morality lesson isn't deep, it's shallow, and the complete opposite of what it should be. Genocide should have been the easiest way to accomplish the game, with the pacifist run feeling like something you've truly EARNED, not be almost handed to you do to the piss easy difficulty.

What anime is that from again? It looks like something from Gainax

>Being this booty blasted about having a blue color job.

I'm not the one desperately defending my life choices m8.

Blue Collar.
But yeah, you're right, that dude is asshurt.

You're the one who attacked them in the first place.

Ignore him, it's probably just Manlet again.

The genocide ending is far better in terms of themes anyway. Pacifistfags are just cucks who want the most saccharine power of friendship garbage.

They're both anime fanfic tier garbage.

A good, white collar job like you say you have would have a built in daycare specifically for employees, for free, nigga.

>Thanks auto correct
Yup, definitely mad. Our offices have a day care that you can use if you want, but it's all the way across the campus. So I just let them hang out in the recreation areas. Noone here minds because we're all educated, functioning adults.

Pacifism actually is objectively the hardest non-genocide route because it makes fights take longer.

Tedious ≠ hard

You see more, harder attacks than you would if you just killed the bosses. I don't see how you could see that as anything besides higher difficulty.
Please stop being a contrarian.

Later boss fights are significantly easier with the EXP from killing enemies. In terms of difficulty it's Neutral, then Pacifist and then Genocide as the hardest. And in the case of Genocide it's two encounters that make it actually difficult and the remainder of the run is very easy

Pacifist does make the game harder, it's just that the game in general isn't particularly difficult to begin with.



I just beat the game today, full pacifist ending too. Can someone explain why Sup Forums hates it so much? I'm not a fan of the gay/lesbian stuff but it didn't seem that forced, in such a weird universe it seemed to make sense. But why does Sup Forums hate it? Because it's popular?
I know it's not anything special gameplay wise, but the writing is good, the music is good, and the gameplay is fun while it lasts, thankfully the game isn't too long so it never becomes tedious, at least it doesn't if you don't suck ass at bullet hell games.

It's not the game to change all games by any means, but it's a good story, told well, in a fun game that entertains. Why is it hated so much by Sup Forums? I hate the fanbase too, if that's your answer, but you can separate a piece of media from the fanbase. Normies masturbate to how nerdy they are for liking Star Wars, but I can still enjoy Star Wars movies and games for their own merits.

It's a incredibly mediocre game with an obnoxious fandom.

I had that feeling after Suikoden II, it's a wonderful feeling you should cherish while it lasts

I wouldn't call it mediocre, it was good, 7/10 for me. Why do you say it's mediocre?

I've not even given Undertale a try because of it's community and toxic fandom.

... I'm almost scared of turning into one of them.

You said it, its mostly because it´s popular, not denying some people may not like it and actually hate it, but a lot is just a hivemind saying it´s shit because its community

It's a incredibly mediocre game with an obnoxious fandom

You don't have to be a faggot about a game to enjoy it. If you let a shit community ruin a single-player game for you, you're just as bad as them.

It's incredibly boring to play and at the same time frustrating because of the obnoxious characters that won't stop sucking your dick for 5 seconds.

Why do you think playing the game will change you into cancer?

But they've not ruined it... It's still there and I can still try it whenever I choose.

... I'll probably play it in a couple years when everyone has forgotten about it.

You assholes think you actually ruin games for me? Bwahahaha. How novel.

>Being scared that a game will make you a sperg
So, do you like, refuse to play Sonic because of how that game tends to attract people who suffer autism and other mental illnesses and think that will somehow trigger something in your brain that will cause you to become like them?

It's such a weird yet self conscious paranoia I kinda wanna know more.

Just play it, i did to see what was the big deal and i enjoyed it

You just said the Undertale fandom would change you, and now your saying it won't?

I guess that makes sense, it's not that everyone has to like it, I just wish people weren't like who don't seem to want to actually explain it.
Fair enough, we have a difference of opinion, I enjoyed it and didn't find it boring but if you did that's okay.

>Running around trying to run into 40 enemies in the hotlands isn't grindy