Would you say this game got worse after the Big Bang update?
Would you say this game got worse after the Big Bang update?
Big Bang just was the first step to making the game more appealing towards todays generation of gamers
The problem was, at least for me, that while leveling up quicker was a nice change of pace from spending days to level up once, it rushed you towards a very boring endgame filled with time-gated bosses with shit drop rates
it was heading in the right direction imo, I think arans was the mistake.
I was so butthurt seeing warriors dash around.
>skill links
No, it's actually a proper game now and not
>Pay 2000 dollars to scroll yourself and now you're done with the game
Cubing is a shit system but at least it's content.
Game got worse when cubing came out and more content was reliant on cubed gear and not just scrolled gear.
This is probably the first time I've heard someone say they're OK with cubing
I feel like the pay 2000 thing applies more with the cubes than the scrolls, especially seeing how hard it is to get any of the good potentials
Shoulda left scrolls alone and not had any cash shop items relating to them, like the protecting ones
But I guess it makes/made money
imo it felt like they were taking away party grinding to promote solo leveling, so it got kinda dull when my guild began to do their own things
Scrolling was terrible too desu. what do you even scroll?
+8 gloves and +dex overall for like 200 more damage?
I never understood how people did so much damage with shit gear
>no longer at the mercy of Dexless xXxDarkSinN1njaxXx and his $1000 cash items
I'm glad I can now unlock almost all the content alone. Getting to lvl 70 in vanilla MS was shit.
the game was ruined before the big bang update
the big bang update itself improved the game though
I said it's a shit system.
See the way I look at it is before the only way to make money was to be a master jew or spend money on the game, and the only way to get stronger was to be rich. Now you can at least get cubes from bosses or make them. Scrolls were just as RNG dependent and could actually ruin your equipment, with cubes you'll eventually get there if you just keep bashing your head against the wall.
More bosses means more content, more ways to get stronger means more content, more classes means more content. It plays the same except most classes are more interesting now, it just has more game in it. Leveling faster is offset by more endgame styled stuff, which in the end is really just the same grind.
This user is correct. He's a smart man and should have been advising Nexon.
Yeah I wish party quest becomes relevant again but I doubt we can find a party since the world became so big with less players.
It's not doing too good in Korea last I heard, so I'm starting to wonder if they still plan on bringing it over
I'd still like to try it myself personally, especially with all the neat features (that are probably locked behind NX) so hopefully we do get it
Big Bang was a good update at first because I could experience the end game since I only saw Zakum. After that it devolved into a garbage mess with potentials. I never like the market MapleStpry had. It was pure horrible.
5th job was such a disappointment.
It's better off called Hyper Skills 2.0...
Isn't there service in China that launched recently? Maybe they are trying it there to make sure if it could work well in Japan, EU and NA since Korea failed.
Arans were fine.
The issue was that they had too much defense for their mobility, not offense.
The skill that allowed them to heal didn't make sense.
Also, Cygnus Knights were a mistake though. As was cash shop non-aesthetic items
oh shit is it out?
where can I see the skills?
Let's be honest, the game was never good to begin with. I am saying this as a veteran of the game, who started in 2006. I don't know why the game appealed to so many people, but I can explain why I liked it.
- I was young, and it was my first authentic MMO experience.
-The art style was unique, music was very memorable, it all felt very personal.
- The community at that time was more reliant on each other. Party quests were FUN, and relying on other people during them made the game feel much more social.
-Now, the game was very heavy on grinding, and unlike modern MS, it took a long time to even reach your third job advancement. But at least for me, I felt very compelled to explore the world, and that was so much fun.
Holy fucking shit, this.
>Only 1 new skill for each job
>Rest of the upgrades are for improving previous skills
>No signs in other versions for 5th job Tamer/Sengoku/Dragon Warrior/Jett
Ah, you make a good point
I forgot completely about the crafted and the cubes that can drop from bosses
Scrolling itself was always a huge gamble, and it could either end in happiness or huge disappointment
Sadly it mainly ended in disappointment, but when you successfully managed to scroll something, it always felt great
Gave the gear a lot more meaning than cubed gear, I feel
But then again I'm also speaking from back before dark scrolls and the items that stopped scroll lots from being used and etc. were a thing
Big Bang was not the start of when things got worse, but it was a major turning point.
Things went to complete shit a few patches before it when potentials were introduced.
>Party quests were FUN, and relying on other people during them made the game feel much more social.
Thats pretty much the reason I started in 07. Some of my friends from school + some rando's we found would spend all night doing party quest
You're absolutely right. There was a lot to do due to the progression being so slow but it was too slow. I honestly think the game wouldnt be half bad with Need Greed drop system and faster exp rate. I feel like the original game would still feel nice to play. There's just way too many classes making the originals irrelevant.
I remember when Victoria Island used to be a giant labyrinth of paths and hidden streets and some cities were interconnected. Now it's just a huge hub world with thematic flavoring for cities.
It's too clusterfuck'y today. I tried playing again for the first time in forever and literally had no idea what the fuck was going on. It's like the game is littered with ads and click me's .. there's so much shit going on at once it's impossible to even consider it a game. It was better when it was more simple.
I miss LaTale
Never played La Tale myself, but it has a really solid soundtrack on par with MapleStorys
How was the game user?
Never liked the whole "crazy rotations combo system" it had.
The art style was pleasant as fuck, tho.
>the game was never good to begin with
>lists a a bunch of nearly universally agreed upon reasons the game was good
It was a good game. I thought the classes were fun to play and found grinding legitimately enjoyable.
This doesn't really have anything to do with the game's intrinsic values, but the community was fantastic. I really enjoyed talking with random people in that game while waiting for PQs or on the ferry to Orbis, and I find myself looking for that in every MMO I play.
Don't really get why people are doubting maplestory 2. I liked the visual aesthetics of maplestory and loved it for what it was, but the new game looks amazing and fun to play as well. Is it just "I don't like change" syndrome?
>you will never again be trapped in sleepywood and have to be escorted out by higher level players
It had amazing soundtrack yeah, the game was a lot of fun with an aesthetic more to my taste than that of maple story, also it had a smaller community compared to it which is a pro on my book.
Loved the skill and crafting system it had, I was one of the few dual-dragoon types on the game, hella fun juggling monsters around and doing lance and sword combos a-la dmc.
What else could I tell you, I played since the fucking beginning up to when the time attack/card/subclass system kicked in, I got scammed and the scammer reported me as if I was the one scamming him and got me banned and never bothered to going back, yes, gplanet has one of the worst costumer service ever.
I kinda miss the people though, had some good friends on it, dunno what else could I tell you since I never played maple, but I'm guessing in both games what really mattered were your friends/guilds on it and fooling around were leveling and stuff.
I miss sudden attack
I remember the first time I played the game; I was being a theif and traveling around the world invisible and smirking at how sneaky I was being- so low leveled and in high level areas, but soon I found myself following higher level players into the zakum area and the snowy mountains and shit myself seeing other people instantly dying around the werewolves. I generally had no idea what was going on and why anything was here but I had fun anyway.
>tfw you'll never have a nice chat with a random, now with everyone soloing.
>tfw you'll never be in an active guild
>That time your warrior got stuck in El Nath and had to start a new character until you got a hold of a tower scroll
>That time you got tricked into dropping all of your items and someone in a secluded spot had an item magnet hack on.
I was actually crying after that one
before big bang, there was no end game for high levels
at least know there is content
Some things got better, some things got worse.
This user is largely right. Big Bang invalidated a lot of content by rushing you through all of it, towards a non-existent endgame.
But honestly, after playing on a before-big-bang private server, I realized that a lot of old mechanics were fucking stupid. 4th job mages and leeches were a cancer on the game, and a lot of the equip/skill progression was stupid and counter-intuitive. For example, LUKless mages were just strictly better than low-luck or full luck mages, due to the old magic damage formula.
Honestly the game is probably moving in the right direction just by adding more end game.
Why was it so easy to socialize in Maplestory? Was it the funky facial expressions? Was it because MMOs were still kind of new?
I met a girl there when i was like 12 i'm still friends with her today.
>would marry
Guess I can't really argue that
All I can really recall is just Zakum
I guess I'm just not really a fan of things like time-gated bosses
Makes playing end-game feel more of a chore than it already is, ya know?
Because you were young and so were most of the people playing
It certainly got more boring. I get that leveling and seeing numbers go up is fun, but I had more fun in old Victoria barely leveling than I did when I tried after and it was all fucked up.
i miss pig beach and the iron hog
But there wasn't a problem because in order to GET to high levels it took you months of playing.
because you didn't understand the damage formula.
>enter game
good times
That really fuckin' sucks
Glad to hear you had a lot of fun memories playing it, though
Was thinking about maybe giving it a shot one day because why the hell not?
Also, this is probably one of my more favorite songs from the OST that I've heard
I tried it again a couple of months ago, and honestly I wouldn't recommend it in the state it is now.
The number of players is absurdly low, the game is a direct ticket to end-game stuff and most little side areas/bonus got removed because of it and the cash shop is king.
And just for the sake of it, here's the complete OST youtube.com