anyone wanna play overwatch?
post tags
Anyone wanna play overwatch?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no toes
wtf man
Quick or Comp Senpai?
you first
Anyone 50+ PC?
Depends. Are you a cute trap?
I'd be down to add you if you post your Overwatch id faggot.
No, I'm not
Just post your tag faggot and I'll consider adding you.
You into anime senpai?
I occasionally watch the animes, yes
Aight, I'll add you.
I'm on my phone so I can't even play right now man. My name is Zatch btw.
Like Zatch Bell?
>tfw no user to play overwatch with and do lewd stuff after
I can play with you and rp if you are on ps4 :3
Post tag
[/spoiler]How do you people get the courage to post IDs on Sup Forums, I'd be to scared to get spammed to death[/spoiler]
I'm a huge casual who only does quickplay
can i still post
Post it fag. But I won't rp. I'm not that kind of guy!
I play more quickplay than comp. Post your ID if you're PC.
Just do it user.
I won't hurt you
Because I'm retarded
PC, rank 56 in comp
it's okay user, i fucked up spoiler tags, you couldn't possibly be more retarded than me.
PC, looking for people just to talk with too
>on PS4 today
>get matched with a guy named BaileyJay
>my face when
Thanks user
I won't be on for a few hours but i'll give it a shot.
Fair warning, i'm literally retarded and will be dead weight. Shaky#21535
i need somebody to shit talk me on voicechat while i heal them
on the side note does anyone have that Zenyatta reaction image where it says ENOUGH?
Who would shit talk Lucio?
Y-you heal with Lucio right user?
Not that worthless German bitch, right?
Are you PC? Post your ID slut.
do you use a mic?
I play Ana.. Young Ana...
Anyone have the picture of the chat log where it shows a guy typing "thats it" and below it showing he changed from Lucio to Reaper?
I accidentally deleted it.
She's Swiss.
This isn't the sissy thread I'm used to
Not my ID
Literally no difference
>its a nobody actually adds you social thread
did the Steam ERPers relocate to
wtf is going on
Post your tag faggot.
>1 person added you
Well at least it's a start
Any1 can add me, ill be playing later this day. Have a great day every1
Menma #2508
holy shit you are scared
Attention all cute boys and healsluts. Add me.
Or if you're just a cool guy you can add me too.
I prefer people with microphones.
Who wants an Ana main?
not bullying, you little baby :3
hows life
I was just about to play.
I just decided to play my first match of Overwatch in atleast a month and a half, maybe more.
I suck user. I suck real bad at this vidya.
How can you be bad at Overwatch?
Support main here looking for anons to play with, btw I'mnot down with any rp or healslut memeing or faggotry
Because I think I was decent when I stopped playing, and then stopped playing for a long time, and now I come back and I continue to get matched with people of my old skill level.
Meaning I get rekt.
post tag
That sucks
Added you faggot.
Get off this board and never come back
I'm only like level 20 because I just built this computer a week ago but I played on PS4
Ya'll level 46 and I know it.
Anyone want to buy me overwatch?
why would anyone?
They wouldn't but I'm a piece of shit so I ask anyways.
I'm trash
PSN: LegendarySodaPop
Haven't played comp yet, I'm not the best, need to work on my aim, play a lot of Mcree/Soldier/Reaper. Favorite hero is Zen.
Often play drunk.
>OP doesn't post tags
Still screwing around with different support on quickplay, add me if you want to play capnjazz#1490
fucking kill yourself my mang
>lvl 20
Im down for some quickplay
Ana isn't bad I play her a bunch in ranked