Pitch us your billion dollar video game idea so we can steal it from you.
Pitch us your billion dollar video game idea so we can steal it from you
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You play as a girl, it's like a bullet hell but you have to avoid getting cummed in, also it looks and has a soundtrack like Jet Set radio, also it's made by the guys who did Age of Empires
GTA but you're Dracula and you fly around as Gary Oldman and make people join your Vampire army and slowly take over the city and Van Helsing is the Antoganist.
Takes place in the late 1970s.
Popular franchise on mobile
Pokemon Go but with monster girls.
This but better
A MMO with only one class to choose and the twist is that the class is terrible.
Monster GOrl
Monster girls are a pretty niche fetish, I don't think that would make a billion dollars.
Shoot people with guns
Big rigs 2.
I just realized the BLACKED videos use the same lighting as stock photos.
VR action RPG focused on dragon riding
A RPG where you play as a monk student who is the worst student of its monastery.
There is a war with demons in the empire, and the monks are sent to fight, except for you, because you're so bad at fighting you would be more of a nuisance than help. Instead, your master leaves you with the task of taking care of the monastery and doing the daily routine of purifying the magic forest nearby, which is necessary because demons are formed in environments with negative energy, which generally happens in magic places because their spiritual nature makes them much more receptive to changes in their surroundings
So one day you're in the forest busy purfying it, and you see this big-ass demon wolf that decided to desert the demon invasion and find a place to take over as his new home. His presence is corrupting the entire forest. You try to run away because you know you suck at fighting and you'd be easy prey, but you soon find out that the entire forest is now floating in the sky, which means you have literally no way to escape.
But a different wolf appears from the bushes and speaks to you, she calls herself the guardian of the forest (although that's a self-proclaimed title, the animals there take her as a joke) and asks you for help to deal with the demon wolf and find a way to save everyone, she needs your help because only monks can defeat demons as they need to be purified before being killed. Your character agrees to help.
That's where the game actually begins: you can find small animal villages in the forest that will sell you equipment, find new party members, etc. Basically the monk still sucks in physical combat but as he levels up he finds out he has great magical powers due to his strong mind and spirit
Also, the guardian wolf and you become very close to each other
Damn that actually sounds kinda fun, in that SNES Niche RPG kind of way.
A mobile RPG where you play as the star of a reality tv show. Past a certain point, mobile transactions are the only way to progress.
A game set in Urban America with Streets of Rage 2 gameplay and co-op where the main characters attack with shoes. Shoes are upgradeable with wifi, Dr schols, heelies, glowing lights, etc. for differing combos and/or ranged capabilities, while shoe brand dictates power behind attacks. Sketchers would be the weakest shoes, Etnies would be the most powerful. Upgrades would be earned through score on levels and in game challenges. In between each of the ten stages, players would have access to the locker room to view all their collected shoes, look at challenges, and apply upgrades. Classic mode will be present, where the game will literally play exactly like streets of rage 2, save turkeys and apples would be the upgrades and enemies with weapons would rather have the shoes in varying power.
A challenging online RPG on a persistant and massive single shard fantasy world.
No instancing
No leveling
And everything wants to kill you and your friends.
This sounds like it could be good, what kind of style would it have? Realistic, Heavily Stylized or something more transitional like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
How popular are shoes, how niche of a hobby is shoe collecting?
It's a video game. You kill some monsters, get some loot. Pretty standard third person action dungeon explorer.
The catch? Nothing. There's not much dialogue or cinematic shit. No bullshit. Character designs and setting are marketed to be comfy, easy to get into, and made to be iconic.
ez saved vidoe gam
A game where you are a wizard and is actually designed to look and feel that way.
Really though, I always play RPGs or other magic based games that never really get the feel of being a fucking wizard right, they always felt arcady or was just tacted on 'ranged damage' class in an RPG.
Give me some world bending, undead army raising, demon summoning, dragon slaying, lightning storm calling game that lets me really fuck up the world, all while having a swag beard and hat.
>Also, the guardian wolf and you become very close to each other
how close :^)
well the character models should be cross between anime and disney
Star Wars Galaxies but as a weird western setting. In order to get the best items you will need to hunt down veins of a magical rock. These veins and other major resources will be the reasons why towns are built, players can also place railroad track or get the non!chinamen to do it. Trains would become guild halls/boss battles on wheels with players trying to attack them for resources.
It's an action game based on Gloryhammer's albums with Gloryhammer doing the entire soundtrack
I have a few relatives that collect various shoes with a concentration shared by all of them including professional basketball footwear. More of a 90s/early 2000 era of collecting.
Make a game with a lot of waifus. The game is shit but we are marketing it like it's the best game ever. We call it Overwatch and shill on every gaming platform and shit post against any substitute.
RPG game where not only do the stats affect the numbers but the way your character handles as well. max agility allows you to wall jump and do aerial combos DMC style, max str allows you to swing around giant weapons like MonHun, and max magic turns the game into basically a fast-paced TPS but with spells
MMO Japanese high school simulator. You sit down to classes and actually learn about Japanese history, learning the Japanese language, throw in some fucking science if that's your thing. Doing well in tests and quizes increases your grade/intelligence stat. Participate in after school clubs, sports clubs have functional game within a game mechanics so you can actually do kendo and swimming and basketball and shit. Between classes you can socialize with other students. Students you interact with the most increase your relationship stat between each other gradually. Friends of friends create social circles or cliques which function as the game's version of a guild. Your ultimate end goal is to either become the most popular kid in school or grow your circle of friends to become the most popular clique. You gain popularity by making more friends and succeeding in after school club activities. Also obligatory romantic relationship option.
What about having different shoes give you different move sets and abilities and having a couple of catagories for them, such as running shoes giving you more movement/attack speed but are some what shitty in the damage they deal, boots taking away speed in exchange for defense?
People will like what I tell them to like.
Dragon's Dogma sold like shit user
DD isn't even close to what I said m8
Youre right, it sounds more like ys origin and its 3 playable characters
Nah, I would much rather wizards have to go through the bullshit of being a wizard, inscribing runes and wards and forcing the player to memorize spells.
You're not hearing me at all. The stats determine how your character handles. I listed the 3 extremes but each stat is on a gradient. If you mixed magic and agility you end up with a back flipping, bunny-hopping speedwizard, for instance. you can play Dante style, monhun style, or anything in between depending on how your strength and agility are balanced.
The point is, you feel your stats in everything you do, instead of one point of agility increasing your critical hit chance and that's it.
You probably know more about them than I do.
Ok, get this. You get to create your own female character with a big variety of clothes, shoes and accessories to dress up with and then you can prance around and act girly. Also supports VR and has DLC for more outfits.
I guess you could throw in a story or other gameplay if you wanted to but I don't think you'd have to.
So dark souls?
>you're the main character
>you fuck off of this board for life
Seem closer to fable
I'm sold but on one condition
>Listen up
>Skyrim....... But with guns!
Employee of the year + the jews give me loadsa money.
No, because in dark souls if you put all your points into dexterity your character doesn't move any faster. All it does is let you equip weapons with high dex requirements and scales your damage. In this game, every point in agility would increase jump height, move speed, and swing speed of light weapons ever so slightly, so a full agility character controls completely differently from a no-agility character. In Dark Souls a full STR build and a full DEX build both move, jump, and roll exactly the same way unless they have different equip loads. Strength And Dex should affect the way your character controls, not just the damage numbers.
>zombies vs human MMO
>game cycle lasts a single week
>you level up by doing stuff, giving you better skills and increasing your odds of survival
>when you die you go back to level 1 and spawn somewhere completely different, game lore-wise this is explained that your old character is dead and you're now playing a completely different character
>every time a character dies, their faction loses a ticket
>humans and zombies have a certain number of lives for each faction based on the game mechanics, maybe humans have 30,000 lives total and zombies have 120,000 lives because zombies are much easier to kill
>at the end of the week the faction that has the highest percentage of lives left is the winner
>since the game is based on dying over and over again and losing all progression, your sense of progression will be replaced with unlockable skins, clothing, titles for achievements, your world ranking within your faction which will be displayed prominently in game. So you're basically playing so you can show off that you're one of the top 1000/100/10 players in the world to your allies and enemies in your immediate area.
>if a faction takes all of the other faction's lives before the week ends and the cycle resets, they are declared the winners. The game then spends the rest of the week in an a special post-cycle frenzy mode. The winning faction gets to keep their levels and stats after they die so everyone in that faction can experience what being a high level player is like even if they're a shitter who can never achieve it during the actual cycle. Losing faction still has incentive for playing by being able to unlock certain skins/outfits that can only be unlocked by playing on the losing side of the post-cycle
>generally the game will be balanced with the lives ratio distribution between the two factions so that ideally the post-cycle will activate with only 12 - 24 hours left in the week. If it happens too soon in the week, both sides just get more lives.
Bully with lolis
you play as a detective investigating a cult in rural scandinavia
GTA clone where you go around and selectively kill people based on your orders that you get from your head.
you play as a schizophrenic madman/woman who believes he/she is hearing the voice of god and he/she will reach heaven if he/she obeys.
plot twist: he/she was actually hearing the voice of god and after you properly obey, you get sent to heaven. if you fail you'll get sent to hell.
if people kill you before you achieve your goal, then you just die
sounds like a mix of postal and postal 2
ye but less chaotic, since you're supposed to kill niggers and jews.
if you kill the wrong people, you'll add up to failure
Dead Space but anime
Yeah, but you couldn't jump in Fable, waist high fences and inconveniently placed trash, rubble, and rocks were the bane of you're existence.
Yeah, it was just the closest game I could think of like your idea
I actually like this idea better.
>tfw you will never smell Lightning's armpits
>tfw you will never taste Lightning's armpits
We are literally living in the dark ages. Like people who watched black and white silent films who wondered if they could every watch a movie in color and hear sound. Decades form now people will by licking and smelling Lightning's armpits and they will take a pity on us poor cavemen for never knowing such joys.
Not the same guy, honestly it sounds like it would be best made as a DMC clone and working from there if he's dead set on having those type of movement abilities in, though I personally think you could go for a less anime version where increasing your agility would allow you to more quickly clear obstacles and climb, maybe even have doing such things take stamina like in SoC and maxed agility makes that cost negligible by allowing for abilities that speed up the process as well as outright reducing the cost.
I had an idea for a 'WarioWare: Shove it Up Your Own Ass!' game
Don't get me wrong, I like his idea of using shoe brands, might even be relatively easy to let those brands use them in the game, I just don't know how painful it would be to get those IPs and how it might effect developement.
That's a fucking deeldoe
here´s an idea, a jew killing and jew rape simulator
there´s a demand and we all want to see it. bonus points for including hollywood stage, school shooting minigame and ISIS in new york fun massacre mode
the point though is that your character's movement and animations and everything changes as your agilitiy goes up. It's not just numbers, it's not just the length of your stamina bar, or how much critical hit chance you have, or how your weapon damage scales.
Similarly as strength increases, so does the weight you can equip, but more importantly I think, strength should reduce the degree to which heavy weapons slow you down. So like, if you have daggers equipped, or bare fists, increasing agility would make you more agile and acrobatic and shit. but if you have a greatsword, no amount of agility will make you move faster with it until you're strong enough to lift it without straining yourself. The amount your character struggles with the weight decreases as your strength goes up, until you reach the point where it's viable to swing with one hand. But unlike Dark Souls's system where there's a threshold for 2-handing a weapon, and another threshold for one-handing it, you barely notice the change as you level up. The weapon slowly becomes smoother and easier to lift, until one day it's effortless. Strength would also augment, for instance, the distance that you send an enemy flying if you use a knockback attack, and also the maximum amount of damage you can block.
Action MMO?
2nd this
>gary oldman
idea sounds great but I'm not fond of oldman
that's a story, not a game
you want a hammerman game? breddy gud.
I hate Last of Us
that would never work
>stealth archers out the ass
>mfw I'm a tanky sniper with a pavise, and a siege crossbow
I got an idea so good that I can't share, sorry
It's a high speed platformer
It gives an excuse to have a tutorial mode, It gives an excuse, albeit a flimsy one, on why you're contained to a "small" area, guardian wolf that gets no respect teaches the spells and if you really want to appeal to people who'd rather brawl have it pick up the monastery as well and have the demon kill the old master leaving him as a ghost, or leave him alive.
p gay desu
It's like Guild Wars 2 but good
It's like Guild Wars 1 but new
>that's a story, not a game
the story provides context to the gameplay, so it's still a videogame idea
>the story provides context to the gameplay
no it doesn't. it could be an RPG maker game or a fucking tetris clone for all I know. you can lay a story over any genre
not when the story can give an explanation to justify the gameplay elements, you're a monk in a fantasy world where you can learn magic spells and are pressured to get stronger, that's enough to to imagine a videogame with RPG elements,
OP asked for videogame ideas which includes all of a videogame's elements including story, if you read the last paragraph of that post it says how and where the game takes place, the rest was to provide context, which also adds to the idea as a whole
Squad based survival horror with a metric ton of UI fuckery. And friendly fire.
Instead of just physical enemies you have to shoot, there are immaterial spirits that randomly possess the players as well, whichmake them see things they shouldn't mostly to try to make them kill each other. They might erase a teammate from your vision and place an enemy running straight towards you from his general direction to make you shoot at him in a panic. Or cause you to think one of the other players is possessed and shooting at you when in fact you're the one that's possessed. Or make your teammates and enemies look alike and throw in a few more fake doppelgängers for good measure. Or even just simpler tricks like reversing your controls or clouding your vision. Either way, it's necessary to keep a calm head and always double check with your teammates before opening fire. If you don't use voice chat, don't play this game.
Pretty good
Do puzzle games sell anymore in this day and age?
Something really point and click like but a bit like myst with 3d environments you can walk around in.
I mostly ask because I've always really wanted to create a shit ton of clutter, random items and scrolls and books and so forth just for a Wizard tower. I hate how most video games lack the clutter that even a clean house tends to have.
Great minds think alike
ALttP except not using that IP, the setting is post apocalyptic, everything was fine, resources were short and it was a bit crowded, but progress about that omnipresent lack of resources was being made, magic bullshit happens and ruins everything for everyone now there isn't enough resources to properly rebuild society as it collapses with the player dealing with issues that arise from society falling apart all the while searching for some macguffins, the other world that the player would be switching to would be showing off how society continued with out modern conveniences to help run it despite not necessarily forgetting how to make them, the magic part is an excuse to have the player switch between characters and because I think a low fantasy pre-magitek setting could be cool, as well as allow for more enemy variety than generic human with gun, generic human with stabby thing I guess you could even make one setting an FPS, while the other would be an ARPG. The final boss would be a wizard that you have to fight twice. Items, mementos, and various actions in one setting unlock various places in the other.
Pepsiman style game with Fiji water.
pokemmo, but on handhelds
I'm picturing a mecha animu action JRPG with combat that's a mix of Souls, MGR, Dragon's Dogma, DMC, and Tales I guess. I'm just an idea guy so you come up with an intricate and detailed plot.
In the universe of this game there are obscure and sentient symbiotic alien entities that can fuse with weapons and form contracts n shiet with their users. Since there aren't many weapons in the universe that are as powerful and versatile as mechs, most of the aliens just default to them. Mechs that fuse with ayylmaos gain their powers and the pilots gain their knowledge and memories, along with some special abilities.
Some of the prominent ayylmao powered mech enemies you'll face are OC doughnut steel special snowflake tier:
>A mech that can manipulate temperature. It can lower the temperature to below absolute zero or raise it to infinity.
>A mech that can phase through ANYTHING, including light, sound, space, and time.
>A mech that possesses incredibly powerful telekinetic capabilities and has an innumerable amount of sword shaped drones which can fire ridiculously powerful lasers non stop and a chest cannon that can destroy planets and stars at max power.
>A mech with the ability to raise its power if it's up against more than one opponent. If it were to get ganged up on by the 3 mechs above, then it would win.
You start off with an ordinary mech and fight off relatively normal enemies and weak ayylmaos with your allies. Your active party can contain up to 4 members. Eventually, you run into more and more powerful enemies and normal weapons aren't enough. That's when MC-kun and friends get their own ayylmaos.
The MC's ayylmao buddy has the ability to consume anything and everything. MC's mech now has the abilities of a few of the gorillions of weapons and weapon users that have been consumed in the past along with the ability to absorb attacks. Moreover, your mech will gain the powers of the enemies that you defeat in combat.
this idea is recycled desu
You forgot Megaman in your first sentence.
Its like Cowboy Bebop... but now its a videogame
there's a ps2 cowboy bebop game you know?
it's mediocre
A sci fi TPS, where you get cash for investigating and capturing bounties, use cash to upgrade your weapons and space travel for loading screens, be a dick and have the loading screen artificially inflated so that can be upgraded to, levels are ultimately closed and most take place in either space stations or cities, have bonus postings that aren't bounty hunter missions but either have a big pay out or give a uniquely useful item(s), also have a few high stakes missions take place in space wherein you have to fly and dogfight all the while trying to take the target alive. It'd be an excuse to have randomly generated missions and might even be begging for DLC also bonus points in forcing the player to pick and choose which ship to be stuck with for the dog fights.
But user, it's real life