Games that marked the decline of a series
Games that marked the decline of a series
If any of you say it was Reach i will find you and sign up for a bunch of free garbage to be sent to your house
>armor abilities
>reticle bloom
But user, it WAS Reach.
Im ready to be shat, bring it on faggots
>says armor abilities twice in the same post
back the fuck off?
Reach was the last of its specie, it deserves a fucking memorial, campaign and multiplayer were fun as fuck
Personally don't give a shit about gameplay
Story wise Halo 4 was just a fucking nightmare
I consider sprint and the rest of the armor abilities to be separate since now sprint is a permanent ability.
That's not Reach, and 5 is better than both 4 and Reach. Even 3 in some areas.
Dumb reachposter
This is reasonable
yeah now, not then. faggot
Calm down, kiddo.
Anyone who says reach is automatically false and retarded
That is all
Dumb sawyer poster.
Dumb shitastefaggot
Dumb Dumbposters
I'm on your side fag
Reach was good
It was my favorite, but don't call people dumb, It's rude.
is there a reason we let this guy namefag
I love you
What are you talking about? I'm impersonating him. Everytime i see him post i plug his name on for a few days to see if it makes him stop. I've noticed i don't see his posts as often
I only love me. I care not for you lesser fools.
really shit taste fag?
I loved windwaker, but it mutilated zelda forever.
I wonder what these games would be like if they kept the tone and style of the first two.
people keep forgetting it's okay to experiment in spinoffs
it's not a spinoff, it was done by the main devs and followed the standard dev cycle