ITT: Shit Sup Forums says that irritates you

ITT: Shit Sup Forums says that irritates you
>What did you like about [game]?
>idk it's fun

Other urls found in this thread:

If people enjoying a game irritates you then you seriously need to get off Sup Forums for a while and rethink your life.

People are more than welcome to enjoy what they play but typically when you go online to discuss said game there should be more to it then "It's fun". It's lazy as fuck and the perfect cop out for when a game is full of flaws but you eat it up anyway.

Something being fun is a result of it having things that you like.

People can enjoy things with flaws, but fun in a game is obviously a subjective merit. It shouldnt irritate you.

Why, because they don't explain why they think it's fun?

It doesn't, dodging the question like a faggot does.

Anyone who uses "kek" just sounds retarded to me. There's an overuse of it on Sup Forums

>What did you hate about [game]?
>first thing they say is a buzzword, console war bs or the fanbase.

lots of kekolds on Sup Forumseddit

hmmm that girl looks familiar

You're one of those faggots that polices anons' vidya tastes and shitposts anything you disagree with, aren't you?

I bet you're just salty someone didn't play your petty game by simply admitting they found it fun regardless. Take a break from Sup Forums.

What the fuck are you talking about? If someone is asked to give a reason over why they like a game, then saying they like it because it's fun is like saying "I like the game because I like it". It's a sentence that means jack shit because you haven't given any substantial reason.

Anyone is allowed to like anything, but don't be a lazy fuck who can't be bothered to say what aspects of the game you enjoy.

Same artist.

It annoys me when Sup Forums comes to Sup Forums and shitposts.

Saying its garbage like most Sup Forums shitposters is the same fucking thing except with the added bonus of sowing resentment and anger. There needs to be balance. Also, don't pretend like that isn't the real modus operandi around here.

hmmm you don't say?

Why do they need to explain themselves to you to begin with?

What is wrong with someone finding a videogame simply fun? Some aren't able to articulate a reasoning for what they find enjoyable, it may just be their personal taste and they can't explain it to an user of different (opposing) taste.

>Why do they need to explain themselves to you to begin with?
If they are to respond to the question "What did you like about [game]?" as OP implied, then it's natural that they should give an actual response rather than what is essentially an empty answer. If they don't have shit to say then don't bother saying it, because all they're doing then is pretending like they're saying something of worth with no thought behind it.

>What is wrong with someone finding a videogame simply fun? Some aren't able to articulate a reasoning for what they find enjoyable, it may just be their personal taste and they can't explain it to an user of different (opposing) taste.

Then why are these people trying to post on a video game discussion board?

Such a question isn't really relevant to the discussion of said videogame, which is what Sup Forums is intended for. Instead, people like you feel it should be "Sup Forums - defend your opinions". There's very little reason to ask another's opinion on a videogame, it makes more sense to either try it for oneself or ask about and look at the gameplay.

>Then why are these people trying to post on a video game discussion board?
To discuss videogames, not stranger's opinions on them.

>name X number of games higher than 5 or 10 that did this
>make a thread about taste or best game and just shit on everything they haven't played

>Above all, video games are meant to just be one thing: Fun for everyone.

>a loli vampire will never dominate you and tell you your blood is delicious
Why even live

Because this is a board for video game discussion.


>Such a question isn't really relevant to the discussion of said videogame
Are you just being intentionally retarded? If he has no interest in the question itself, then just don't fucking bother answering. It's an anonymous imageboard, you're not obligated to say anything when anyone asks you for reasons.

If you intentionally choose to answer that question when you don't have to, then give a response like that, then expect to look like a retard because you're essentially saying jack shit.

>There's very little reason to ask another's opinion on a videogame
Do you just live in an entirely different world or something? If someone is interested in a videogame, then asking people for their opinion on it and what the liked about it is completely natural. It makes you more aware of what to pay attention to when looking for the appealing features in the game which you might've otherwise overlooked.

>its good with mods

fucking Sup Forumseddit

Try asking a question more specific then, "what did you think?" can be interpreted in a wide number of ways. Instead, ask about how it holds up in its genre, or what the levels/world is like, etc..

Also, someone stating they felt it was fun is just as valid an opinion as any other, and may be taken into account as part of the thread's consensus on a game, albeit a very empty opinion to share as you pointed out.


well I can't read moon, how old is she 311 or something?

>Try asking a question more specific then
Nigger, anyone on the entire fucking planet understands what someone means when you literally ask what in particular they liked about a game. Asking "what did you think" is even more vague than that, and at this point you're just backpedaling on your argument. If someone asks what you enjoyed about the game, then that means you give a general answer over what aspects of the game were enjoyable. Nobody expects anyone to ask a fucking checklist of questions when it accomplishes the exact same thing but significantly slower.

And no, someone answering that question with "it was fun" means nothing, because the reason why someone enjoys a game isn't that it's "fun". People find a game fun because it has aspects in it that they like. They're asking for what parts made it fun. If you somehow think that answering "it's fun" is somehow a legitimate answer, you must actually be retarded.

>sure, the game was shit before but [xpac]/[patch] fixed EVERYTHING!

Shit Sup Forums says that irritates me
>[game] is fun

Nigger, I took the "what did you think?" example from the OP, I was shaming it as a vague question not suggesting it as one you should ask - way to get my point ass-backwards there.

>People find a game fun because it has aspects in it that they like
As I explained before, some may not have a rhyme or reason to it, they may have just enjoyed it. It's still a legitimate answer as it's a valid stance to hold. Yes, it's a vague answer to the point of absurdity, but you can ask them yourself what they found most fun if it bothers you there and then, rather than making an entire thread just to complain about it.


If you can't recognize or find the artist based on the images in the thread you straight-up don't deserve it.

Yeah, the 311-412 is her age, don't ask me why an interval. Though in a different image the artist put her at 300.

>I think ___ is fun

>An older woman will never coach you through your first sexual experience, showing you the ropes on how to please a woman and taking the anxiety out of sex by helping you through your awkward first time
What a shitty time to be alive.

I found it myself and I'm going to share it.

How is that an invalid reason to liking a game?
It's a reason to call the devs shit by all means, but not unusual for someone to say as a recommendation.

I don't think I've ever seen someone say this, though if you ever do come across such person, state "I was asking what you felt about it, user", if they continue with passive-aggressive hostility, then avoid further discourse with them.



Discussing videogames means sharing opinions with strangers about them.

Not so much on Sup Forums, but in real life:
>Say one critical thing about a game/movie/show
>"user, you're overthinking it."

So ask the user why they think it's fun?
Come on Sup Forums at least pretend to have a brain.

no, discussing videogames means listening to my opinions and realizing that yours are shit

>Its a ''Sup Forums argues that fun things arent really fun''-episode

>x game is shit
>I never played it though
>i don't even know what it's about
>but it's shit

you´re obviously stupid as fuck and getting frustrated coz of it. just close the browser reddit

>I found it myself
Good, this is what everyone should do.

sauce on this pls

Without a doubt the best doujins are the ones that give you a boner in your pants and in your heart
Beachside Shack Part-Timers

No, those are just depressing and remind me it's been forever since i've been in a relationship
It's hard to jerk off when you're feeling sick to your stomach like that, man

>having discussion
>someone replies with something like "nah m8" and a picture of a character casually eating/drinking
>this ends the argument instantly and shuts you down
>but it's ok cause that's what everyone does

>upcoming game
>some hype about it
>massive, largely ignorant amounts of shitposting come in as the game's release date nears
>game releases
>shitposting stops
It's like they're on some sort of clock

>i don't need to eat shit to know it's shit
>i don't need to be able to do better myself to criticize something

the words weeb or weeaboo appearing in most jrpg threads

most of the time it seems misused as well

>hey guise I just bought dis story-based game, what am I in for?

Fucking retarded faggots asking directly to have the game spoiled for them.

>Sup Forums
>shitposting stops

Git Gud.

Holy shit
There he goes again
He said it once again!
Isn't he just the funniest, coolest guy around?
Git gud! Git gud! Git gud! X--DDD oh man am I fucking champion for telling someone they're bad at a videogame
Oh boy I'm gunna tell my Skype group about this one after we finish watching My Little Pony
Kill your self FAGGOT

Well, as soon as the next shitposting topic comes around the corner

It's a given that there will always be shitposting, but you know what I mean. It's not nearly as relentless as it was, pre release.


for you

You need to calm the fuck down and improve

>what do you hate about [game]
>the fanbase

That's when you know the game is dead.

>[game that I haven't played]'s fanbase is shit, so I don't want to play it

there is a distinct difference between critique and creation and one does not necessitate the other

>So what did you think about this game?
>It's fun!
>I don't know lol
>Fuck off, idiot
>WOW, WHY DOES Sup Forums HATE FUN?!?!
It's not the fun part that's annoying, it's the part where you morons aren't intelligent enough to hold a conversation about the mechanics.

You may as well just be saying shit like "I don't know, it had pretty colors and I liked the sound! =)" That would be more intelligent than just saying a game is fun over and over while not understanding while people are getting annoyed with you.

Dark Souls was ok before it hit the pcs, but hory fucking shit, everything changed when it did. helpers, how do i...? this is too hard...

pc-cucks are cancer

every fucking time


Just pirate it.

>current year
>still can't get past sadpanda

It's too much trouble for masturbating.

Bullshit, I haven't dealt with the panda in half a decade.


it became way more accessible when it came to PC and more people are investing in gaming pcs

either that or people just want to talk about the game and the only way that can stimulate conversation on the topic is by false flagging idiocy

It takes like 10 minutes tops and then you almost never have to do it again

This isn't the same hypothetical scenario as OP posted. I've also literally never seen said conversation occur like that on Sup Forums.

>It's fun with friends

That's ten times longer than it would take me to just whack-it on the spot and I don't have to deal with cookies and accounts and what have you.

Then you don't need or deserve the sauce. Being lazy and ungrateful really worked out for you right now didn't it?


No porn for you

>Not building a color coded collection of your favorite fetishes for easy fapping


Then don't whine when you can't access it you fucking donkey

Unless they're telling you to hack your 3DS, nobody on Sup Forums will suggest piracy when they pitch a game to you.

It's sad, but it's how far this site has come.

You could be halfway through the process in the time it took you to make the last three posts

Some games are made or better-balanced for multiplayer. Though most games improve with friends for obvious reason.

>fuck off
>shit taste
>check this _
>be me
>dont reply mother dies
>git gud
>video game discussion
>every fucking time
>What games let me ____/Is ___ better than video games/What games feature _____/What went wrong/What did he mean by this/Now that the dust has settled/What am I in for
>who is this girl
>filename thread
i fucking hate this shitty board and all of you that use it. seriously, fuck every single user.

Speaking of the panda, just a few days ago it came back and I don't know how to get rid of it again.

I still have the extension and I can still log in to e-hentai. What happened? What went wrong?

Enjoy your blue balling user, its all you got right now.

I wasn't anyone who wanted the sauce I'm just complaining in general.

nobody will suggest it because it's obviously implied
what are you, retarded? do you seriously think anyone cares if you buy a game or not?

>I bet you losers can't even name one good [game]
>[game 1]
>[game 2]
>[game 3]
>I said GOOD games
If you're not interested in actually having a conversation about this shit don't waste everyone's time with your thread.