Legion questing

How's the questing and levelling experience? ANy good stories?

Don't shit talk PvP, raiding or pruning, as that's highly subjective, I just want to know if I'm gonna have a good time between 100 and 110+ (Suramar).

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shits not out bitch nigga

Lots of people have access to the beta.

No, it is objectivly shit.

Nothing really stands out. But overall they feel a tad better than WoD/MoP.

they can't even fix the main game.
shit is just trashed
i had to write 4 tickets because blizzard broke shit

>pruning abilities is highly subjective


Are Holy paladins good in Legion?
Are Survival hunters good in Legion?
Are Outlaw rogues good in Legion?

Please respond.

World of Warcraft sucks dick

Half of the zones in MoP were abysmally bad.
And I may be the only person that actually really liked Dread Wastes.

Beta is still pretty bad, bug wise.

Many issues have been ignored forever that if they pull a release that is better than the shit one we had with WoD i'd be surprised.

Imo, questing is a hit or miss. There are nice and interesting zones, and there are boring places. In WoD, questing experience were more engaging. Maybe that's because some key cinematics are still missing.

Storylines themselves are good, but some are left in "To be continued" state, and it sucks. Genn and Sylvanas showdown are coming, Emerald Nightmare is coming, Highmountain storyline has it's closure, Azsuna sort of melds into Black Rook Hold, haven't been there yet. Suramar is very new thing for WoW: you start revolution in a city, that was living under a rock for a long ass time.

Best stuff is in Order Hall, World Campaign and Class Storyline. They took their lessons with Garrisons campaign, and it's better this time. Rest of Isles feels like a filler to let class campaign get started.

To be honest, leveling is faster, leveling is convenient (because level scaling), and most interesting stuff is happening in Class Hall. If you'll have free time to grind quests - you'll be 110 and finished with 4 zones in a couple of days. But levels don't have that much of an impact in this xpac, and a person that takes his time to do order hall stuff, world stuff and other fluff will take longer to grind zones, but get further with his artifact when he hits 110.

All in all, it feels good.

I did Stormheim in the Beta fully and did the Dungeon. I hesistated before doing a Campaign mission and part way into the Engineering thing.

There is a lot of voice acting in this, Like... A lot of common enemies will now speak up which is rather interesting.

The option to pick where to go and everything scaling up now feels good since you can do any order of quests. My warlock class hall felt interesting, But I wish I could talk with my class hall members and ask them where they came from.

There are also a BUNCH of callback characters. I looked at some of the names of the people while obtaining the 'Staff of Sargaras' and a bunch of them were NPC's from Vanilla you had to kill or did various nefarious Warlock deeds to where from what I understood is that their is like an Underground network for Warlocks since various factions seemed to criticise the pursuits some went for in either serving or dominating Demons.

Halls of Valor is good, But I love the look of the Fields of the Eternal Hunt there. Only issue is the last boss felt kinda bland despite a rather 'Oh shit' moment

When is the real deal released? I want to see the story from very close.

Love over the top shit and retarded twists.


Hope you love concepts like 'Time passes differently between dimensions yet somehow a normal human managed to stay alive and young for 1000 years despite being gone for 20' along with 'HOLY DEMONS'

Warlords was bad meme here

I always liked how in Northrend the vrykul would scream lines at you.

Huh, I can't remember if they had Voice Acting for common minions in Wrath. I remember them speaking, But not with the insane amount of Voice acting that is in Legion

Halp Sup Forums!

Fire Mage, Destro Lock, Demon Lock, Survival Hunter or Fury Warrior?


I have only done Destro so far. Fury was pretty fun until I had issues duel wielding my giant hammers. So I went Arms since having Two Black Hand's didn't make sense. Then it looked so much fun smashing down with a giant hammer.

What race you thinking?

Some Alliance faction since that's where my party will be on.


>I'll eat your heart!
Is probably my favorite and eternally burned into my mind.

There definitely was, similar to Cata and WoD. I'm guessing on just a much lower scale than Legion.

>some people want the vanilla experience
>get about as many skills as they had in vanilla
I'd say it's subjective too.

Stormheim > all

It is the best zone quest wise and as said, only the last boss is meh. The other zone's stories feel much weaker (especially High Mountain).

I need some help too

feral or balance??


Melee everywhere + Feral having some pretty glaring design flaws (Savage Roar and Jagged Wounds not bring on the same talent tier, for example).

Balance and Troll

+200% armor
+10% health passive regen racial
+yseras gift 3% heal every 5 secs
+healing spells
Displacer Beast
Elunes Grace

Spam moonfire/sunfire
Use 2 instant lunar strikes
Spam instant casts to spend lunar

Rape everything, become a god

Hmmm, Must be so since I remember a quest area and the imps kept screaming 'I'll feast on your soul' like 20 times in the 5 minutes I did it

I would say a Lock or the Mage. Survival Hunter seems cooler with a Horde class and Fury Warrior has the lamest Artifact lore to me.

I think questing was pretty good. I still think the bonus objectives take too long. I realize they don't want just completing the quest to also get the bonus objective as well but its annoying when the quest only gets you 25-50% of the way there

World quests are overall an improvement over Apexis dalies. Apexis dalies are still there but since your expected to do multiple quests you're not grinding the same mobs for an extended period of time

Honestly my biggest complaint so far is the sour end to Stormheim, where, as horde, I had to betray the trust I had just spent the zone gaining just to set up a moment for Genn

How to own BGs

Warrior of Elune
Displacer Beast
Restro Affinity
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
Shooting Stars
Nature's Balance

PvP Talents:
Glad medallion
Mind Quickness
Crescent Burn
Moonkin Aura
Faerie Swarm

Enjoy your max pvp prestige druid

what makes fire mages fun in legion so far?

Nothing. Legion Fire is basically the same as WoD Frost, boring as fuck.

I might play feral

how hard is the skillcap going to be
will i suffer this xpac
are they even on the sims this tim around

Feral is one of the only specs keeping a relatively high skillcap, however the problems with Ferocious Bite haven't been resolved so it's very likely to end up running into scaling trouble later in the expansion.

Sims right now are completely irrelevant because we haven't been able to test Legion drinks for different classes. Some of them are extremely powerful, moreso than even the HFC trinkets.

I'm considering leveling up a druid. How's guardian work as a tank spec in Legion?

What issues? I feel like whenever I use it the move hits like a wet paper bag

It doesn't scale with Mastery or Haste in any way, and on top of that, If you take Jagged Wounds and Savage Roar you will literally never use it, meaning half your artifact traits are wasted, effectively negating the DPS benefit of JW and SR.

Why can't i get into bgs anmore ? Is it bugged and why are lvl 10s able to kill my hunter now WTF happened to WoW

Question from a lore scrub: What separates the shaman's earth magic and the druid's nature stuff? What's the difference there?

Different spirits

Shamans use the Elemental Lords and their minion's magic while Druids use the power of Cenarius, Ursoc, etc...

Druid's power is granted to them by avatars like Ursol or Goldrinn, Shamans power is granted to them by Elementals and drawn from the Elemental planes.

On the other hand, Fire conjured by a Shaman is magical, it comes directly out of the realm of Fire. Meanwhile a Fire mage uses Arcane magic to create airflow and heat causing Fire, it is a natural occurence engineered via magic.

So Arcane magic is the most powerful one?

The PVP template scales with your item level, at least at max level, meaning heirlooms should make it super broken.

Arcane Magic was literally banned by the Night Elves because they were afraid they might accidentally the entire planet.

so avatars and elemental lords are like two sides of the same coin that is nature?

No. Elementals come from different planes of existence and manifest through their element. They don't give a fuck about preseerving balance or that shit, Fire Elementals come here because they want to burn shit. Druid power leans toward Order, whereas Shaman power leans closer to Disorder, based on the new lore.

I got problems finding BGS, i'm waiting almost hours
What the fuck happened ?

looks like shit 2bh

Well actually Elementals lived in harmony before the Old Gods came and made them mad as fuck.

The elementals on Draenor are pretty peaceful except for a few.


Talents, spec and class choice greatly influence the amount of skills in use.

Shadow Priests have eight abilities in normal rotation, three defensive ones, four cool downs and a few utilities. Frost DK active rotation has three abilities.

so even though earth is the closest to order of the elements, it's still more associated with otherwordly and violent powers? Like earthquakes, tremors, where as nature is more of a peaceful, more "reality-based" force, slowly growing, ancient. The thing that confuses me is the connection to sleep and dreams in nature which makes it feel otherwordly in the same way that the elements are, but perhaps I'm wrong there.

The questing itself is pretty much the usual, although they have added a new voiceline feature that works like the one in WC3 (the chat/text bubbles or whatever you wanna call them, don't know how to describe it),

The zones themselves are amazing imo though, there's not a single zone I actually dislike which is the first expansion that's actually the case.

Here's videos of the zones.





do alliance and horde still share the same city?

Looking over the Beta forums and it's looking like Legion is nowhere close to being ready for release.

Yeah, the capital is Dalaran in this expac.

>this shill

Why not?

>if you like what i don't like then you're a shill


Wasn't WoD the same way? It doesn't even matter at this point; fans will eat that shit up.

Arcane magic, or anything cloth based, is going to be harder to use as you can't rely on outside sources to help you cast the spell.

ok, ill give this expac a miss, im in no rush

>literally posting vids like some marketeer
>not shiller