Sega Considering PS4 Remakes for Yakuza 2, 3, 4 and 5

Sega Considering PS4 Remakes for Yakuza 2, 3, 4 and 5

>During a livestream hosted earlier this week, Producer Toshihiro Nagoshi mentioned that Yakuza: Kiwami was popular, selling about half a million in Japan and Asia, and this is prompting Sega to consider various ways to remake Yakuza 2, 3, 4 and 5 for PS4.

I guess Yakuza 2 Kiwami is pretty much granted.

I wonder if Y3-5 will get improved remaster or Kiwami like remake.

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Thats pretty cool dog
What about the first one, I always wanted to get into the series

They can remake it for all i care, it aint gonna fix the shit stories from 3 to 5

Wow I can't wait to get Yakuza HD Collection 2 years after it comes out in Japan

it's already on PS4

>Remaster Station 4

yea i realized that once i clicked the link
guess i'll be getting kiwami once it comes out

just what we needed, more remasters

I mean, I can see them making both remaster and remake for Y3, but I'm not so sure about Y4 and 5.

Remake should sell more than just a remaster and with Y3 they could just reuse Y6 a lot, while remaster should be cheaper and faster to create (and they would probably add Yakuza 4 improvements).
Y4 and Y5 would require more effort to remake them as there's more playable characters.

I feel bad for the Yakuza team if they have to remake all of those. They spent a ridiculous amount of time on the series already and them having to redo all of those entries would feel like a repeating hell.

There is obviously a second team or something considering they put out games every year. One being more iterative than the other

remastering 3-5 is retarded and a waste of time

I don't think you understand. These remakes are actually cheaper side projects while rest of the team works on creating new assets and engine for the sequel and they come back when they're back to main game after that when they're needed.

I don't think you read my post

If anything, they should put 1 and 2 on the PS2 emulator on PS4 and then port 3,4, and 5 to PS4 to try and drum up interest for Zero in the west.

i just honestly dont like how most of the worthwhile games this gen are remasters of older games

Yet lots of people are asking for it even here (not talking about people asking for PC ports, but actual PS4 ports)

>they should put 1 and 2 on the PS2 emulator on PS4
That's even more fucking stupid considering they already have HD remakes of 1 and 2 for PS3 and a remake of 1 on PS4

Just remake 2 and be done with it. No reason to really do anything with 3-5 for a while.

Sorry, I put wrong quote. I assume you're

Don't forget 5 is free on PSN this month!

None of those remakes are localized though

I'd get PS4 for it (IF they'll release english versions and unfucked Yakuza 3 for west). Shame SEGA will never port these jap-oriented games to PC, although same studio ported Binary Domain to PC before.

Who cares about that

please be real

BD was pretty much West-oriented. Shame that after Valkyria Chronicles' apparent success PC only got another Sonic and glorified emulator from Sega's console games.

It would be unfair to call Kiwami a remaster. It's not, the WiiU version is a remaster. Kiwami is a rebuilt from the ground up modern remake.

What makes the yakuza games so good Sup Forums? I think it's the clear love the developers have for their series.

I'm playing ishin right now with the English guide and I'm having a blast. It's like I'm playing my own version of yojimbo

>What makes the yakuza games so good Sup Forums?
Developers with experience knowing what makes the game good, wanting to improve them and aware of what fans liked or disliked, I think.

Also where you got Ishin from? PS Store, Play-Asia or something else?

Also the very inherent japanese-ness of the games. Lots of games take place in Japan, but very few actually accurately capture the feel of the streets there. Even if said streets are more accurate to the mid 90s than to now.

Amazon m8 took a few weeks but whatever

5 remaster would actually be pretty cool since I don't have a PS3 anymore and want to play it badly

I was thinking of using Amazon to import games. How does it work? Is it sent first to local Amazon and then to you?

Buy a ps3 hacked

I wonder if they'll re-release Yakuza 3 for the west (HA!) will they re-translate it? Because that outsourced mess of a translation would be a pain in the ass to port.
I guess they'll just never translate it.

That's also it's weakness it's structured like a Live action Japanese drama which I hate which si why I played 5 hours of 4 then dropped it.

Just like any other order. They do all that you just order it and it will get to you when they say it will. Amazon is a world wide thing

Oh, I guess that's why it didn't bother me. I like watching dorama.

Buying the same game over and over again.


Well Japan has always been about a decade behind the major western cities. Great example is zero with the 80s where Japan is very remencient of the 70s disco era. However I don't know if the introduction of social media and smart phones has changed Japan today away from this trend.

Fucking finally. I hope they put them all into the same pack and not release one every few months like Capcom. And put JP voices in the first one.

No I mean they intentionally made it more accurate to how Japan was in the 90s than to how it was in the years the games after Zero take place in.

There wasn't much difference between the 70s and 80s in the West to begin with, dummy. The average JP city dweller was sending e-mail on their mobile phone in the 90s.

They not put eng voices in the first one, of course!
They will never make english versions of these ports either

Really so why has every game seemingly done the whole decade behind thing

>implying 4 story was good

Wait, who is that supposed to be?

You need to re-read his post mate.

Honestly even though the stories were terrible, I got really hooked into them.

It's something the Japanese do a lot better than the West almost universally. That even with terrible stories, they're good at making you give a shit because they're REALLY good at getting you emotionally invested in it. Did 3-5 have garbage stories? Hell yeah they did, but I still got sad at almost all the deaths and pumped up whenever Kiryu came out of retirement.

Oh, I fucked up.

Not that guy, but do you speak Jap or something? "to" is kinda like "and", not sure how ya misread it otherwise.

I don't feel that way about generic anime, but I know what you say is the true since I've seen people who get really, REALLY invested in characters even though it's garbage.

I've seen people get emotional over inane crap like Shinmai Maou no Testament or Highschool of the Dead, for example.

Well, yeah. Whole story is shit but all those little scenes are all awesome. Which is fucking weird, they should hire some competent writer already.

I don't care that CIA twin brother was just an excuse to have Shintaro Kazama in PS3 graphics, his fight was cool and his theme rules

Damn whos dat kawaii bishōjo

>That even with terrible stories, they're good at making you give a shit because they're REALLY good at getting you emotionally invested in it.
Look at the metal gear series for proof of that


That's some gravity defying hairgel he's using

>localization never ever
Fuck you, Sega!

and Nagoshi wanted to localize it too

Did Kazuma ever found out about the day Saejima almost raped Haruka?

>and Nagoshi wanted to localize it too
Don't do this to me, user. I'm mad enough already.

No but I bet that single event set harukas preference in men from then on

I don't fucking get it. People love the samurai, why the fuck won't they give it a chance?

>Nagoshi wanted to localize it too
My hatred for SEGA has died down recently, so I could always rekindle it.

Yeah but it's its place we got 5, which he thought was a too late situation for the US.

From an interview with him when he was asked about 5's localization. He basically said "it's been too long since 5 came out, but we could always localize Ishin instead!"

and then Sony said "localize the damn game already"

so is the yakuza 5 virtual fighter online mini game still active?

Make people in the west buy Zero and they'll bring over Kiwami, 6 and Ishin

Fuck you SEGA, I don't need to know about a buncha dead guys to understand your story.

John I know you come to this website, pls do something ;_;

Especially since back then PS4 had literally zero games worth buying. Sega is just THAT retarded.

>it would require a high-level knowledge of Japanese shogunate history to understand the story

But Nagoshi outright said that shouldn't be a problem because it's not like the modern Japanese generation know their own country's history these days. His words, not mine

Who fucking cares about this? You can always advertise it like awesome samurai action and people who'll play it will be amazed by awesome fights, minigames and hype scenes. What the fuck is wrong with you, Sega?

In fairness these games take a LONG time to localize, they always did. I think they all took at least a year.

By the time we got Ishin it wouldn't have been a nogames system anymore.

If by "do better universally" you mean "be a culture whose dramatic tradition knows little but unabashed overacting and hamfisted overt exposition", then yes, Japs do emotion better than the West.

When every bit of plot information is followed by a zoom-in reaction shot of every character going "HUH?!" and "NANI?!" then that does convey that the news is shocking.

The reason you feel so engaged in all the hot-blooded heroic determination is because characters will repeatedly spell out to you that "WITH THE POWER OF MY UNFLINCHING WILL I SHALL FIGHT FOR MY FAMILY'S HONOR", while other characters will constantly remind you "Wow, that guy sure is going to fight for his family's honor, no matter what! Such hot-bloodedness!!!".

Western dramatic tradition values subtlety and nuance more and it's easy to see why someone would gravitate more towards the blatant on-the-nose-ness of Japanese media, considering certain mental conditions that result in difficulties gauging emotional cues.

Should I bite the bullet and just import Ishin?

I did it with 0 and despite being an EOP, I got through it pretty easily.

>tldr you're autistic for liking japanese games and culture stop thinking differently than me you're making me uncomfortable

That's only because they never consider localization during development. It's just subtitles, just let people translate shit while you develop the game and include translation into your final product. I can't think it'll cost too much to just implement fucking subtitles into the game. It's one month of work of translator and one month of work of some programmer to add text in the game. It won't cost that much compared to whole game budget, it's literally nothing. Yet they'll never do anything like this.
>inb4 you have no idea how hard it is to implement english text into the game
Fucking fans were able to do it, it'd be even easier for developers with proper tools.

>Western dramatic tradition values subtlety and nuance more

Only modern dramatic tradition. We used to be crazy hammy before that word was associated with bad performances of Hamlet.

Basically is Sega's way of saying NEVER EVER.

Are these games really that good?

I remember my bro playing the first Yakuza waaaay back in the day.

>That's only because they never consider localization during development.

No they literally can't. He outright says in the interview that the same team does both, and the team isn't big enough to make a new game and localize a current one at the same time.

I heard guys from khhsubs (or something) made like full text translation of everything. So you'll be able to 100% the game for sure. But reading guide while playing the game can be very tedious. I finished Kenzan with youtube guide and it felt really weird.

>It's one month of work of translator and one month of work of some programmer to add text in the game.
Then why did it take like a year from Yakuza 5's localization announcement until its release?

I think it was the case with 4 and DS, but 5 wasn't


the game probably wasn't built for multi languages

Because Sega is retarded. Why did they delayed absolutely finished Anarchy Reigns for half of the year? Same reason.

He said it was the reason why 5 didn't get localized for so long, they were too busy working on Ishin.

Did you even played MGS and Yakuza?
Because they are more subtle than that.
(not really subtle, but what you wrote was cringeworthy in a bad way)

Go watch hyperbitheros 1 hour video on the series and see if it strikes your fancy. There isn't any spoilers in the video and he sells the series well enough.

I remember some company or even Sony literally suggested to give Sega money for localizing some Yakuza game but Sega refused.

Pretty much. You can see Kenzan user's blog. But after Y0 sales in China Sega said they're going to make future engines localization friendly.

They're my favorite games of all time.

If you're interested, emulate 1&2.

>There isn't any spoilers in the video

Bullshit there isn't, he just doesn't reveal the really big things aside from I think Kiryu getting stabbed, which you kinda have to know to understand 4's plot and why Kiryu is gone.

They had one chance to localize Ishin and that was when it was a launch title. They could've done Ratchet and Clank sales numbers if marketed well.
There were rumours, but nothing materialized. If Sega misses Gamescom, consider it fake. No one on TGS gives a rat's arse about PC.
I highly doubt Yakuza will come to PC. And if it does, it will be Yakuza 6 or some other PS4 project currently in the works, 2 or 3 years after PS4 release.

why the fuck not the first one? im not paying assloads for the first 2 off ebay.

>I guess Yakuza 2 Kiwami is pretty much granted.
Best game getting a remake is nice.

It's already out in Japan, slowpoke

>They could've done Ratchet and Clank sales numbers if marketed well.

I really doubt that. This series has never sold all that amazing, they get by on the fact that they're actually pretty damn cheap to make.

I think Yakuza 6 has a chance of showing up on PC considering it's made in Unreal Engine 4.

Speaking of witch, don't you think UE4 gives the game a really bad filter? previous games felt japanese but Y6 feels like Sleeping Dogs in Japan and I don't like it. I prefer the less blurry, washed out atmosphere of previous Yakuza games.

Non-credible source

I don't really recall Ratchet and Clank being million sellers, but they've always been consistent 500k sales games.

I guess the more apt comparison would be Resistance 1 which was a beloved launch title for PS3 that did well