Can anyone name a successful gaming crowd-funding effort?
By "successful" i mean "produced a good game."
Can anyone name a successful gaming crowd-funding effort?
By "successful" i mean "produced a good game."
I didn't even realize that was kickstarted.
i have to agree, FTL is a great game
Hyper Light Drifter
though it's so barebones that I wonder where all that money went actually, especially since they were asking for so little at the start
Shovel Knight.
Darkest Dungeon
Divinity Original Sin?
Shovel Knight
A lot of games were kickstarted that you might not be aware they were kickstarted
Volgarr the Viking
Try again
Sir, You Are Being Hunted isn't great by any means but it's still pretty fun I think.
Expeditions: Conquistador is a great game and the studio is making another one that isn't crowdfunded this time, which is how Kickstarter is supposed to work, to kickstart something.
Volgarr was pretty good.
Shovel Knight wasn't as great as everyone says in my opinion but it was definitely good.
The answer is yes. Thread over I guess.
So why did Larian need another kickstarter for the sequel to Divinity? Shouldn't they have amassed money from the first to work on the second?
I think it's more to show publishers that there's interest in the game.
Shovel Knight
I hate how people pick FTL as a good example, it's a really shitty roguelike where most games play the same and it get repetitive extremely quickly especialy because of it's molasses combat
But ehy, it let me play my trekkie fantasy so best game ever
Cool opinion. You're in the minority.
Darkest dungeon.
>So why did Larian need another kickstarter for the sequel to Divinity?
The real question is: why shouldn't they make another kickstarter, if people are actually willing to support them? Does it hurt or inconvenience anyone? No, you will still be able to buy the game regularly when it comes out.
>it's a really shitty roguelike
Nobody cares about your shit opinion.
Divinity: Original Sin
Shovel Knight
Wasteland 2
Pillars of Eternity
Banner Saga
The Escapists
Satellite Reign
Darkest Dungeon
Freedom Planet
Shovel Knight is the best mega man since mega man 9
I loved Pillars Of Eternity in the "it's a pretty good spiritual successor to Icewind Dale" kind of way and genuinely consider it a good game. The financial success and popularity of PoE outside of Sup Forums also speaks in its favor.
I was just curious is all. I really hope that Larian decides to do a sequel to Divinity 2 some day. That game while janky was a really enjoyable action RPG.
Shovel knight
Wasn't Pillars of Eternity well received?
Basically a dumped down infinity engine or Atari d&d game, but still enjoyable.
This, the game is good. Not as good as planescape but still alright
ITT op getting BTFO
Valdis Story: Abyssal City.
OP is just fishing for recommendation though. Or even worse, an underage student trying to find research material for his presentation about Kickstarter and vidya.
medical bills / rent for that studio