What resolution do you game at?
1080p? 1440p? 2160p? Lower? Higher?
Just bought a 25" 1440p monitor to upgrade form my old 21" 1080p, and I'm excited to see the difference.
What resolution do you game at?
1080p? 1440p? 2160p? Lower? Higher?
Just bought a 25" 1440p monitor to upgrade form my old 21" 1080p, and I'm excited to see the difference.
FPS games, 1280x720 at 250-300 fps.
Everything else, 3840x2160 or 3800x1800.
27" 1440p OC'd to 96hz. Going from 23" 1080p to 27" 1440p wasn't a huge difference (was in performance) besides screen size but the high refresh rate is fantastic for less demanding games and it's IPS so the colors are perfect. If I could've gotten a 1080 IPS high refresh rate monitor for cheaper I would have.
1440p 144Hz. Everything else feels weak now that I have grown accustomed to it.
720p for everything.
I have a 1920x1080 144Hz monitor. I also have a 1920x1200 60Hz monitor that I was using before but I haven't gotten around to using both of them at the same time.
I own a couple of the older version of that monitor, U2414H, which is 1080p. Hope to switch to a single 1440p ultrawide eventually.
96hz 1440p
>dell ultrasharp
>implying you can remotely tell the difference
Recently upgraded to an Asus VC239H, upgraded from a TN to an IPS thanks to my drawing monitor showing just how fucking bad the colours were on my default monitor and I couldn't be happier. Still 1080p, still 60fps, but those colours are worth it.
1080p, don't see any reason to go higher
We on dat ultrawide beam.
Anything higher gives me the uncanny valley feel. It's creepy
1080p, 60Hz IPS
1440p isn't enough of a jump for me to buy a new monitor, and 4K is still too expensive.
>shitty desk
>he fell for the VR meme
>fucking EAfront
I don't know what part I should be more disgusted at.
>in the year of our lord Anno Domini 2016
>not playing games on 1440p or above
This Vive gets me tang.
You should be ashamed. Be a man.
But I don't want to be a cuck user.
I just dont understand your logic.
Im upset.
What monitor do you have
1080p @ 120Hz. I notice the low resolution sometimes, but the higher refresh rate was a priority, and the cost of bumping up to 1440p didn't seem worth it.
>paying more than $200 for a monitor
24" 1080p 144hz TN for gaming
25" 1440p 60hz IPS for everything else
1050p master race
>he doesn't have a 1337p screen
Get out of my face you fucking casual