Is it a good character design?
Is it a good character design?
Way too hot.
>10 pack abs
>flaming pubic hair
its good
>literal fire-crotch
>can't seduce anything that can't withstand 1200 degrees of white hot heat
Pretty ill-thought out desu
This was my first thought too. Why bother making it a succubus if you can't have sex with it?
what game?
Because you can still try, fucking vigin
Might and Magic 7
More like HoMM 5.
Because it can cast fireballs of instant rape from long range
>fire succubus
>literally can't fuck men because they'll burn on contact
garbage design
Imagine how good molten vagina would feel after you cast some fire resistance enchantments.
>can't have sex with it?
challenge accepted
Do they should've gone with Succubus (male)
HoMM 5 had some great looking models and I liked the general art direction.
It also has the best gameplay in the series so far.
I'm not sure why people keep hyping HoMM3 over it, HoMM3 is just a perfect example of quantity over quality compared to this sequel.
what was wrong with the latest homms?
Heroes VI was just extremely unremarkable and was largely unfinished. The AI in the game was also really dumb.
Heroes VII was just a heartless cash grab that had nothing redeeming about it.
>that lava pussy
6 had way too much early game healing which made early battles slow down to a crawl as you prolonged them as long as possible to avoid having any losses. Otherwise it wasn't too bad but a lot of mid and late tier units were a bit lacking in character, so battles never really evolved into something else from the beginning. Core units were your most important resource.
Also, the lack of secondary resources made build paths extremely samey for every faction, negating any kind of resource based strategy. That was lame.
The prevalence and availability of teleport effects also made anyone able to defend any of his bases instantly with his main army, which was fucking stupid.
I liked the story campaign tho, it was cool.
Didn't play 7.
ok cool thanks
i only remember watching a friend play the one where there was a cheat code "coconuts" which i think gave you unlimited water travel
The campaign is total schlock so far. I love it.
>not using the nude mod
Why would I?
Nude mods are stupid for the not porn games
>That mission where you have to win only with a bunch of deserting elves
All the dragons looked like ass.
All the dElves looked like ass. The minotaurs and hydras looked like ass, the generic bdsm looked like ass.
>implying you will take the initiative.
>implying she cares if you are still alive after the coitus.
>good art direction
Introducing a dwarf, a dwarf, a dwarf, a dwarf and a dwarf living inside an active volcano
Also, BDSM Warlock
Also, Genie
Also, Manticore
HoMM5 is visually awful, if it didn't have the single best gameplay in the franchise it would've been just as bad as the other two Ubi games.
2 and 3 are fantastic
5 is great too, especially for multiplayer
I kinda think its unbalanced, and necropolis sucks
>Introducing a dwarf, a dwarf, a dwarf, a dwarf and a dwarf living inside an active volcano
I still don't understand what's wrong with it
There literally nothing wrong with dwarf kingdom having dwarf units
>tfw there was this one guy who was working on a fantastic graphics overhaul mod, but got buttmad and left
Each particular unit lacks personal visual identity, and it gets extra hard to tell them apart at a glance on the adventure map. On top of that it's just simply fucking boring. Factions in Heroes before Ashan used to consist of an assortment of units that just happen to live in the same general vicinity and share the alignment.
>and it gets extra hard to tell them apart at a glance on the adventure map
Are you retarded?
After 2-3 games you easily take them apart
>Factions in Heroes before Ashan used to consist of an assortment of units that just happen to live in the same general vicinity and share the alignment.
Yes, but before Ashan and even HoMM 4, it was post apocalyptic world that was send in the stone age more than once
Here it's a new world with everyone, even demons circlejerking on the dragons
And don't forget how many complains developers got from ressettled races to the different cities again in the HoMM4(Baww, why dwarfes aren't with nature anymore, this is nothing like my 3rd game)
>Also, Genie
>he prefers generic genies from 3
>he hates on the hat people
Do you even /fa/?
it would be pretty hot I wager
Leave it to Poland to have the shittiest taste imaginable.
HOMM3 castle was also 5 humans, a griffin and a human (angel)
is it me or is homm5 a lot like warcraft 3
Developers were warhammer fans
That's any Knight town in any of HoMM games - although 6 and 7 did pretty well on making distinct units even for Haven, so I'm not sure why you're bringing HoMM3 here at all.
Fuck off, retard
more like russian hacks, that just copied whatever shit was popular
5 Uplay points have been deposited into your account.
This is how it was originally supposed to be.
how does that even make sense
homm5 is ubisoft game
2nd Agrael mission is literally impossible to beat on the first try without ant guides.
Good luck.
I think thye made it easier in some patch.
I remember beating it at release on hard, fun times. Phantom Forces MVP.
I heard people say that 6 has a good campaign, so far I played through Necro campaign and it was pretty fucking boring. Are there any fun scenarios in there or is it just "maek blob go kill everything" through all campaigns?
I always hate when any character model has wings that are too small for it, either make the wings big enough that they're actually going to be able to lift the character off the ground and fly, or don't use them at all.
Small wings are basically a festigial tail
I've finished the first mission yesterday before passing out. What should I expect going into 2nd?
Regardless of my opinion on art direction and gameplay, Ubisoft's Might and Magic reboot world-building is awful.
Less retarded than 3DO one
Yeah, no.
I want to finish this game but is way too fucking long.
I'm midway the BDSM campaign.
I also have both expansions.
We all know there's only one succubus worth shit in Ashan.
It's the 3rd mission that's the hard one actually, 2nd is ez.
You fool, get 5.5 right now.
HoMM5 is amazing.
a succubus(male)
HOMM went to complete shit after 3 - everything from unit/city designs, to engines used, to overall gameplay. They're all SHIT, and that includes HOMM 5 with all expansions.
Only music was good but that's because Romero is a golden god.
ow the edge
>HOMM went to complete shit after 3
3 was garbage compared to the second game
Your frustration makes sense in case of some natural entities, but demons are fallen angels not so much in the HoMM lore but still, so them being unable to fly kind of makes sense.
>this is what retards actually believe
HOMM 2 was great, but 3 was and is legendary.
Why didn't some slav kickstart a HoMM clone yet?
They're crazy about that shit right?
I just want a good HoMM, I played 3 so much I can't stand it anymore.
Nope, it was bloated garbage compared to the second game
The only person who should do it is Jon Van Caneghem and HoM&MIV ruined his marriage.
>someone still mad he got rekt because of opponent using a combo artifact
God Heroes 5's art direction is such a catastrophe.
Is there a mod that changes the look of the units to something more acceptable?
is this good design?
Wait, what? You can't just drop that kind of shit in the thread and not explain.
Of course it is. Only the best, Todd Howard, could ever make it. Of course I haven't met the man, but I can tell you from what I've heard, he seems to be a god-damned prodigy.
His wife hated Heroes 4.
>"Volcano pussy melt your piener like ice"
Is this what he was talking about?
That Todd Howard is an impotent manlet. And his leather jacket is gay.
>The only person who should do it is Jon Van Caneghem
Are you sure?
This is his last game that reached completition.
I dare you to come up to my face without a ladder ;^)
So how were the King's Bounty games?
They're ok.
Garbage just like everything from this developer
i wonder how many "she's pretty hot" jokes passed through bethesda
jokes aside, bethesda has a great concept art team
Isn't that the art they used for the succubus hero portrait?
need larger boobs
>mfw there is a mod for that
>there is a mod for that
fug, really? I know that there is a mod for nearly anything, but didn't think there would be that one
>Space Rangers
You're a fucking cyka.
>Noone is linking user the link
Go kill yourselves fucking fags
For one of them, yes.
There's a mod where your breast size scales with your magicka meter.
Normally it's really silly as you would expect but I just realized that it could possibly be somewhat immersive and interesting with a proper atronach birthsign mod.
Is this good character design?
Which one is it Sup Forums?
>doesn't link to sad panda
Would you no fire version?
IMO the more monstrous one from HoMM 5 look better.
Why isn't there mod that give them nipples and vagina?