>main Mercy no bully pls
>always flanked by the D.Va/Reaper/FUCKING GENJI
>team doesn't seem to care
>"I need healing"
but I'm going to make it, right?
>main Mercy no bully pls
>always flanked by the D.Va/Reaper/FUCKING GENJI
>team doesn't seem to care
>"I need healing"
but I'm going to make it, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't you play a healer that can heal people while still being able to contribute to team damage, faggot?
Get good at jumping to your allies.
Not anymore, Mercy was hit hard by the last balance pass and now she is unplayable in comp.
I'm not just talking sub par but rather picking her will directly lead to your team losing the game because she is that awful now, it pains me to say that when I have over 115 hours on her so far.
>main a completely defenseless character
>complain when characters that counter you kill you
is this how mercy players actually play?
if you dont have a defensive team and the enemy has multiple flankers why would you WANT to play mercy?
she was undeniably the best support before the patch. 30% slower ult doesnt change much, people are just on the zenyatta hype train.
same with roadhog, he didnt really get nerfed at all but no one wants to play him when D.Va got her buffs
Why do you solo queue in comp?
I know so many people playing this game that I can play every night with a doll six man team in voice chat.
We aren't even incredible and some guys i play with can be considered as bad, but with the tiniest bit of communication I regularly heal >50% of team damage per game.
>play match
>team wins because other team ragequitted
>play another match
>lose because team ragequitted
As always, Blizzard always reward the shitters. Tired of this bullshit. I just want to play a proper match.
>solo competitive
It's your own fault.
switch to zen senpai
he can defend himself and hes actually useful
I have no friends
Just headshot them with your pistol you fucking scum
I play mercy in competitive and only trust myself to defend myself.
I've won agains"t flanker like genji, soldier, tracer.
A good mercy in competitive should know when to use the pistol and when getting rushed down is one of them
If you are dead there aren't heal anymore and more importantly no possibilites of Rez if your team gets wiped out.
Once you are in danger just leave your nigger team alone and tend for yourself
Make some by playing the game.
To be honest I used to play D.Va most of the time but she was worthless on competitive. The shield buff finally made her useful again.
>Thinks because they play a healer its the entire teams job to babysit your ass
You know you could watch to make sure you are not flanked and move if need be right? You don't have to be behind the person you are healing.
If you can't do that stop playing a team game without a team and complaining about the lack of teamwork.
You have three options
>play in a team, there's hundreds of resources for team finding and they all need heals
>switch to Lucio if you can't trust your team
>never put yourself in a situation that lets the enemy flank you unless you're popping ult
Until you do one of those, enjoy rank 40
It changes a lot really, she can no longer get her ult up reliably against the first/early pushes and that means defensively she is nothing more than a liability thanks to how easy she is to take out. This is a big reason why in comp and pro games that the defenders are getting smacked around and find it nigh impossible to hold the first push on every single map now, all you need to do as the attackers is jump in hoping for a pick because you no longer have a revive to counter it.
Discord is broken so you always need a zen, since zen can't solo heal you need someone to handle that and it's not worth picking Mercy over Lucio now. Lucio isn't as fragile and can actually get his ult up faster while pushing out constant reliable heals. It's sad but unless they push her ult back up she isn't getting picked anytime soon, overall she is going to need a buff or a slight rework in the future to really fix her. You now have Ana that puts out more healing than her, Mercy still has zero defense, and her damage boost has always been underwhelming.
Zenyatta was useless before patch, and now he's OP.
And all they changed was give him 50 shield.
Stupid conclusion there bud. But what would you know with your friends n shit
>switch to Lucio
I'm going to do this
They also made his balls faster
They changed his Ult and the speed of his ability projectiles
Stick with your team
Bounce back reapers/roadhogs/ect
Learn to time your Amps
If your team is fucked, retreat and speed boost them all up rather than dying
Congrats, you are now playing Lucio at rank 70 level
His problem since his beta nerf was always being able to survive, his discord is broken tier and they now made it basically an instant apply ability.
Without discord there would be no reason to play him, they are going to have to tune that ability down a bit.
Literally what
As shitty as it sounds, but you shouldn't be playing as support in ranked.
>can not carry a team
>but very dependant on team
>if team doesn't care almost no impact other than giving the opposing flanker points
And the best:
>even if you win you get always less rank points than anyone else, because the system literally hates support player
Properly applied Discords is indeed one of the main reasons to play him. His healing isn't the best but I feel his Ult and general utility offensively and defensively makes him a solid choice. Even before the latest patch I felt this way about him, but now he fits more easily into comp. I think he's pretty much exactly how he needs to be without a rework, the general hype will die down eventually.
>Mainjng mercy
Nigger i just block mercy players
Get on the reaper life dude.
Video related, it shows you how to press q to win
Zen doesn't just fit into comp now, he is a mandatory pick because of how insanely overpowered discord is. There is no hype around him, it's him being picked in every single side of every map and mode because not having discord puts you at a monumental disadvantage. It's so silly that it even makes a few heroes completely unplayable.
They are going to have to buff Mercy, nerf discord, and figure out what they want to do with Sym if they want to break this really shitty meta.
>first match without Mercy
I-I get it now
>main mercy
not anymore
every mercy player has become a lucio/zenyatta now, you gotta roll with the patches this is blizzard we're talking about here
no room for mains
Discord will probably go to 40 or, at worst, 30.
You can buff mercy but not by reupping rez to invalidate almost every team fight
aye sir
They still havent fucked Genji up, yet
Going through the ranks solo feels more satisfying. Even having a 4 queue feels too easy when you're playing random.
That is the worst video I have ever seen in my life. gtfo
Anyone have that gif that looks like this thumbnail? The one with a reaper in boxers and a paper mask spinning like a retard with toy guns. If so, i'd appreciate it tons if you posted it here.
stop overreacting.
while she is outclassed by most of the other supports, she still has a very viable role in certain comps. it's just that most pubs won't ever use these comps to utilize her full potential. and in any case,
>only maining one hero
have fun squandering all of your potential
literally everyone has a Mercy
How will they buff/nerf mccree next patch?
>try playing mercy
>have ult up
>tell team i have ult up
>they go in 1 at a time and die 5 seconds apart from each other
>for 10 minutes
>match ends
>only had 1-2 person resurrections whole game, would have been better with lucio
every time
>implying any player under rank 60 can play him decently
i don't think blizzard will cuck his shit in anytime soon
I was so fucking baffled when I first tried out Zeny and found out applying Orb of Discord was just pressing E while aiming at the general direction of an enemy, I thought you would have to aim and hit something with it. Do Blizz fucking realize just how broken it is?
She is still kinda playable on A defense at least (source: chips).
>tfw good aim
>play ana
>someone else picks another healer
>they switch after 2 min into the game because they realize the futility of having a second healer when I am around
>everyone's topped off, even pharahs flying across the map in LoS
>ult on reaper or soldier for his ult
>otherwise reinhardt
I'm sick of games being decided by fucking coin flips.
Why make sudden death a luck based system?
Why not have it based on time? Hell, Blizzard doesn't even use the shitty ass sudden death system in their own esports games.
>Not breaking out your blaster and getting multiple headhsot on close-range enemies like Tracer.
Sounds like you're the shit Mercy here, son.
posting le funny picture so people actually read the post
How did Zenyatta go from 0% pickrate to almost 100%?
Was it the buffs, or something to do with how he fits into the meta?
His point stands, you're not healing while doing that
Who /zen/ here?
After the last balance there basically no reason to play Mercy over him. He's too perfect.
>"b-b-but muh res"
>letting your team die
Haha that is one funny picture!
Buffs, 100% discord uptime is insane.