real info fucking when


t. son of dad who works at nintendo

It's the end of Nintendo.

nice, hyped


They have to announce the announcement this month.

>We've already said publicly that we are already hard at work on our next home console
Doesn't that actually back-up the notion that the NX is, in fact, a home console - since Reggie acknowledges it as one, since no other upcomong hardware product has been disclosed by them yet, whilst this quote is clearly referring to one.

No but you see, 2 years earlier Nintendo said they were working on the next consoles so of course Reggie's quote refers to that and not to the NX which was announced 3 months before. Yes handheld fags are this retarded.

I'm honestly still going with the hybrid theory right now - it makes the most sense considering all existing rumours and vague confirmations. That Reggie quote is actually very strong evidence that the NX must be a home system, or at least a hybrid if we're to believe eurogamer's sourceless information.

Next week... In game magazines....

I'll ask ur mom

>tfw you bought a New 3DS

Never buying a Nintendo product new again in my life. That was the last fucking straw. 3 exclusives and they're all ports.

Did the DSi have any exclusives either?
As I'm pretty sure the N3DS was the same deal; just an updated system to fix the janky 3D.

3 exclusives? i thought it was only one.

What do you think it's going to be called?

Wii W?

XC, HW Legends (runs terribly on regular 3DS), not sure on the third one.

You can call it hybrid because you plug it on your TV but it mounts Nvidia mobile hardware, so it must be a handheld at heart.

They never claimed the DSi was going to have exclusives. Before the N3DS was announced they said "we're going to release new games that will ONLY work on the N3DS", so I upgraded, expecting maybe at least one new game. Nope. Don't get me wrong, MM3D is great, but it's also a 16 year old game.

>I'm honestly still going with the hybrid theory right now

In the end, does it really matter?

Majoras Mask, same deal as HW Legends.


>they said "we're going to release new games that will ONLY work on the N3DS"
No they didn't

They did, which is why we got Xenoblade Chronicles., which won't work -at all- on a regular 3DS. And that's about it.

>buying a console before the games are even out
Did you also buy a PS4 at launch?

>They did

I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed that they will reveal the NX "sometime later this year". Kimishima said as such at an investor's meeting, if I'm not mistaken.

"September" is unconfirmed. But honestly, sometime between September and November sounds likely.

I really can't wait to see what games they've been working on.